What the hell do I eat



  • cljenkins_92
    Hhhmmmm...i KNOW i will get called on this but...here i go...
    You cannot have anything you please. That mentality is what got us in trouble in the first place. Whole foods that are not prepackaged is best. PB? Mmmmm...maybe natural but not Skippy or what have you. I have begun eating salads without dressing because i still get plenty of flavor from the meat and tomatos and jalapenos etc. Why add unneeded calories and bad carbs?
    Spaghetti sqaush is a great alternative to noodles and my kids liked it better. We felt full on less volume with it too.
    And we just tried fresh mango....pretty good actually. Look at food as a fresh new adventure. Try new recipes and dont be afraid to buy in bulk and spend one day a week cooking for the entire week ahead and freeze what you are able.
    Good luck and hope this helped some.
  • mcyd137
    mcyd137 Posts: 13 Member
    kimw91 wrote: »
    You don't have to eat eggs for breakfast. Personally, I can't stomach something savoury in the morning about 80% of the time. Banana or apple with PB is also not the worst snack to have. 3 pizzas and a tub of ice cream would fit that description more closely. The thing with PB is just that it's easy to have too much of it and seeing it's quite high in calories, you are more likely to eat over your calorie allowance. If you fit it in, however.. no problems there.

    That said, how about:
    - a boiled egg avocado sandwich (boiled eggs will keep for a couple of days in the fridge)
    - overnight oats or cooked oatmeal reheated in the microwave
    - frittata with salad
    - salad nicoise
    - salad with grilled veg and goat cheese
    - thai beef salad
    - using dinner leftovers (taco salad, meatloaf sandwich, meatballs with zoodles)
    - couscous salad with chicken, almonds, dried apricots/mango and curry spices
    - hummus wraps (optionally with falafel)
    - crepes with fresh fruit and yogurt
    - Greek yogurt with homemade berry compote

    All amazing options here, thank you! That's what I needed to hear.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Eat food and hit your calorie goals.
  • mcyd137
    mcyd137 Posts: 13 Member
    Hhhmmmm...i KNOW i will get called on this but...here i go...
    You cannot have anything you please. That mentality is what got us in trouble in the first place. Whole foods that are not prepackaged is best. PB? Mmmmm...maybe natural but not Skippy or what have you. I have begun eating salads without dressing because i still get plenty of flavor from the meat and tomatos and jalapenos etc. Why add unneeded calories and bad carbs?
    Spaghetti sqaush is a great alternative to noodles and my kids liked it better. We felt full on less volume with it too.
    And we just tried fresh mango....pretty good actually. Look at food as a fresh new adventure. Try new recipes and dont be afraid to buy in bulk and spend one day a week cooking for the entire week ahead and freeze what you are able.
    Good luck and hope this helped some.

    I know what you mean, and I won't be that negative Nancy that yells at people for telling me I can't eat something. I know that I really can't eat everything I want, so I appreciate the honesty here. Truly I agree and disagree. I know I don't need to be perfect everyday (mainly because I have come to terms with losing weight will be a life goal not a quick fix), but obviously me eating whatever I want everyday didn't work for me either. I have learned the hard way that I have to be really really strict on my diet because if I'm not I won't lose a single pound.
    I have been eating at about 1600/ day with a goal to lose at least 2 LBS per month. I work out three times a week and you know what...I am the same weight now I was at the end of January. I know it's because of the little things, the creamer in my morning coffee, the skippy PB instead of the more natural PB, the late night spoon of ice cream because I was under my calorie intake. Ugh...the truth is I need to be more aware of what I am eating because even if some things can be good I could be eating the worst version of it.
    I appreciate all of these comments though, every single one was helpful.
    And holy hell I want that egg sandwich maker thing. Brilliant.
    I think survey says that I will start making over night oats for breakfast and making a fritatta on sundays to fill in the days I don't have oats.
    Great advice everyone, thank you so much!!!!
  • healthy_life2015
    healthy_life2015 Posts: 215 Member
    kuranda10 wrote: »
    @BruceHedtke‌ , put your eggs in a pan with enough water to cover them. Bring it to a boil. When it boils take the pan off the heat and cover them for 15-20 minutes. Drain hot water and run under cold water for a few minutes until they are cool enough to touch.

    Just 10 minutes! (15 max)
  • healthy_life2015
    healthy_life2015 Posts: 215 Member
    kuranda10 wrote: »
    @BruceHedtke‌ , put your eggs in a pan with enough water to cover them. Bring it to a boil. When it boils take the pan off the heat and cover them for 15-20 minutes. Drain hot water and run under cold water for a few minutes until they are cool enough to touch.

    Just 10 minutes! (15 max)

    Oh and put a teaspoon of baking soda in the water. The eggs will peel so easily. I also find that if I boil eggs several days after I buy them, they are much easier to peel. It seems to me that the fresher the egg, the harder to peel.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    edited March 2015
    The mentality that got people obese is "I can eat as much as I want" not "I can eat what I want."

    I have driven myself crazy over the years trying to do everything except..control my actual calorie intake. I did Weight Watchers (succeeded, but was always looking for all those "low points" "low fat" "low calorie" foods that did not provide me with all the nutrients I needed.) I tried Atkins. I tried Nutrisystem. I tried eating only organic stuff, tried eating stuff that didn't have HFCS in it. I tried juicing and smoothies as meal replacements I tried eating only whole foods. It all became discouraging at some point because I couldn't keep at it (mostly with the organic stuff, and juicing/smoothies, I couldn't afford it. An all organic "clean" diet is more for rich people, seriously...unless you're content eating spinach and carrots...)

    Since I re-started in January I have had a change of thinking - I will eat what I can afford, what appeals to me (sorry I'm not eating it if I hate it, even if it's "good" for me), in reasonable quantities, all while meeting most of (if not all) of my macro-nutritient goals (Potassium, calcium, protein, iron, fiber, etc.) That means I include coffee, eggs, bacon, hamburgers, some processed foods, peanut butter, etc. in my diet.

    If I meet all of those goals (or most of them) and have calories to spare, and I have drank my water minimum for the day, I am going to eat whatever treat I like. Which means, yes, I will allow myself to have cookies, ice cream, cheesecake, etc. Within reason. Not every day.

    Since I restarted in January I have lost 14 pounds and am still losing. I am going to succeed this time because I am doing it with foods I enjoy, with foods I can afford, and with common sense.

    Someone posted the other day that she hates tuna and wondered if anyone ever pretended they were eating a cheeseburger while trying to eat tuna. When asked why she was eating tuna she said "Because it's good for me and better than a cheeseburger."


    I had a cheeseburger for supper last night. 90% lean beef, topped with less than 1 oz of cheese, 40g tomatoes, and 20g of onion. It was about 379 calories and 34 g of protein. I was more than satisfied. I didn't choke down something I dislike and pretend it was something I loved. I made room for it in my day. And I was happy and satisfied. And still within my goals.

    Which way do you think is going to be more sustainable long term? How long before you can't even stand the sight of "tuna" because it's not what you want to eat?

    I know the discussion isn't about tuna vs. cheeseburgers but it is about eating what you like. If you don't like what you're eating, you're going to fail.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    mcyd137 wrote: »
    Ok I don't really have a horrible diet. My main issue is I love sugar and beer which is why I am in the "must loose weight NOW" mind set.

    My main annoyance right now though is that I am getting tired of what I am eating. I can prep things before work, and get food ready for my day, but I work long *kitten* days in the film industry. I have to bring breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner with me. So right now, I am just plain tired of a few things and need better options for a slap together at work option.

    My days usually look like:
    Breakfast- whole wheat english muffin with peanut butter or greek yogurt with fresh fruit
    Lunch- salad with mixed veggies and balsamic or turkey sandwich or tuna with celery
    dinner- usually a form of chicken with a side of veggies (green beans or brocolli) and potatoes (because I'm irish and I can't stop eating potatoes)

    Now, I know I should eat eggs for breakfast but it's one of the more annoying things to prep ahead of time. Maybe that's just me.

    Ok, don't listen to the fact that I am being a food grump right now...it would help if I could see some other breakfast and lunch options on the cheap side that will be low on my calorie counter.

    side note question....I keep hearing apples and bananas with PB is the WORST snack ever if you are trying to loose weight...true/not true?

    Prep additional meals for the long days

    Hard boiled eggs are super easy to prep I make mine for the week every Sunday.

    If you go to my profile you can look at my diary also you can add me to Instagram (it's in my profile), all I post are my meals cause of my friends questions about the same thing.

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Someone mentioned - I think on another thread maybe - Mud Slide Oatmeal. Just add a tbsp of Special Dark cocoa powder to your oatmeal. The recipe I saw added a sprinkling of chocolate flavored protein powder and a little honey to it.... OMG. I am going to try it. Special Dark cocoa is high in iron.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    In to say....I eat peanut butter and apples all the time. Although, let's be honest, the apple is really just a cover to eat peanut butter.

    I just make it fit. Somedays it's easier than others to make it fit - I usually don't have peanut butter unless I worked out but that's only because I need those calories for more substantial meals (I'm on a 1420 a day, around 1700 if I work out).
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I'm a variety girl. When I get bored I change it up.

    To change up breakfast, try a different spread like Quark or light Philadelphia cream cheese. Change the muffin. Do a wrap. There's an overnight steel cut oats that I have at least once a week. Someone here suggested non-breakfast foods at breakfast and on that suggestion I had some home-made soup warmed up in the microwave. That with pumpernickel bread I found most satisfying.

    Here's a list of mid-day snacks.

    For lunch I just don't do sandwiches any more. I also went in to a funk for several months where I couldn't stomach another tossed salad. So I made other vegetables. Typically I have leftovers from the night before. Have you thought of wraps?

    As for dinner, change up the meat to ALL OF THEM. Well trimmed of fat, the choice of meat can change up your dinner to all sorts of special dishes. I had turkey chili last night. On the weekend, it was a vegetarian eggplant dish, the veggies breaded and baked, then covered in spaghetti sauce and cheese.
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    edited March 2015
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    The mentality that got people obese is "I can eat as much as I want" not "I can eat what I want."
    100% agreed. My diet this week included Girl Scout Thin Mints, Manhattans, San Pellegrino soda, etc.--besides grilled chicken, greek yogurt, and baked potatoes--all part of a healthy balanced diet that hits my targets according to MFP and the USDA Dietary Guidelines.
    wizzybeth wrote:
    When asked why she was eating tuna she said "Because it's good for me and better than a cheeseburger." Wrong. I had a cheeseburger for supper last night. 90% lean beef, topped with less than 1 oz of cheese, 40g tomatoes, and 20g of onion. It was about 379 calories and 34 g of protein. I was more than satisfied. I didn't choke down something I dislike and pretend it was something I loved. I made room for it in my day. And I was happy and satisfied. And still within my goals.
    Well put! I think this is the best attitude for long-term sustainable weight loss-the difference between this being a harmonious lifestyle change we enjoy vs. a diet that we suffer through when the "drill instructor" motivation's high, and then inevitably fall off the wagon in shame.
  • Poodles56
    Poodles56 Posts: 20
    For peanut butter, I use the Jiffy to go, it is about 1.5 oz and a great when you don't have time to eat. I usually have an apple with it.
    Hard boiled eggs are my other quick fix. Since I love potatoes too, I boil a spud, add one hard boiled egg, 1tsp. olive oil and 1tsp. vinegar, salt pepper to taste and I am happy!

    Agree with others, eat what you like, everything in moderation!
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    It's also perfectly o.k. to not have traditional breakfast foods for breakfast, etc. I often have something that was left over from dinner for my breakfast. This morning I had a small piece of lemon-honey-curry chicken breast. When I have to carry food with me, it's something left over, yogurt, granola bar, fruit, salad/vegetables, string cheese, hard boiled egg - stuff like that. I keep granola bars and protein bars on hand for quick grab and go; it keeps me out of drive-throughs.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    you can eat whatever you want, just make sure that you maintain your calorie deficit.

    is your primary goal just fat loss, or do you have some body recomp goals as well? If the former, then I would just say eat the foods that you enjoy, but just make sure that you are eating less of them; if the later, then you are going to need to pay closer attention to calories/macros/micros..

    also, there are no bad foods/snacks/ whatever...there is just food that you use to fuel your body. Make sure that you are eating in a deficit and you can fill your day in with what you please....
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    I know it's because of the little things.. the late night spoon of ice cream because I was under my calorie intake. Ugh
    A late-night spoon of ice cream is fine--we all enjoy our treats--the key is to diligently measure and log than "spoon" and be sure you're still under target afterwards. :smile:
  • khloesdad0124
    khloesdad0124 Posts: 62 Member
    Why not just look at recipes under the Hello Healthy section on the home page?
  • quiltnutty
    quiltnutty Posts: 45 Member
    Once a week I make an egg casserole in a 9x12 pan and cut it up into serving sizes and freeze them in baggies to take to work. Sometimes it is eggs cheese and sausage and sometimes it is eggs broccoli and swiss cheese.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    You cannot have anything you please. That mentality is what got us in trouble in the first place.

    Sure, you can't eat as much as you want of anything--that leads to eating more calories than you need. I gained weight that way, despite the fact that I was eating mostly home-cooked meals from whole foods. But that doesn't mean that I can't incorporate any food I want into my diet if I pay attention to amounts and calories.
    I have begun eating salads without dressing because i still get plenty of flavor from the meat and tomatos and jalapenos etc. Why add unneeded calories and bad carbs?

    Why is olive oil and vinegar bad for me? Or vinegar and mustard or the like? Or perhaps some cheese? Why add it is it tastes good.