What was your one little victory today that deserves acknowledgement?



  • toddgreenland
    toddgreenland Posts: 1 Member
    Set a goal last April to loose weight and this morning the scale said I was down 110lbs!!
  • jskyjse
    jskyjse Posts: 28 Member
    Saturday is weigh in day. I was a full pound lower than the goal I was shooting for. I celebrated by purchasing myself a Nutra Ninja blender for protein shakes, etc.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    Getting on the scales and seeing that I somehow managed to lose 1kg this week in spite of:
    - TOM
    - eating badly the whole week
    - only working out once this week

    Yeah, I'm confused too. But totally not arguing.

    I have an aunt who swears that when TOM's here it's like being pregnant and what you eat just doesn't count against you. Maybe she's right and you are living proof!!

    Hmm. Well, I did gain the week before, so maybe I retain water before and not during.
  • Yourebeautiful2day
    Yourebeautiful2day Posts: 56 Member
    I went to the movies today and DIDN'T get popcorn or candy.
  • shannonbun
    shannonbun Posts: 168 Member
    I didn't get to eat all day (worked all day and didn't feel like eating in front of people so I skipped the free dinner) so finally, at 1am after getting home, I forced myself to eat some food even though it was easier to (unfortunately) go to sleep with a net of 0 cal for the day
  • justalil22
    justalil22 Posts: 4 Member
    I was planning on having a rest day today but felt motivated and pulled the weeds in my front yard. It was such a nice day to be outside and burned some free calories (and got a blister) but totally worth it :)
  • a_candler
    a_candler Posts: 209 Member
    For my moms birthday I took her out to Chinese. I love to eat out, and love chinese food, BUT I controlled myself and only ate about 1/3 of the plate and boxed the rest!!
  • May33338
    May33338 Posts: 300 Member
    Even though I overate yesterday, I didn't punish myself and instead, got right back on track and ate and exercised like I do everyday.
  • My belly is noticeably flatter. I'm even kinda bloated (period) and it's flatter than usual! I feel great and so happy!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I woke up with really sore muscles having spent the weekend digging up tree roots. But I had planned to go swimming early in the morning, and if I don't go today (Monday) I won't get another chance until Thursday. So I hauled my sorry self out pf bed and went swimming. I didn't break any records, but I did feel better.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I overate at a potluck at church, for dinner I just ate something small. After a big meal I would have usually given up and just kept overeating, not any more! My weight was down a pound this morning, yea
  • I chose to eat toasted flakes with dried strawberries instead of sugary Froot Loops for breakfast c:
  • Yourebeautiful2day
    Yourebeautiful2day Posts: 56 Member
    I didn't stress eat today even though my schedule was really loaded.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    ... was at a long stoplight with the kids' Chick-fil-A in the seat next to me ... and I didn't skim a few fries off the top of each pack. :)
  • Yourebeautiful2day
    Yourebeautiful2day Posts: 56 Member
    Proper sleep is also a part of keeping healthy. I had been skimping on the sleep, but last night I went to be early and got in 11 hours of much needed sleep. Man what I difference I felt this morning when I woke up.
  • Ameengyrl
    Ameengyrl Posts: 127 Member
    Yesterday all I had was greek yogurt and almonds for lunch. I was so satisfied and busy that I didn't eat my pre planned lunch but thought I'd get stuffed at dinner. So I made a chicken gyro- 450 calories, planned to eat 2 and I only ate one. I wasn't full but satisfied and it's so great to know the difference and prefer satisfaction! Under calorie goal for the day! Yay me
  • wick3tgirl
    wick3tgirl Posts: 47 Member
    it was yesterday, but im counting it: craved chocolate so much, i saw there was one snickers bar left, instead of eating it whole, i split it with mom & then worked out for an hour. felt awesome.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    I made roasted veggies (and sausage) for dinner last night - had been looking forward to it for a week! It felt very grown up to be chopping up all those different kinds of vegetables (and sausage) for dinner. And ... yummmmmm! (Although my teenager said the mushrooms looked like I was serving him wet rocks. Grr.)
  • Yourebeautiful2day
    Yourebeautiful2day Posts: 56 Member
    I reacquainted myself with salad today. There's something to be said for making a protein rich salad and drizzling a little Marzetti's lemon vinaigrette over the top. A great meal doesn't have to be calorie (or carb) heavy.
  • deannaaaaaaaaa
    deannaaaaaaaaa Posts: 238 Member
    Said no to pizza and coke during a work luncheon (had a salad instead); baked cookies for a party tomorrow and only had one (to taste!)

    Great day, even though I ate the cookie!