Lose weight by eating more?



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited March 2015
    Bukawww wrote: »
    I have been under 1000 cal on some days (I know), I have been burning up to 4000 calories/day.

    That's unsustainable. If you're doing that for more than a couple of days in a row without losing a crap load of weight, then you're either eating more than you think or burning a bunch less than you think.

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Bukawww wrote: »
    Those numbers all include my BMR so maybe thats more believable now lol?

    No. Less believable, in fact.

    I'm an over-6 foot male and I can't burn 4000 calories on days I do a 10k run.

    Your numbers are WAY off.
  • vicridge4
    vicridge4 Posts: 24 Member
    edited March 2015
    My experience says: eating more will only help you lose weight if you haven't been eating enough in the first place.

    Here is my experience with my ED.
    I was eating around 1000 calories a day, yet I was overweight, I was checking myself constantly in the mirror, trying to run and fainting etc.

    My doctor and my nutritionist both agree that my body was in "starvation mode" so whatever I ate was saved, and my metabolism was low. This is why exercising never worked for me, I didn't have enough fuel to burn for the day, let alone to exercise. So when I did exercise, I burned too much fuel and my body shut down.

    Fast forward to now, I'm eating more and I'm losing weight because my body is realizing: "Hey, you have fuel to burn now." I have more energy, and my body is not saving all of the food I eat as fat.

    That being said, I had an eating disorder.

    Typically this is NOT true, in fact it's usually the opposite. If you want to eat more, consider eating more foods that are lower in calories, so you get the "volume" effect. Or exercise a bit more! That way you can afford to eat more <3 My favourite part of exercising now.