100+ lbs to lose!!!



  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    Hi, I'm Amy. I have 140 lbs to lose. I am not new to weight loss and have lost weight in my past. It's more challenging now since I can't do certain kinds of exercise now, due to injuries. Plus, I'm in my 50's, so, it seems to be a slower process that takes much more determination and dedication. I'm a positive person and like to find solutions, not just gripe about problems. :smiley:
  • hippygirl325
    hippygirl325 Posts: 223 Member
    Had 130 to lose, have lost almost 30 of it so far. I think the key is knowing what works and what's healthy for you and finding your groove with it, make it part of your routine. Once you do that then the rest is up to your body.
  • silver12176
    silver12176 Posts: 70 Member
    @danielle7577‌ I do eat less on those days. I work 12-14 hour days 3 days a week and am very active at work, on my day off I am not anywhere near as active. Which I need to get better about I know. I also use it to encourage me to be more active, but I also use it to help me with my cals. It reminds me to eat less.
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    @silver12176‌ I wasn't implying you didn't eat less. When I track calories I do it on MFP. It is linked to my fitbit. Is yours set up like that?
  • silver12176
    silver12176 Posts: 70 Member
    @danielle7577 yes it is. That's how I know that it will take away cals if you don't move enough or at least mine does. I guess when I said lazy that is not really what I meant. What I meant was less active. My fitbit gives me exercise cals on the days I work because I am usually really busy at work. And on my days off (I need to get better at being more active)I don't always met what cal movement fitbit says I should so instead of giving me activity cals it takes them away.
  • Hi I'm AJ I've set this up as I've need to lose over 100lbs after having a life threatening PE. My job is very sedentary and although I have two very active kids I'm not. I'll get support from my wife but but she has a BMI of 21 my BMI is 36 so I'm hoping to get support from people who understand what I might be going through when times get tough.
  • Been carrying around 100 extra pounds for far too long.. I'm two weeks in and going strong. Feel free to add me!
  • txrn123
    txrn123 Posts: 47 Member
    I also have 100 to lose...so far I have lost 10 lbs since I started on Jan 15. So...90 to go. I just keep reminding myself that in 4 weeks (fingers crossed) I will be able to say I've lost 20, in 8 weeks 30..and so on. I keep looking at short term goals. I wanna get out of the 200s! Right now I'm at 229.4, started at 240.
  • Wiccandothis
    Wiccandothis Posts: 860 Member
    Hi, my name is Tracy and I'm still pretty new to the community boards. I have 100+ lbs to lose and have lost almost 10 the past month or so. I have a hard time resisting the sweets and am trying to eat as clean as I can...processed foods are just so much quicker to put together though :\ I am open to any tips or pointers and needs MFP friends to help keep me accountable and in check. I try to exercise at least 4x a week, but it Doesn't always happen as planned. I have to learn to put me first and not the couch, lol, although I have been doing much better lately :D Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    @tra12378‌ Sounds like you are off to a good start.
  • spoonwalker
    spoonwalker Posts: 40 Member
    When I started, and I still do it, when I am watching TV I do a simple exercise during the commercials and sometimes even use my dumbbells and do arms while watching it and during commercials jog in place, jumping jacks or burpees so its a combination. The possibilities are endless!!!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    @tra12378 - tip for eating healthy:
    - Stop eating processed foods
    - PLAN AHEAD - this includes your grocery list, your meals and your exercise
    - Prepare lite snacks in baggies or small containers so you can grab them each morning
    - Increase your protein and decrease carbs and sugar
    - Track every bite on MFP
    - Measure your portions (don't guess)
    - Drink your water 8-10 cups a day
    - Reduce caffeine
    - Beleive in yourself :blush:

    I'm sure there are few other MFP friends willing to share some tips. There are so many!!!

  • silver12176
    silver12176 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks to eating light foods during the day and doing a little mall walking before the movie. I was able to go out for supper and get popcorn at the movies. It also helped that I signed up for rewards program and got a junior popcorn for free and not gotten the bigger one I would have otherwise.
  • 2ledbetter
    2ledbetter Posts: 199 Member
    I had pizza tonight; however, I gave most of the crust to the animals. I peeled the topping off and just are it with the edges. Lol the best part to me anyway. Then I walked a mile.
  • iamfatnsassy
    iamfatnsassy Posts: 4 Member
    I too have a long journey ahead at over 100 pounds to lose. It seems so overwhelming! I would love to be added to anyone that is willing to support and motivate and I will return the favor. Best wishes to everyone!
  • Who is looking to loose 100+ lbs? I know it can be difficult and I would love to help encourage and support you on our journey! I am looking to lose ultimately at least 180+ lbs on my journey!

    I want to lose 120. Count me in!

    Im in! Im 46...i had RNY in 2003...my highest being 415...im now 218...with type 1 diabetes and many other health issues and an autistic 18 yr old son..i just need to live!!! Lol Lets do this girls! Im doing low carb...but i say do what works best with your lifestyle...for instance...i cannot do 100 calorie packs because i cant trust myself to eat just ONE pack! Lol so i refuse to even buy them...the more i try to count calories..or points for weight watchers..or try to be more "aware"...i tend to be more hungry...so i grab tons of tuna in water...salads...and celery...and maybe some almonds and thats prety much what i live on...oh yeah. And string cheese and boiled eggs...and spinich...lol then i stop thinking about food and start cleaning HOUSE! Lol
  • htpal
    htpal Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2015
    Would love friends/ buddies who are doing this !!! Need motivation!! Please add me.
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    I am just starting on MFP again after a long absence (in which I gained back what I had lost). Please add me as a friend. I hope to be able to encourage each other. Thanks!!
  • DataSeven
    DataSeven Posts: 245 Member
    Feel free to add me... 110 lbs lost so far, 50 or so to go. My diary is an open book, so feel free to browse around, I have been logging every day for more than a year, and if you feel like going back, you can see some gradual changes in my diet over time, as well as things that have remained the same. I don't always log exercise (I will usually only log exercise if I am in danger of going over my points), but I always log food.
  • I need to lose 150 maybe more. I am 25 and just starting out. But I've always had problems with keeping on my goals. Feel free to add me as a friend!!