Having a treat 1/2x a week and peoples reactions to it

How can I get my mum off my back for occasionally having treats? I wanted a caramel sundae from McDonalds the other day (and I had earnt it), but she said it was a waste of a workout and not to.

Sometimes I feel like having a piece or two of pizza (this coming from the girl who used to eat two whole pizzas by herself, plus sides, in one sitting), or a burger or something and I feel like the answer will always be no.

I have an all or nothing kind of personality, and find it hard to balance the good and the naughty. Having someone around that freaks out when I don't eat perfectly 100% of the time isn't helping.

What should I do? I'm kind of scared of her. She is paying for me to go to the gym, and I'm scared she will pull the plug if I don't do things her way.


  • mealreadynow
    Is it possible to explain to her that a sustainable healthy calorie controlled diet for weight loss includes having a couple of treats a week if they are factored into your calorie count.

    Occasional treats will help keep cravings at bay and help you plan for future maintenance. The best way to lose weight is how you intend to maintain the loss in the future. You are not going to never have a treat again so best incorporate it now and learn how to factor it into your calorie allowance.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    Best way to show her through weight loss, you can show that the occasional treat is okay when worked into your calorie allowance. You can show her your clothes are getting bigger and you can show her the improvement in your fitness.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Tell her you've got this and this is how it works
  • DoNotSpamMe73
    DoNotSpamMe73 Posts: 286 Member
    If you are logging everything and that shows to be within your boundaries or at least slight malnutrition for example if you are have 1900calories you'd want to be careful. Pizza is usually no more than 300 calories a piece and only if it is from Dominio's or pizza hut type thing store bought is even lower. Like any meal account and you'll be fine.
    I've found that health is hygiene and exercise including fitness and skin is affected more by food than a calorie count. The calorie count is for under or overeating and most importantly habit. In weight loss wise you can drop on anything portioned correctly you can just have a lot more leafy foods than burgers.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Do your treats fit within your daily or weekly average calorie goal? If not your mum has a point. If they do, show her your MFP diary to prove it.

    Given that you "have an all or nothing kind of personality" might mean you'd be better treating yourself with healthier choices or non-food treats.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    Just shout "DEFICIT" as loud as you can.
  • pinkteapot3
    pinkteapot3 Posts: 157 Member
    Until I got to the last paragraph, I was going to say tell her to stuff off!

    I'm with you. I've lost 11lbs in 8 weeks (goal of 1lb/week loss). I have a small chocolate bar most afternoons and two good quality chocolates after dinner every night. I just don't want to cut those things out completely. They fit into my daily cal goal.

    I agree with the comment above - it's OK, so long as these treats are within your net daily goal. If you're going over by having them then it does defeat the purpose.

    Can you explain to your mum that you're using the plan in a way that works for you and that you'll be able to stick to long term? Does she know how much weight you've lost so far and can see that you're still losing?

    If she keeps it up, can you afford the gym yourself, or could you do non-gym exercise like running? I've never been to a gym in my life - I run and cycle three times a week each as I like being outside. :smile:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    stop eating the treats in front of her
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    edited March 2015
    Is your mother paying for your gym because you asked her to, or because that's what she wanted you to do? If the latter, is your heart really into losing weight?
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    edited March 2015
    Also, I see you have another thread titled, "I keep running out of calories" in the Food and Nutrition section. In this thread, you mention that you aren't logging anything. Hmmmm.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I have two questions:
    First do you use some other tool for logging? because your diary is emtpy, so I wonder how you know how many calories to eat and if your treat does fit in.
    Second, is your profile accurate? Because if yes, you have a lot of weight to lose and are just now starting, I can see how your mother might be very sceptical about whether this will work or not.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    stop eating the treats in front of her

    Agreed. Don't get sucked into an argument with your mother - sounds like a waste of time

    Yep explore other exercise options - walking may not even require as good shoes ($$) as you might need for running... And great job OP on cutting down the portions!
  • leahshearer1
    I believe you should treat yourself 1 to 2 times a week at the weekend. The difference is changing the types of treats you have for example you mention craving a caramel sundae from Mcdonalds.. to me this is a waste of calories as it has absolutley no nutritional value, I would advise googling healthy treat options and start incorporating them in to your life, at first you will crave whar you know but eventually your palet will get used to these treats and your body and will thank you for treating it with respect and giving it what it needs.

    My main healthy treats I snack on on weekends are Protien pancakes with strawberries and natural yoghart or peanut butter and banana. I also love dark warm almond milk with a handful or cashew nuts and dark choclate. Fruit salads with granola yoghart and honey is amazing if your craving sweet.

    Google has thousands of easy recipes which if you choose can improve your health and life.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    If you're not accurately logging and weighing your food, then no, you shouldnt have it - sorry.

    I have treats all the time (not mcdonalds cause gross) but we eat out all the time. i have treats and candy and deserts all the time. ive lost 23 pounds since january. i log EVERYTHING i eat. if i dont have calories for it - i dont eat it. i *usually* know when were going to be eating out, and plan appropriately. most meals out (in a restaurant) will cover two meals for me because of the high calorie counts. That is how i work our lifestyle into my new 'food lifestyle'. and it works.

    I'm making a cake later this week and am having friends come over and they will go home with about 2/3 of it (the rest saved for my hubby and kids). I will likely have a very small piece (just one). I made a truly DECADENT birthday cake for myself a couple of months ago. double chocolate, raspberry filled, fudge icing.... mmmm.....had ONE slice, about the width of my finger. that was all. and i was good with it. i had my treat!

    your comment about being ' all or nothing' is concerning because that doesn't account for moderation and real life scenarios.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    If you're not accurately logging and weighing your food, then no, you shouldnt have it - sorry.

    I have treats all the time (not mcdonalds cause gross) but we eat out all the time. i have treats and candy and deserts all the time. ive lost 23 pounds since january. i log EVERYTHING i eat. if i dont have calories for it - i dont eat it. i *usually* know when were going to be eating out, and plan appropriately. most meals out (in a restaurant) will cover two meals for me because of the high calorie counts. That is how i work our lifestyle into my new 'food lifestyle'. and it works.

    I'm making a cake later this week and am having friends come over and they will go home with about 2/3 of it (the rest saved for my hubby and kids). I will likely have a very small piece (just one). I made a truly DECADENT birthday cake for myself a couple of months ago. double chocolate, raspberry filled, fudge icing.... mmmm.....had ONE slice, about the width of my finger. that was all. and i was good with it. i had my treat!

    your comment about being ' all or nothing' is concerning because that doesn't account for moderation and real life scenarios.

    Moderation and real life - like where someone with 58kg to lose who used to eat whole pizzas shouldn't eat a couple slices because she's electing not to log calories on MyFitnessPal right now?
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    If you're not accurately logging and weighing your food, then no, you shouldnt have it - sorry.

    I have treats all the time (not mcdonalds cause gross) but we eat out all the time. i have treats and candy and deserts all the time. ive lost 23 pounds since january. i log EVERYTHING i eat. if i dont have calories for it - i dont eat it. i *usually* know when were going to be eating out, and plan appropriately. most meals out (in a restaurant) will cover two meals for me because of the high calorie counts. That is how i work our lifestyle into my new 'food lifestyle'. and it works.

    I'm making a cake later this week and am having friends come over and they will go home with about 2/3 of it (the rest saved for my hubby and kids). I will likely have a very small piece (just one). I made a truly DECADENT birthday cake for myself a couple of months ago. double chocolate, raspberry filled, fudge icing.... mmmm.....had ONE slice, about the width of my finger. that was all. and i was good with it. i had my treat!

    your comment about being ' all or nothing' is concerning because that doesn't account for moderation and real life scenarios.

    Moderation and real life - like where someone with 58kg to lose who used to eat whole pizzas shouldn't eat a couple slices because she's electing not to log calories on MyFitnessPal right now?

    if theyre not logging their food, its entirely possible they are making up those calories elsewhere. call me a skeptic, but if i need proof what they are doing fits within their calorie goals before i give a pat on the head, smile, and send them on their way.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I believe you should treat yourself 1 to 2 times a week at the weekend. The difference is changing the types of treats you have for example you mention craving a caramel sundae from Mcdonalds.. to me this is a waste of calories as it has absolutley no nutritional value, I would advise googling healthy treat options and start incorporating them in to your life, at first you will crave whar you know but eventually your palet will get used to these treats and your body and will thank you for treating it with respect and giving it what it needs.

    My main healthy treats I snack on on weekends are Protien pancakes with strawberries and natural yoghart or peanut butter and banana. I also love dark warm almond milk with a handful or cashew nuts and dark choclate. Fruit salads with granola yoghart and honey is amazing if your craving sweet.

    Google has thousands of easy recipes which if you choose can improve your health and life.

    I disagree with almost all of this

    If you want it and it fits in your weekly calorie defecit and your basic nutritional needs are covered off - eat it

  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    If you're not accurately logging and weighing your food, then no, you shouldnt have it - sorry.

    I have treats all the time (not mcdonalds cause gross) but we eat out all the time. i have treats and candy and deserts all the time. ive lost 23 pounds since january. i log EVERYTHING i eat. if i dont have calories for it - i dont eat it. i *usually* know when were going to be eating out, and plan appropriately. most meals out (in a restaurant) will cover two meals for me because of the high calorie counts. That is how i work our lifestyle into my new 'food lifestyle'. and it works.

    I'm making a cake later this week and am having friends come over and they will go home with about 2/3 of it (the rest saved for my hubby and kids). I will likely have a very small piece (just one). I made a truly DECADENT birthday cake for myself a couple of months ago. double chocolate, raspberry filled, fudge icing.... mmmm.....had ONE slice, about the width of my finger. that was all. and i was good with it. i had my treat!

    your comment about being ' all or nothing' is concerning because that doesn't account for moderation and real life scenarios.

    Moderation and real life - like where someone with 58kg to lose who used to eat whole pizzas shouldn't eat a couple slices because she's electing not to log calories on MyFitnessPal right now?

    if theyre not logging their food, its entirely possible they are making up those calories elsewhere. call me a skeptic, but if i need proof what they are doing fits within their calorie goals before i give a pat on the head, smile, and send them on their way.

    What else is she not to have because she's not logging? Rice, beans, chicken, spinach, olive oil, bananas? These all have calories, too, and could be eaten in excess compared to calorie goals as well

    I just think cutting back portions and actually using her gym membership is an excellent starting point, and anything else she chooses to do on top of that would only be an improvement. If anything it would be more 'all or nothing' to say unless I log all my calories, I can't practice portion control
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    If you're not accurately logging and weighing your food, then no, you shouldnt have it - sorry.

    I have treats all the time (not mcdonalds cause gross) but we eat out all the time. i have treats and candy and deserts all the time. ive lost 23 pounds since january. i log EVERYTHING i eat. if i dont have calories for it - i dont eat it. i *usually* know when were going to be eating out, and plan appropriately. most meals out (in a restaurant) will cover two meals for me because of the high calorie counts. That is how i work our lifestyle into my new 'food lifestyle'. and it works.

    I'm making a cake later this week and am having friends come over and they will go home with about 2/3 of it (the rest saved for my hubby and kids). I will likely have a very small piece (just one). I made a truly DECADENT birthday cake for myself a couple of months ago. double chocolate, raspberry filled, fudge icing.... mmmm.....had ONE slice, about the width of my finger. that was all. and i was good with it. i had my treat!

    your comment about being ' all or nothing' is concerning because that doesn't account for moderation and real life scenarios.

    Moderation and real life - like where someone with 58kg to lose who used to eat whole pizzas shouldn't eat a couple slices because she's electing not to log calories on MyFitnessPal right now?

    if theyre not logging their food, its entirely possible they are making up those calories elsewhere. call me a skeptic, but if i need proof what they are doing fits within their calorie goals before i give a pat on the head, smile, and send them on their way.

    What else is she not to have because she's not logging? Rice, beans, chicken, spinach, olive oil, bananas? These all have calories, too, and could be eaten in excess compared to calorie goals as well

    I just think cutting back portions and actually using her gym membership is an excellent starting point, and anything else she chooses to do on top of that would only be an improvement. If anything it would be more 'all or nothing' to say unless I log all my calories, I can't practice portion control

    she should be logging everything. thats the point. how do you know what youre eating, if you dont log it accurately?
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    On the other topic forum she states she doesn't log, constantly runs out of calories, drinks regular soda every day (also as a "treat") and bunch of other things. I am not demonizing soda or the McDonald's, but if she is having these everyday, while running out of calories, I doubt she will see much progress. Also, here she says she only has a "treat" 1/2x a week. The soda thread she calls it a "treat" and everyday, so I have a feeling she has other "treats" daily as well. This might be why her mom disproves.