5'9 Ladies & Up? What is you GOAL?



  • emtomas
    emtomas Posts: 6 Member
    @madrose0715‌, thank you for the wonderful picture example! I think people tend to get really hung up on the scale numbers, and don't think about the % body fat or inches. And everyone has a different body type. Just last week, i went to my doctor, and she said quite clearly i don't look like a person with a BMI of 41 - I'm just generally a bigger person.

    That being said, hello other tall(er) ladies! I'm 5'9", so just squeaking into membership. I also weigh quite a bit more than all of you - I'm currently at 277 lbs. That number and the images in the mirror got me to focus really strongly on this current weight loss plan i'm doing. My "happy" goal would be 210, which is the smallest i've been in my adult life, and certainly when i felt most confident. My long-term, dream, overall health goal is to get down to 180-185. Right now i'm focusing mostly on getting the most basic cardio in and running, but clearly i need to get some strength training in too, if i want to be that cut!
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    @BetterKimmer is right on the money when she discusses body fat % being the focus. I will use the following two pictures to illustrate. To note, I am just about 5'9", started at 245lbs and now weigh 153 lbs. I am now at 24% bf which is illustrated in the photo with my yoga pants on. The picture of me in the bikini? There is only a 3 pound difference between the pictures! My advice? Set a reasonable initial goal but be prepared for your focus to change when you realize the impact of strength training and reducing body fat percentage rather than just scale weight...



    I have seen the before already but not the new after. You look amazing. This is an awesome example of what LBM can do for you. Thanks for sharing.
  • I'm 5'11 and my goal weight is 155. Add me if you wish.
  • lindzm14
    lindzm14 Posts: 1
    Im 5'11. I weigh 173.4. I recently had a baby. My goal weight is 145lbs. I wanna lose 28 pounds
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,756 Member
    I am 5'9" and want to hit 155. That is an arbitrary number though. Going to judge the end by how I look and feel. I've dropped almost 141lbs so far, about 80 to go.
  • dkatch
    dkatch Posts: 1
    edited March 2015
    Hello, newbie tall girl here. I am 5'11, current weight is 192.8, goal weight is 155. I want muscle...as much as I can possibly build and a body fat % in the mid to low 20's.
  • Princess4Run
    Princess4Run Posts: 135 Member
    5'9" and goal of 150 lbs, size 6-8. It's my really, comfy number. Anything lower and I can't maintain it and anything higher than 155 just doesn't feel right. Now I'm at 174 and slowly losing my 3rd pregnancy weight. I've managed to get down to 150 after each pregnancy and I can't wait to get there again. But, I refuse to eat 1200 calories and walk around hungry and miserable just to speed up the process. So I'm OK with slow weight loss.
  • Christismylife
    Christismylife Posts: 93 Member
    5'9" currently around 150. I have had a goal of getting to 145, but overall I would just like to build muscle and lose fat. Some days I feel thin at this weight, some days I dont.
  • Christismylife
    Christismylife Posts: 93 Member
    Mad rose, you are doing great! Can you share what your strength training is like? How long did it take you to go from the first picture to the second?
  • barbiereynolds701
    barbiereynolds701 Posts: 98 Member
    5'9" @211. Would like to get to 168 and then see when I get there what needs to be toned, firmed, or lost.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm only 5'8 and hit goal at 165 (am now aiming for a range of 160-165 because weight on the scale is a range not a fixed point)

    Scale weight doesn't matter, body composition does and I'm relatively happy to be tweaking with progressive lifting now
    5'9" @211. Would like to get to 168 and then see when I get there what needs to be toned, firmed, or lost.

    Start a lifting programme, as you're losing. Don't wait. It's best to preserve your LBM on the way down rather than try to rebuild it
  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    I am 5'11. Currently 300lb and a size 22. My goal is to be at 200, POSSIBLY as low as 180. Which while my BMI would list me as "unhealthy", in the past put me at 26% body fat and a size 12. That was my size just before marriage and kids-- I'd like to be there again.
  • iwearthejumper32
    iwearthejumper32 Posts: 57 Member
    Im 5'9... started two weeks ago at 194 lbs and lost 14 lbs of water, visceral fat and maybe a few pounds subcutaneous fat. Now 180...Im apple shaped and medium framed. I want to lose until I look good naked. Maybe 150ish. Ill know it when I see it.
  • Christismylife
    Christismylife Posts: 93 Member
    @madrose0715‌ did you see my question earlier? (I just realized I can tag people.)
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    @madrose0715‌ did you see my question earlier? (I just realized I can tag people.)

    How do you tag someone?
  • mleneis
    mleneis Posts: 6 Member
    Wow, a lot of you have VERY low goal weights.

    I am 5'10" and my goal is 190. I am fairly thin at 200.

    I'm with you on this one! I'm 6'0", long-waisted and big-boned (can't wear women's gloves, US size 11/12 shoes, and forget bracelets, they just don't fit). At my heaviest was 250, now 220, goal weight 185 and then I'll see how it sits on me. Last time I was 185 it was a good weight for me.

    Nice to talk to some other tall ladies - I find it's hard to discuss absolute numbers with either shorter women or similar-height men, because both groups tend to go "OMG you weigh HOW MUCH?"... :-/
    It's also depressing to see shorter women lose 15 pounds and have to change wardrobe. It'll be a lot more weight than that before I start seeing a difference in the wardrobe!
  • jasmineruth
    jasmineruth Posts: 88 Member
    I'm 5'10". I've gone from 209 to 173. I would like to get down to around 155 and then work on building muscle but honestly I'm super happy with my body right now. I haven't been this weight or been this healthy in a long time. I have big boobs, big hips and I'm tall. So I'm comfortable at higher numbers.
  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    edited March 2015
    Mad rose, you are doing great! Can you share what your strength training is like? How long did it take you to go from the first picture to the second?

    Hi there. I follow Stronglifts 5x5 (I do it 3x/week) and I do cardio training 4-5x/wk. The bikini pic was taken July 2014 and the second one was taken January 2015. My calorie intake fluctuates between 1900-2200/day (which represents TDEE less 15-10%) and I also did a full month of maintenance in December.

    ETA: also recommend a group here called, "Eat, Train, Progress" - very knowledgeable people there.
  • Christismylife
    Christismylife Posts: 93 Member
    @madrose0715‌ thank you!! :)
    @astrose00‌ it is like on Facebook. You type the @ sign then someone's username.
  • CherylG1983
    CherylG1983 Posts: 294 Member
    I'm 5'10 and I think anything less than 150 would be way too thin for my height, especially if I'm working out and building muscle.