Is anyone here tall AND fat?



  • Beast4242
    Beast4242 Posts: 83 Member
    Dragn77 wrote: »
    Beast4242 wrote: »
    I can only think of one person that I have rejected for height--he was WAY too short to dance with me--dancing is a pretty important part of my social life. If we had a ton in common or he had been an extraordinary person in some other way, it wouldn't have mattered.

    I'm pretty tall, so most of the people I've been with are shorter than I am.

    Yes, I think that making height a major factor in deciding who to date is shallow. Getting angry at other couples because of their height differential is just strange.

    Definition of shallow; Judging a person based strictly on looks, not factoring in their personality whatsoever.

    So when someone says 'oh I am really attracted to redheads' or 'I find blue eyes attractive' that must be shallow too? Just because I find tall women attractive doesn't make it a shallow. Never said I only date tall girls no matter their personality, just that I made dating tall girls one of my preferences...

    You seem a bit quick to judge someone being shallow.

    Eh, I dont see it as shallow at all. Like, I think its perfectly reasonable for me to say I prefer a guy who is at least my height, though Id love a man who is 6'1" and over so that I can wear heels without towering over him. Just...would be nice to feel like Im out with my MAN and not out with my son, who I have to bend down to kiss.

    Then again, I have a raging thing for blond blue nordic like guys...soooo, maybe Im shallow? Blame my hormones for that, cause I swear, the feelings I get when I cross paths with one of em is not a reaction I can control :wink:

    ANYWAY! Im 5'10" and yeah, Im always the giantess... my friends even joke I cant stand next to them when we go out and wearing heels, because all anyone can see is me...making me the worst wing woman everrr LoL!

    Not to mention...the one "compliment" I get from guys a lot, you are one healthy looking woman! Like yeah, I feel like that compliment is better suited for a horse instead of a feminine woman when a guy says that to me. Im an adorable petite little lady trapped in a amazonian giantess' body.

    But you know what? I wouldnt trade that for anything. I like being tall. Just wish that being tall didnt equate to people having the darnest things to say. "WOW youre TALL!" Ya dont say. :neutral_face:

    Okay that was the best post ever! I just totally lol'd for real at my desk. Seriously though, who says that? "you are a healthy looking woman" That is just dumb!
    I get all the time "have you grown?" I am like "No, I am 31 years old, of course I haven't grown. Really haven't grown since I was 17 years old." Their response is that they don't remember me being so tall. I don't know what to think about that.

    And I also hate when people short change me. I am 6'6" and they say you are like 6'2" right? How can people be that off? Maybe to them it isn't that big of a difference but that would be like me asking a guy who is 5'11" if he was 5'7" big difference to me.
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    Dragn77 wrote: »
    Beast4242 wrote: »
    I can only think of one person that I have rejected for height--he was WAY too short to dance with me--dancing is a pretty important part of my social life. If we had a ton in common or he had been an extraordinary person in some other way, it wouldn't have mattered.

    I'm pretty tall, so most of the people I've been with are shorter than I am.

    Yes, I think that making height a major factor in deciding who to date is shallow. Getting angry at other couples because of their height differential is just strange.

    Definition of shallow; Judging a person based strictly on looks, not factoring in their personality whatsoever.

    So when someone says 'oh I am really attracted to redheads' or 'I find blue eyes attractive' that must be shallow too? Just because I find tall women attractive doesn't make it a shallow. Never said I only date tall girls no matter their personality, just that I made dating tall girls one of my preferences...

    You seem a bit quick to judge someone being shallow.

    Eh, I dont see it as shallow at all. Like, I think its perfectly reasonable for me to say I prefer a guy who is at least my height, though Id love a man who is 6'1" and over so that I can wear heels without towering over him. Just...would be nice to feel like Im out with my MAN and not out with my son, who I have to bend down to kiss.

    Then again, I have a raging thing for blond blue nordic like guys...soooo, maybe Im shallow? Blame my hormones for that, cause I swear, the feelings I get when I cross paths with one of em is not a reaction I can control :wink:

    ANYWAY! Im 5'10" and yeah, Im always the giantess... my friends even joke I cant stand next to them when we go out and wearing heels, because all anyone can see is me...making me the worst wing woman everrr LoL!

    Not to mention...the one "compliment" I get from guys a lot, you are one healthy looking woman! Like yeah, I feel like that compliment is better suited for a horse instead of a feminine woman when a guy says that to me. Im an adorable petite little lady trapped in a amazonian giantess' body.

    But you know what? I wouldnt trade that for anything. I like being tall. Just wish that being tall didnt equate to people having the darnest things to say. "WOW youre TALL!" Ya dont say. :neutral_face:

    I'm 6'4" blue eyed and willing dye my hair more blond than it is. Let's meet up.

    Jk im married.

    When I was single, I always found I had better luck with tall women, as they all want a man taller than them. Lol
  • nuttynanners
    nuttynanners Posts: 249 Member
    As an average 5'5 woman, I am JEALOUS as hell of tall women. They are beautiful and look so strong. They also get to eat more, lol.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    As an average 5'5 woman, I am JEALOUS as hell of tall women. They are beautiful and look so strong. They also get to eat more, lol.

    I am 5'11, and I'm not a fan of being super tall, but the food thing is awesome.
  • nixhsp
    nixhsp Posts: 1
    Feeling you guys so much! Were I am from seems to be the land of tiny people. I'm even a good three inches taller than my older brother! Played sports and was very active when I was younger so, could rock that hardbodied amazon frame. 8 years, a sysadmin job, and less than ideal apartment with no walking areas later - thats not there. Hardbody is now a thick one, if you will. Hoping that calorie counting will pull down some weight and hitting the gym pushes it along.

    At 5'10" about 225/230 feels like I still have a long way to go.

    "Dragn77 wrote:

    Eh, I dont see it as shallow at all. Like, I think its perfectly reasonable for me to say I prefer a guy who is at least my height, though Id love a man who is 6'1" and over so that I can wear heels without towering over him. Just...would be nice to feel like Im out with my MAN and not out with my son, who I have to bend down to kiss.

    Then again, I have a raging thing for blond blue nordic like guys...soooo, maybe Im shallow? Blame my hormones for that, cause I swear, the feelings I get when I cross paths with one of em is not a reaction I can control :wink:

    ANYWAY! Im 5'10" and yeah, Im always the giantess... my friends even joke I cant stand next to them when we go out and wearing heels, because all anyone can see is me...making me the worst wing woman everrr LoL!

    Not to mention...the one "compliment" I get from guys a lot, you are one healthy looking woman! Like yeah, I feel like that compliment is better suited for a horse instead of a feminine woman when a guy says that to me. Im an adorable petite little lady trapped in a amazonian giantess' body.

    But you know what? I wouldnt trade that for anything. I like being tall. Just wish that being tall didnt equate to people having the darnest things to say. "WOW youre TALL!" Ya dont say. :neutral_face:

    And girl. Last time I went out, dude walked up and said

    "I want to climb that mountain"

  • 6'1 238 fat as hell
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Beast4242 wrote: »

    Okay that was the best post ever! I just totally lol'd for real at my desk. Seriously though, who says that? "you are a healthy looking woman" That is just dumb!
    I get all the time "have you grown?" I am like "No, I am 31 years old, of course I haven't grown. Really haven't grown since I was 17 years old." Their response is that they don't remember me being so tall. I don't know what to think about that.

    And I also hate when people short change me. I am 6'6" and they say you are like 6'2" right? How can people be that off? Maybe to them it isn't that big of a difference but that would be like me asking a guy who is 5'11" if he was 5'7" big difference to me.

    So glad I made your work day that much brighter! LoL And yes, guys have actually said that to me...not one, or two, but so many that I just give them a glare when I hear it. And guys get mad at me for not "taking the compliment" grrr!

    I get the "you must have grown" thing too...I used to be polite about it, but now I tell people they must be shrinking in their old age. No one seems to like that! B) My family likes to say "Youre so loooong!!" as if Im a piece of string or something. My whole life though, so now I just agree. I'm long.

    BTW I get the opposite problem...people tell me I must be *at least* 6' tall.

    Sooooooo...6'6" eh? I forgot to mention..I also like glasses and tattoos...just randomly thought Id mention that hehehe!!
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member

    I'm 6'4" blue eyed and willing dye my hair more blond than it is. Let's meet up.

    Jk im married.

    When I was single, I always found I had better luck with tall women, as they all want a man taller than them. Lol

    LoL! Yeah, married? Nooope! I can imagine though. When I see a tall man, Im eyeing him up and down..and then notice he has a woman somewhere close by. Y'all get snatched up way to fast!
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    nixhsp wrote: »
    Feeling you guys so much! Were I am from seems to be the land of tiny people. I'm even a good three inches taller than my older brother! Played sports and was very active when I was younger so, could rock that hardbodied amazon frame. 8 years, a sysadmin job, and less than ideal apartment with no walking areas later - thats not there. Hardbody is now a thick one, if you will. Hoping that calorie counting will pull down some weight and hitting the gym pushes it along.

    At 5'10" about 225/230 feels like I still have a long way to go.

    And girl. Last time I went out, dude walked up and said

    "I want to climb that mountain"


    Yeah, I live in Miami...Latin Americans generally are rather short. Though there are exceptions, when I go outside, you can pretty much spot me a head above everyone else from a mile away.

    Yup, Ive gotten the mountain, the want to drink from that tall glass of water, or tall glass of chocolate milk... or guys that come up to my chest telling me they are the perfect height for me (to do what? rest my drink on your head? I havnt said that yet...but if Im ever tipsy and annoyed enough I just might!)

    Ive also had complete strangers just randomly come up to me to tell my why they could never date a woman my height...Im thinking..I didnt ask you! I didn't even notice you til sounds started coming out of your mouth! LoL Im too nice I think. Ive got all this good material in my head, but don't want to be as rude as they are being. Dont wanna stoop to their level. Get it? Stoop? Ba da bing! Okay, I know its time to stop when I laugh at my corny jokes lol
  • JoshMaz
    JoshMaz Posts: 419 Member
    I'm only 4' 27", and I carry the extra weight well enough, but I still think I fit into this thread all on my own. Most of the 30 pounds I set out to lose hangs right over my belt buckle, so big bump to the sexy when that all goes away.

    I had to chuckle at a few of the height jokes / pickup lines / challenge stories in here because many of them ring so true. Back in my single days I remember being all excited any time I found a woman I could stand eye to eye with. There aren't many women over 6' tall, and most of them have been shunned by the shorter men. Here's me moving in for the kill...

  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    I probably just make the cut to be considered "tall" but I'm 5'8 and 191 lbs.
  • Mech9
    Mech9 Posts: 252 Member
    I feel huge next to 80% of women, and I am bigger than most of the men that I know as well.

    I feel you! Especially being taller than men, sigh. It's so limiting for dating prospects. But you know what? Tall women really rev some people's engines. The whole long beautiful legs, looking like a statuesque Goddess thing. ;)

    Being tall can be really amazing if you let it. Embrace it, because it's you!
  • rllove88
    rllove88 Posts: 4
    I have always felt like the hugest person in the room and hated being tall!!! I've always wished I was small, petite, dainty, and cute. I don't know why but I associate femininity with being petite, so I've always felt like I seem more masculine? If that makes sense.

    I'm 5'10 and started at 234.2lbs. I'm down to 163 now. I am definitely feeling better about my height since I've lost weight. I don't feel like I can crush people so easily now lol.

    And I 100% agree with the tall men thing. Shortness was a deal breaker for me lol.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Oh my gosh yes. I'm 5'10". Granted, I was huge when I started (381). Currently 239. I'm starting to get used to shopping smaller sizes and being able to see clothes (on the rack) and know they will be way too big. But I still feel so much bigger than everybody else. I weigh less than one sister now and wear the same size as another one… but I look at myself and think that it can't possibly be right. I feel like I look so much bigger. I'm sure it's a combination of height and the fact that my brain hasn't quite caught up to my body yet.
  • lawlifehanna
    lawlifehanna Posts: 90 Member
    I'm 5'8'', and I have 40lbs left to lose. I have big everything. My hands and fingers are too big for cheap trendy rings, bracelets and clocks. My feet are at the upper end of shoe sizes, so it's hard to find shoes. My head is big -> finding sunglasses and headbands that don't give me a headache is hard. My boobs are huge (they are). On top of that, I'm fat. It's ridiculous. The upside is that most people don't really think I'm fat.

    I recently took a picture with a friend, who is literally a foot shorter than me, and very slim, even considering her height. I look like a freakin' whale next to her.
  • judiness101
    judiness101 Posts: 119 Member
    I'm 5'8.5 (1m74) and 190 (86.3 kg) and sometimes I feel use and sometimes I don't. It depends where I am. Being French-Canadian over there I'm much taller than most women and a lot of men! Now that I live very close to the Netherlands I actually don't feel that big anymore. I guess it's all relative.

    I'm trying to not lose perspective and remember that I used to be 250 pounds.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Yeah, its totally relative to who you are around too. Like, if I were 5'8", Id still be considered tall around here. Not to the extent that people would look at me like Im a freak of nature like they do now LoL! But, still taller than norm.

    When go to the midwest..or when Im in Europe, I blend right in since the people on average are closer to my height. I crack up though, on dating sites here where guys are like, "Im 6' tall ladies, so feel free to wear your heels!" and Im like dude, If I wore heels Id be taller than you. LoL Unless he's wearing dress shoes, then we'd be the same height.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    I'm 6ft & at my peak was 310lbs. Currently around 245lbs so still a way to go but yes, tall, fat & large framed. :dizzy_face:
  • judiness101
    judiness101 Posts: 119 Member
    Dragn77 wrote: »
    Yeah, its totally relative to who you are around too. Like, if I were 5'8", Id still be considered tall around here. Not to the extent that people would look at me like Im a freak of nature like they do now LoL! But, still taller than norm.

    When go to the midwest..or when Im in Europe, I blend right in since the people on average are closer to my height. I crack up though, on dating sites here where guys are like, "Im 6' tall ladies, so feel free to wear your heels!" and Im like dude, If I wore heels Id be taller than you. LoL Unless he's wearing dress shoes, then we'd be the same height.

    Some people are just rude! In what world is staring at a stranger appropriate! I had a female colleague, she was 6'7. I've never seen a woman so tall, but I never mentioned her height to her unless it was appropriate in the topic. I figured she must have heard all the comments 1000 times before.
  • hubkal
    hubkal Posts: 125 Member
    I am 5'10" and currently 183. I spent most of my young adult life at 145lbs. once I started being stupid and "dieting" I went down to 130 and looked like a skeleton. But that started my yo yo of up and down. I have gotten up to 194 and have worked my way down over and over again but can not seem to get down past 170.

    I felt good at 170 and was happy. But once again I slacked off and gained up to 184 again. I am here again.

    I have always felt HUGE. Even my sisters at 5'4 and 5'3". My own bother is only 5'10". BUT good news the next generation is very tall! I work at a hospital and it seems all the young girls now are over 5'8" in majority and the boys are well over 6'.

    I know its hard but keep on plugging away!