Fat Fighters - Round 2 Fit n' Trim (Closed Group)



  • mindy71183
    mindy71183 Posts: 74
    Hello, I'm not talking logic here, just trying to save our butts. :laugh:

    :laugh: Sorry - can't help it, I'm an accountant!! :laugh:

    Haha! I find myself doing the same thing... numbers are always on the brain with us accountants (I think there are three of us in our group)!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    :raiseshand: I'm an accountant as well - sorta. I have an accounting degree and work as an auditor.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Crap I dnt know...heather is the BOMB! Love her! I would send her the link if I had a working laptop (only phone). Could someone do that?

    How do you get to the message boards from your phone? We have a Samsung Tab (which is amazing, we've had it a week) and I downloaded the app. Well, my husband did it, is there more than one app? I can log in but have yet to find a place where I can get to the boards. I can go through the browser, is that how you do it? I'm new to this whole thing.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Crap I dnt know...heather is the BOMB! Love her! I would send her the link if I had a working laptop (only phone). Could someone do that?
    I just sent her a message about the thread but how do I send her the link? Just copy/paste from browser?

    Yep, just copy and paste the address. Most times they aren't clickable, but she can copy/paste in her address bar to get here.
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Crap I dnt know...heather is the BOMB! Love her! I would send her the link if I had a working laptop (only phone). Could someone do that?
    I just sent her a message about the thread but how do I send her the link? Just copy/paste from browser?

    Yep, just copy and paste the address. Most times they aren't clickable, but she can copy/paste in her address bar to get here.

    Oh, you guys are so sweet to track me down!

    I was completely MFP M.I.A. last week and will be somewhat this week too. My dad is in a hospice center and he is really close to the end (actually he has shocked the nurses and doctors by holding on so long - he's a fighter). So the last week I've mainly been at the hospice center. I did figure out yesterday how to upgrade my cell phone to become a wifi hotspot so I can work/MFP at the hospice center. So I'll be around more this week.

    Honestly I was shocked I didn't gain and wasn't booted this week. Hospice cookies and fast food are dangerous! I figure if I can just squeak by a little longer, I will be able to fully commit myself again to the challenge and MFP again.

    Then I'll be like a sneak attack at the other team! They are going down! Mwahahahaha! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Oh, you guys are so sweet to track me down!

    I was completely MFP M.I.A. last week and will be somewhat this week too. My dad is in a hospice center and he is really close to the end (actually he has shocked the nurses and doctors by holding on so long - he's a fighter). So the last week I've mainly been at the hospice center. I did figure out yesterday how to upgrade my cell phone to become a wifi hotspot so I can work/MFP at the hospice center. So I'll be around more this week.

    Honestly I was shocked I didn't gain and wasn't booted this week. Hospice cookies and fast food are dangerous! I figure if I can just squeak by a little longer, I will be able to fully commit myself again to the challenge and MFP again.

    Then I'll be like a sneak attack at the other team! They are going down! Mwahahahaha! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Heather - welcome to the team thread!! So sorry to hear about your dad - I can't imagine how stressful that must be. Your infrequent presence here on MFP is completely understandable! :frown: If our team keeps kicking butt then you don't have to worry about being eliminated... so hopefully we can all stay strong and keep you here until you can put more energy into yourself! :flowerforyou:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Uugh - had an awful food night last night. Not sure what happened - I was fine until I got home from work, but the next thing I know I'm +1300 calories for the day and ended up with a surplus of about 500. :grumble: Going to try to have a lighter food day today and work my butt off at the gym tonight. I wish I could go running outside - I'd do an extra long run - but it's supposed to be a rain/snow mix alllllll day. :ohwell:

    Yesterday was just one day - it won't make or break me - but I have to put a stop to that behavior NOW before it does.
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm totally bummed that I couldn't be a part of this team! My husband and I were getting situated in our home away from home and we were without internet :cry: So, I'm going to stalk you all!! Good luck to everyone and anyone that hasn't done a competition with Kim before - you're in for a treat :laugh:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Yea!! Our whole team is here now! McFatterson, it's a bummer you couldn't make weigh in... We would have loved to have you as part of our team! Heather, so sorry to hear about everything going on but you have an awesome team here and everyone is very supportive so keep us posted and check in when you have a chance and we will try to keep your spirits high :flowerforyou:
  • mindy71183
    mindy71183 Posts: 74
    Heather, i am so, so sorry to hear about your dad. :( We are in a simliar situation with my MIL, she has cancer and has been under Hospice care since March and we found out earlier this week her kidneys are shutting down. It is only a matter of time for her too. I hate it, and it definitely is stressful! I haven't even thought about the gym this week, because if I am not home I am over to their house spending time with her and trying to keep their house clean with visitors constantly coming over.

    I hope your dad keeps fighting! He's definitely in my thoughts and prayers!!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Heather, glad you found us. Sorry to hear about your dad.

    McFatterton, sorry you couldn't be part of our team. You are welcome to weigh in with us here each week.

    So glad we won and have a 1 pound advantage next week! I am shooting to get into the 170's myself next week. Haven't seen those numbers in a long long time.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Hey, I don't wanna sound stupid but I need a little help figuring out this water weight thing. I guess I always assumed that water weight was cause you drank alot of water but now I'm gathering its retention. How do I retain water... Is it because of the sodium?
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Hey, I don't wanna sound stupid but I need a little help figuring out this water weight thing. I guess I always assumed that water weight was cause you drank alot of water but now I'm gathering its retention. How do I retain water... Is it because of the sodium?

    Basically - your body needs a specific sodium/water ratio for the cells & everything to function correctly. If you consume too much sodium, your body holds onto more water to even things out and get to the right balance. Similarly, if you don't drink enough water, your sodium/water ratio will get out of whack, and your body will hold onto more of the water that you do get to try to balance things out. I know it sounds weird, but drinking more water will cause you to retain *less* water weight. (plus it's healthier for you!) Drink up! :drinker:

    One of my favorite articles on water ever: http://www.experiencelifemag.com/issues/june-2010/health-wellness/drink-to-your-health.html

    (If you don't want to read the whole thing, at least skip down to the "Why Water Matters" section - http://www.experiencelifemag.com/issues/june-2010/health-wellness/drink-to-your-health.html#Why Water Matters )
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Kim has allowed me to join the competition as a Second Chance contestant - yay! So, I'll be sure to keep up with you all here. When I get a minute, I'll go back through the posts and get all caught up. I guess I'll give a brief little intro to you all that don't know me here in MFP land:

    I'm Sara and I am a stay at home mommy to an almost 6 month old little boy. My husband and I just started a little adventure of living between our home in MI and our new "home away from home" in MD. So, for at least the next year we'll be in one place 3-4 weeks and back and forth. I'm now a couple pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight, but still have about 30 pounds I'd like to lose. I was part of Kim's last Fit n Trim challenge and it really helped keep my motivated. So glad to be a part of this one!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    So happy to see that Sara! With each other's help, we can do this!!

    I ate a 390 calorie s'more today. Then realized accountaintboi has been eating 400 calorie cheesecake (Yeah, I'm ON YA!!) and decided that his cheesecake was probably much more enjoyable and satisfying (and filling) than my s'more.

    Gonna run tonight with my 10 year old. Not sure how much exercise that will entail but I will try my hardest. We are running a 5k mudrun together this weekend and I could use all the calorie burning I can take! Also have a migraine today again - day 2. I thought it was gone this morning for yesterday and BOOM it was back in full swing around 10:00a.m. I hate migraines!!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I ate a 390 calorie s'more today. Then realized accountaintboi has been eating 400 calorie cheesecake (Yeah, I'm ON YA!!) and decided that his cheesecake was probably much more enjoyable and satisfying (and filling) than my s'more.

    Yeah, last night was a disaster! :grumble: Just the cheesecake would've been okay, but it didn't stop there. But - can't let one day get me down. I'll be good the rest of this week (I don't wanna be booted next weigh-in!) . Cheesecake was good -but totally not worth the 400 calories. I'd rather make my own home-made version that's 1/4 the calories and still yummy.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    So happy to see that Sara! With each other's help, we can do this!!

    I ate a 390 calorie s'more today. Then realized accountaintboi has been eating 400 calorie cheesecake (Yeah, I'm ON YA!!) and decided that his cheesecake was probably much more enjoyable and satisfying (and filling) than my s'more.

    Gonna run tonight with my 10 year old. Not sure how much exercise that will entail but I will try my hardest. We are running a 5k mudrun together this weekend and I could use all the calorie burning I can take! Also have a migraine today again - day 2. I thought it was gone this morning for yesterday and BOOM it was back in full swing around 10:00a.m. I hate migraines!!

    Ok, I'm new to this whole migraine thing - or at least classifying headaches as migraines. How do you know if its a normal headache or a migraine? The ones that I KNOW are migraines are the ones I had with the auras beforehand, but I don't know if any other headaches I get are "migraine". The reason I ask is that the doc gave me imitrex, but it supposedly only works on migraines. I don't know if its worth taking for any headache to see if it'll be effective or what. I'm so confused...any ideas?
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Oh - in case anyone's interested and missed it, I swallowed my pride and posted my "before" pics for this competition on my blog - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/accountant_boi/view/50ish-lbs-down-but-a-ways-to-go-pictures-102130

    It has my really old before pics, and my current pics. I'm hoping that by posting them out there, it's additional incentive to stay on track. At the end of these 17/18 weeks, I want to be able to tell I've made progress. Tired of my"beer belly" when I don't even drink beer very often! :laugh:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    So happy to see that Sara! With each other's help, we can do this!!

    I ate a 390 calorie s'more today. Then realized accountaintboi has been eating 400 calorie cheesecake (Yeah, I'm ON YA!!) and decided that his cheesecake was probably much more enjoyable and satisfying (and filling) than my s'more.

    Gonna run tonight with my 10 year old. Not sure how much exercise that will entail but I will try my hardest. We are running a 5k mudrun together this weekend and I could use all the calorie burning I can take! Also have a migraine today again - day 2. I thought it was gone this morning for yesterday and BOOM it was back in full swing around 10:00a.m. I hate migraines!!

    Ok, I'm new to this whole migraine thing - or at least classifying headaches as migraines. How do you know if its a normal headache or a migraine? The ones that I KNOW are migraines are the ones I had with the auras beforehand, but I don't know if any other headaches I get are "migraine". The reason I ask is that the doc gave me imitrex, but it supposedly only works on migraines. I don't know if its worth taking for any headache to see if it'll be effective or what. I'm so confused...any ideas?
    I use to get migraines so bad I couldn't stand the light or sound and they would make me so dizzy I would literally vomit. I hear people say they have migraines all the time that seam to be functioning normal so I don't really know either. I did read somewhere that green apples (the scent of them) can help to eaze a migraine.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Sorry, I don't know anything about migraines - well except one thing. My boss quit having them as she got older (early 50's) but my SIL did not. (57) so guess I don't know anything. :laugh:

    Trent, good for you posting pictures and great job! I can't wait to have an 'after' picture to post. Did you ever post over in the Sucess threads? I thought I had seen the second 2009 picture before.

    Klondike makes 100 ice cream sandwiches which are great - unless you eat 2 or 3. I'm just saying...

    One other thing, have any of you tried any of the low carb pasta's? Man I had gas so bad today.... so glad I have a private office. :blushing: