Post here if you want more friends!



  • fnoblebrown
    fnoblebrown Posts: 61 Member
    Always looking for more friends!
  • David988
    David988 Posts: 14 Member
    edited March 2015
    hey started Beast body and looking for people that are crazy to work I mean CRAZY MAN
    .....crazy... o.o
  • pizzarhett
    pizzarhett Posts: 1 Member
    I like having freinds!
  • Pelamblue
    Pelamblue Posts: 177 Member
    Hi, im into weight training, looking for people who are looking to put on decent muscle. Diet ideas etc.
  • Alma102724
    Alma102724 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I just now downloaded MFP need friends add me!
  • therocpile wrote: »
    Post a reply below if you want people to add you, Let's keep each other motivated and on the right track!!

    Anyone is welcome to add me!!!

  • Hey, I'm 20 and tryna lose some unwanted weight that I've gained over the year. Let's just say 2014 wasnt my year! I'm serious about it, the first 10-15 lbs I'm just trying to get my stomach used to eating smaller proportions and within my calorie budget. Then after that I would like to change my eating to strict healthy food. So if anyone wants to add me feel free (: I'm motivated and would like to stay that way and could use some friends on the right path to keep me going!
  • brandycatherine
    brandycatherine Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name is Brandy. All of my current friends are either inactive or have not logged in for a long time. I'm working on a whole lifestyle change and ultimately am interested in dropping 60 lbs. I am looking for people to share support and motivation with. If this is you, please add me :)
  • Boxing987
    Boxing987 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi all, been away for 6 months, 2nd day back into it, add me :)
  • If anyone wants to add me please do and if you have a fitbit add me there to , alescia is my name (: I love that I can combine my fitbit with my fitness pal ! :p #motivation
  • therocpile wrote: »
    Post a reply below if you want people to add you, Let's keep each other motivated and on the right track!!

    Anyone is welcome to add me!!!
    Pick me!! Yes me!!

    Let's help each other out by posting tips and other topics on my new group!!!


  • Hi I'm lisa I need to get back into my healthy eating plan and lose 1.5-2 stone before my holiday, I need some heathy meal ideas too
  • rduc92
    rduc92 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me! Need more friends to keep motivation! Also will motivate others!
  • ash2692
    ash2692 Posts: 20 Member
    Looking for friends! And you can also follow my Instagram instashleyy_fit
  • fancyblossom83
    fancyblossom83 Posts: 22 Member
    I would love to be added to your friends!! Please add me! How do I add friends?? I'm new to the community. I have used the app before but never accessed to he community.
  • Amanda682015
    Amanda682015 Posts: 68 Member
    I have replace Facebook with MFP. I'm on here everyday commenting, liking, giving and receiving advice, posting, and so on. Iam on my last month, last week of insanity, and look forward to begin it once again next week!! If you are somebody along the same lines, on and posting, and loving everyday I would like to meet you!
  • mllett
    mllett Posts: 96 Member
    Add me!
  • cskone38
    cskone38 Posts: 50 Member
    Me too, I need the motivation of a large group!!
  • legengary73
    legengary73 Posts: 7 Member
    Newb here!! Can we be friends?? Always appreciate support and helpful advice!
  • MiltonAFC
    MiltonAFC Posts: 121 Member
    edited March 2015
    Anyone feel free to add me.

    I'm 22, 169lb atm. I was 235lb last year, I'm currently doing a 12 week cut to get rid of some excess fat. I'm hoping to be where I want around mid to late May. I'll reverse diet June and plan to bulk from July-March.