Do you tell others your success?



  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    I tell others for a few reasons:
    1. Because "I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it" I seriously feel like calling my mother everytime I get on the scale to let her know hoe much I'm down.
    2. I live in an apartment with 4 other overweight rommates, one of which is my girlfriend, who is truely the person who jump started my drive to begin this journey (she has a lot of weight related health problem) and I want to encourage them to eat better and work towards being healthier too.
    3. I feel like it makes me more accountable, ya know? Like, if I say I've lost 20 lbs, a week from now I wanna be able to tell people a different number. I don't want them to hear the same number 3 or 4 weeks in a row, )or heaven forbid I stop telling them numbers cause that would probably mean I've gained.)

    Oh, I really like these reasons, especially #3. Thanks for sharing.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I only tell people if they ask. I'm losing weight for the same reasons you are. Congratulations on your success!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    i don't tell because i dont want to seem to be gloating, ya know?
    but lots have noticed and when people comment "wow, have you lost weight?" i say, "yep! Thanks!!"
  • amy_p
    amy_p Posts: 82
    Grats on your success!!

    I didn't tell people right away. I stopped eating out at lunch and just said I was trying to save money. I stopped drinking the Mcdonald's large sweet tea, and said I didn't want all the sugar. But after a while, the weight loss got to be very noticeable. Right around the 20-25lb mark is when people started noticing. I don't like to be the center of attention, so it was hard for me to acknowledge their compliments. Now that I've come so far, I'm ok with the compliments and will talk about it with people who know, but I don't bring it up unless someone says something.

    Oh, and I only see my family usually once a year, and that's at Christmas.. and I don't put pics up anywhere but here, so they will be in for a big surprise this Christmas :-) lol
  • jamievolner
    jamievolner Posts: 35
    I had lost 140 pounds and like you never really said anything. When people started noticing and ask if I was on a diet I just told them no because in my eyes I am not. I eat pretty much the same stuff but in moderation with a few tweaks here and there. I don't say "I can't eat that" I either can but smaller amounts OR weigh my options if it is something I choose to have in my caloric count for the day. Good job and congrats on your loss so far. Keep it up.
  • bike4now
    bike4now Posts: 52
    I love to tell anyone I can except those who are overweight and not dieting. They cannot share my joy as much.

    But others, I do. It is a great conversation topic, I am enthusiastic about it, and I earned it. If I can listen to other peoples dull and mundane conversations about themselves out of politeness, they can listen to a real achievement of mine losing 20 plus pounds. And it feels great when they say you look great. It also might help them by motivating them to give myfitnesspal a try.
  • Ezada
    Ezada Posts: 207 Member
    I told my coworker first and asked her that if she did bring in treats to please not offer me any. I am the type that once I get into snacking mode it is very hard for me to draw the line. She has been excellent too! One day she brought home made chicken salad for me, had already counted the calories and portioned it out for me. Shes been super!

    A have about 4 close friends that know I am changing my eating habits, I got one to join this site with me! Another I go to the Gym with and another I swap low cal recipes with.

    Oh and my husband knows, mostly because of all the steamed veggies and lean meats I have been serving for dinner. Good thing hes not a picky eater! He has been tremendously helpful too, he doesn't bring home fast food and asks me if I can eat something before he makes it.

    I am sure others know too but I am trying to keep closer to the friends that will support me and not try to bring me down. I have a couple that would mock my weightloss by telling me "I don't understand why you diet, you are so photogenic!" or "It's just a brownie, jeese, it's not like you will gain 50lbs."
  • shelcof
    shelcof Posts: 62 Member
    I tell tons of people, mainly because its exciting, seeing a change and wearing new clothes. I'm pretty sure they think I'm obsessed and I probably am
  • golfbrew_matt
    golfbrew_matt Posts: 240 Member
    Only when they ask. I don't push anything on people but I'm more than happy to help out when they ask how I've done what I've done.
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I do but only when asked or if someone notices. I do this for me and if someone else notices, that's icing on the cake.
  • Anathema13
    Anathema13 Posts: 27
    I didn't used to but then it got scathingly obvious. I recently went back to visit my boyfriend in Vegas and one of his childhood friends walked up to me and introduced herself. I didn't know who felt worse, her or me. I like to pretend I always looked this way but that almost seems silly. I wish I did. Now I more or less just say something when people prompt or ask or when I'm feeling exceptionally scandalous.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    it has become obvious. The first 20-30 lbs didn't make such a big difference in my appearance, but now nobody could miss it unless they were blind...:happy:

    I always give credit where it is due, though, I love to sing the praises of MFP!!!
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    I keep my daughter-in-law (who got me motivated & onto MFP) updated on my progress and my daughter who is very supportive.
    Otherwise, I keep it to myself, unless someone says how good I look or remarks on my weight loss--then I normally tell them
    I have made some lifestyle changes in eating and started exercising--normally down play it.

    My little sister and her husband, remarked (after 10 pound loss)--that I looked good and my clothes were way to baggy!!
    My little sister actually said I was doing a great job..and encouraged me!! And, then she asked me to introduce her to MFP...

    Ironically, I have seen my family (sisters & brothers) and friends this past weekend-- and having lost over 27 pounds..not one
    person commented, asked about my weight loss..nothing..nodda.. To be honest, I was a little disappointed.
  • Gordie43
    Gordie43 Posts: 9 Member
    Yes, my family and friends: people who see me daily and weekly. They notice how my clothes fit and my demeanor when we interact. WE care about each other so we watch each other's back! Like me, many of my friends have been yo-yo dieters most of their adult lifes. So, when one of us (me, in this case) loses 80-100 pounds in 2007-2008, and keeps it off, in 2011, it gets noticed. I have shared my success story with those who ask. Read my MFP bio to learn how, why, and who motivates me. When people ask me about logging my food, exercise, progress, I instantly give credit to This is a terrific 'yardstick' tool to track my progress. I love it! Stay well and prosper, Gordie
  • Gordie43
    Gordie43 Posts: 9 Member
    No, you aren't! You are just proud of what you have accomplished, as you should be and as are most of the people on MFP, me included. Stay well and prosper, Gordie
  • omgitsgarry
    omgitsgarry Posts: 138
    I tell people. It helps so they don't pressure me into eating certain foods. I am blessed to have understanding family and co-workers. My co-workers still ask if they can get me anything from anywhere, but they are more impressed then put out about what I've done so far. I've done pretty good, so I think I can do a little bragging, I have a long way to go still though, so I can't get to cocky.
  • sglane
    sglane Posts: 26
    I tell. It's how I stay accountable. My MFP diary is open to the public. I have a blog at Shawn Does Life

    MFP status updates tie into Facebook and twitter so my friends and followers can see how I'm doing. I live in a town of 4500 people and I'm often complimented by people that I had no idea had been following me.

    It's an awesome feeling.
  • AFitasticYou
    AFitasticYou Posts: 170
    Congrats to you!

    There aren't many people that know I'm on this journey. I have some family on MFP too, and they do know. If a friend brought it up I would talk about it, but I don't bring it up to anyone.
  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,621 Member
    I've been on MFP for 16.5 months now. I didn't tell anybody, including my husband, that I had started and I never talk about it unless someone asks me directly. I've lost a large amount of weight but I"m not even announcing it here until I reach goal weight.

    Since I've done this before, more than several times, and then gained it all back, I don't want to make a big deal about it now. Of course, I love getting compliments and most people are pretty good about complimenting me on how I look now. I like that a lot better than the "You've lost a lot of weight". But, in all cases, I just smile and say "Thank you."

    What I really don't like is when people ask me "How much have you lost?" I know they mean well but they would never have asked me before I started: "How much weight do you need to lose?" I'm working hard to let go of the person who could gain as much weight as I did (more than twice!) and look forward towards staying the kind of person who keeps her eating and exercising under her control. I don't even let me compliment myself in my head with thoughts of "Gee, you've lost XX pounds!" Nope, that person is gone for good.

    I especially don't tell new people I've lost weight. I hope nobody I know lets that cat out of the bag either. I want every new person I meet to think of me only as looking the way I do now. I'm not letting them into my family photo albums either, that's for sure!
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