Post here if you want more friends!



  • hey everbody!! :) I'm new to MFP and I would like to have some new friends for motivation and fun. Feel free to add me! :)
  • phillipdean299
    phillipdean299 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm down for some more motivation!
  • GintleSpirit
    GintleSpirit Posts: 16 Member
    I'm DJ, in Arizona. Just signed up, wanting to lose 10lbs. Friend me if you want to.
  • kjos2016
    kjos2016 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Kathryn in SW Florida. I just started and have 110 lbs to lose. Looking for more friends to keep each other motivated. Add me!
  • Krystal_86
    Krystal_86 Posts: 17 Member
    Add Me Always Looking For New Friends!
  • vvictoriaa7
    vvictoriaa7 Posts: 11 Member
    THE STRUGGLE IS REAL! need help and motivation to lose the weight and keep it off!! Add me! My weight loss journey has been so up and down! But in back, let's do this!!!!
  • katyy401
    katyy401 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! I'm 21 F 5'0, 5 days into keto and loving it. Looking to lose about 20 pounds. I will be logging daily so feel free to add me!
  • StephJC81
    StephJC81 Posts: 33 Member
    Looking for more friends/motivators! Would love people who have similar goals. I'm aiming to lose 80-90 pds. Thanks and looking forward to cheering you on as well! :)
  • jenmountain2
    jenmountain2 Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me!! Always looking for others to stay motivated with. I have a goal of around 25 lbs to lose :)
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    Looking for more active friends. I'm at maintenance and just trying to eat healthy and improve my fitness level. I'm big into triathlon (and each separately), kayaking, scuba diving, tennis, weight lifting, and anything active and fun. Add me, please!
  • Looking for friends with similar goals for support and motivation! :smiley: Feel Free to add me!
  • jlschaal
    jlschaal Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm Jason. Looking for a support structure, maybe people to get ideas from, etc... I have over 200lbs to lose at present, but have already lost about 9 since starting 10 days ago..
  • Noogsofthenorth
    Noogsofthenorth Posts: 138 Member
    Count me in
  • I am new to my fitness pal. I also just started using a weighloss supplenent today. I am working on staying on a 1200 calorie diet. I weigh 241 lbs as of yesterday. any one have any tasteful dinner recipes that kids and hubby will love. That are healthy? Looking to make friends for support and support from me
  • GintleSpirit
    GintleSpirit Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for the invites.
  • Im new to mpt want to lose about 1st 1/2 struggling as I have s sweet tooth and no motivation :\
  • bobie1978
    bobie1978 Posts: 204 Member
    Feel free to add me! I can always use more motivation!
  • Starting this journey alone, would love some fitness pals!
  • Add me- I have no friends :)
  • ljjuarez
    ljjuarez Posts: 7 Member
    Add me MFP peeps