Anyone else going the herbalife diet? If so can you recommend any low calorie but high protein snack

Hi I have recently started the herbalife diet, and I am new to diets, never been concerned with my weight really but now I'm trying this herbalife diet I've actually realised I don't eat often enough and my portion sizes are all wrong when I do and to top it off i am struggling with healthy low calorie high protein snack, anyone have any suggestions?? I had half a pack of nut & berry mix today, tried to go for a healthy option rather than a bag of crisps but when checked it out on here soon realised that it isn't a healthy option at all & infact it was more calories than a pack of crisps (shocked)


  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Personally I would ditch the Herbalife and eat real food. Herbalife can be pretty expensive and it's one of those MLM market scheme things. Unless you want to keep paying for it, but it's really not needed to lose weight.

    For high protein/ low calorie snacks:
    Beef Jerky
    Greek Yogurt

    The nut and berry mix may have more calories than a bag of crisps (I'm assuming that means chips?) but it may have a different macro spread that may suit your needs more than that bag of crisps.
  • TenishaMallick
    Hi Troutsy,
    Thank you for your reply and advice, it is very much appreciated.
    The herbalife was suggested to me because o struggle to eat more than 1 meal a day and often snack, crisps/chips are my favourite snack & I generally eat 1-2 25g pks a day, I have remained at my current weight for some time and don't seem to be gaining but I would just like to lose a bit then maintain that, I have previously attempted eating 3 meals a day and have lasted 3 days or so before back into snacking then 1 large meal very late at night, I kind of know where I'm going wrong (at least I think I do) lol
    Thought this would be easier for me to consume what I need on the go (not having to stop for meals as such)
    Again thank you so much for the reply
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Not a problem.

    Weight loss is calories in vs. calories out. You could eat 3 meals a day and as long as you are in a calorie deficit you will lose weight. Do you own a food scale? It may be that you are eating more food than you think. When I bought my food scale I was amazed at how much I was screwing up lol.

    If you need something quick in the morning, doing a "meal prep" the night before and budgeting some extra time in the morning for breakfast may help. As I am making my dinner, I am packing and prelogging my breakfast and lunch for the next day.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Healthy doesn't necessarily mean low calorie. Nuts are very good for you, but they are also high in calories.
  • TenishaMallick
    Hi TimorhyFish, yes I've recently realised this lol thank for your reply
    I've been told that hard boiled eggs are high in protein, do you know if it's only boiled eggs or eggs in general??
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Eggs in general are very good for protein. The Eggs I use are 7G protein, but also 4G fat.

    For some reason- I can't stand hard boiled eggs though lol. I can eat them any other way.
  • TenishaMallick
    This could be the case, although some days I eat nothing all day until I get home then I have a late dinner, which I know is not good this is one of the main reasons for starting my diet but yes I defo need to purchase some digital scales because since I've started this diet and been watching my calories I need to know portion sizes etc. I am defo clueless on correct portion sizes lol I had rice today and had to guess which is annoying.
    I guess I will get there this is only day 2 ☺️
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    It's a learning process... I've been at this for over a year and I'm still learning. You will get there :) You can get a pretty cheap food scale on amazon for under $

    If you get home late, what about doing like a weekly meal prep day where you prep your all your dinners for the week one day that way you just have to heat them up when you get home from work?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Troutsy wrote: »
    Eggs in general are very good for protein. The Eggs I use are 7G protein, but also 4G fat.

    For some reason- I can't stand hard boiled eggs though lol. I can eat them any other way.

    The smell maybe?

  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Troutsy wrote: »
    Eggs in general are very good for protein. The Eggs I use are 7G protein, but also 4G fat.

    For some reason- I can't stand hard boiled eggs though lol. I can eat them any other way.

    The smell maybe?

    Maybe but I think it's more of the texture of the yolk.
  • TenishaMallick
    Yes I'm the same its the smell and that chalky texture, I don't mind them boiled with a soft/runny yolk but defo hard boiled is the worst way to have an egg lol
  • TenishaMallick
    I have today started to plan my meals and I'm going to try have my main meal earlier, I have a herbalife shake for breakfast a mid morning snack (need quick simple on the move ideas) healthy low calories high Protein. Any suggestions welcomed people
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Personally, I like to chew my calories, not drink them, as it keeps me sated.
  • TenishaMallick
    Lol Liftng4Lis each to their own lol eat drink I like both combination of the two is great for me so far but we will see if it lasts
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Troutsy wrote: »
    Personally I would ditch the Herbalife and eat real food. Herbalife can be pretty expensive and it's one of those MLM market scheme things. Unless you want to keep paying for it, but it's really not needed to lose weight.

    For high protein/ low calorie snacks:
    Beef Jerky
    Greek Yogurt

    The nut and berry mix may have more calories than a bag of crisps (I'm assuming that means chips?) but it may have a different macro spread that may suit your needs more than that bag of crisps.

    This. Products like Herbalife are very expensive and are unnecessary. I would really give MFP a try and chalk the Herbalife purchase up to a learning experience. It's definitely not going to work for you long term.

    Buy a food scale, track what you eat, and learn about the calories and macronutrients in your foods. Herbalife and similar diet plans are not going to teach you anything about nutrition or portion control. Plus MFP is free.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:

  • Lyric_Momma
    Lyric_Momma Posts: 44 Member
    ^^ Have you tried herbalife? There are many misconceptions about it. I eat 2000 calories a day and loose weight with 1-2 shakes a day. I find it hard with my busy life to plan 3 meals a day while I am on the go. I eat a lot more on herbalife then I have before. Yes you can get the same results with "real" food because it is calorie in vs calorie out. But herbalife makes me feel fuller longer and more satisfied. I am a chewer as well & I EAT!!!! The high protein and convenience is awesome. As for cost, its only like $3 a meal. I used to go out to lunch for a salad costing me $10 3x week. Everyone has different things that work for them. I need the convenience and with my IBS it helps me determine and cut out foods that make it worse. Id rater have a shake that is healthy for me over a processed smart ones or lean cuisine meal.
  • Lyric_Momma
    Lyric_Momma Posts: 44 Member
    Cool, glad it does, but I don't sell it!!!! It just works for me.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    d rater have a shake that is healthy for me over a processed smart ones or lean cuisine meal.

    so the processed meal is bad, but the processed powder is good?

  • Lyric_Momma
    Lyric_Momma Posts: 44 Member
    I did not say it was for everyone. It works for me!!! Everybody is different and it is about finding what works for YOU!!!!
  • TenishaMallick
    ^^ Have you tried herbalife? There are many misconceptions about it. I eat 2000 calories a day and loose weight with 1-2 shakes a day. I find it hard with my busy life to plan 3 meals a day while I am on the go. I eat a lot more on herbalife then I have before. Yes you can get the same results with "real" food because it is calorie in vs calorie out. But herbalife makes me feel fuller longer and more satisfied. I am a chewer as well & I EAT!!!! The high protein and convenience is awesome. As for cost, its only like $3 a meal. I used to go out to lunch for a salad costing me $10 3x week. Everyone has different things that work for them. I need the convenience and with my IBS it helps me determine and cut out foods that make it worse. Id rater have a shake that is healthy for me over a processed smart ones or lean cuisine meal.

    I am the same I don't have time to have three healthy meals, I'm not a big eater , its terrible but I regularly skip meals, everyone is different & this suits my life style I don't think it is expensive either but money isn't an issue for me but I can fully understand for some people this could be a negative.
    Sounds like we are both doing this for similar reasons, I am new to this but I am loving it so far I'm getting all I need whilst still only having one meal as usual.
    Thx for the add, Keep in touch, will DEFO be nice to share experiences and always welcome advice, feedback & defo recipes & ideas always appreciated lol
    Hope it's all going good for you