Let's clear up a misconception



  • jmccue1987
    My biggest problem is having cookies and candy in the house on my kitchen counters. It is so much easier to grab a cookie out the box than cut up a vegetable or a piece of fruit lol. What I do is put apples, grapes, olives, and pickles in my fridge that are easy to just grab and eat. When I get home from work, I am slightly hungry and I look for things to grab and eat quickly to satisfy my hunger until dinner. Get those cookies, chips, and cake out of your house. If you don't get it out of your house, at least have it out of plain sight and prepare some cut vegetables or handy fruit that are easily accessible without preparation.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    JessMoTX wrote: »
    Lies. I eat 3 cups of white sugar a day and nothing else.

    ETA: Except of Sundays. On Sundays I eat 58.9 yellow marshmallow peeps.

    Only yellow peeps? Hear they are coming out with Peep flavored milk. You can get your sugar AND your calcium in one shot.

    I heard that yesterday. and I literally cried out, "no, prairie farms!! why?!" because I'm THAT interesting person in the office. ;)
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    I was really stressed yesterday and ate nothing but two hard boiled eggs. (True story.) Does this mean I'm in starvation mode? How many Peeps to I have to eat to jumpstart my metabolism? If I don't like Peeps, can I just take an entire bottle of Raspberry Ketones and wash it down with green tea?

    Help. I didn't eat enough yesterday and I just know I'm going to become obese as a result.

    You need to add some cayenne pepper into this scenario for it to work.

    Because magic.

    Oh, no, all is lost!

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    I'll add one-- People who choose to cut down their alcohol, sugar, gluten, lactose, whatever are not necessarily 'demonizing' anything or suggesting you do the same. :)

    That all depends on how it is worded in the discussion. Generally if someone says "I like to limit ___________ because that works for me" without implying that it is the correct way, there usually is no problem.

    The issues arise when someone says that you/or the OP/ anyone else should do these things too or they will get fat...or stay fat....etc.

    Yup. That fine point is often overlooked, though. There are many threads which pass without fanfare where someone is quite clear that they're doing just that... limiting something out of personal preference. There's no flak flying at all.

  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    I'll add one-- People who choose to cut down their alcohol, sugar, gluten, lactose, whatever are not necessarily 'demonizing' anything or suggesting you do the same. :)

    That all depends on how it is worded in the discussion. Generally if someone says "I like to limit ___________ because that works for me" without implying that it is the correct way, there usually is no problem.

    The issues arise when someone says that you/or the OP/ anyone else should do these things too or they will get fat...or stay fat....etc.

    You mean like this? "Get those cookies, chips, and cake out of your house."
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    MrCoolGrim wrote: »
    I think everyone is going Gif crazy

    All the best threads are gif crazy.


  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    JessMoTX wrote: »
    Lies. I eat 3 cups of white sugar a day and nothing else.

    ETA: Except of Sundays. On Sundays I eat 58.9 yellow marshmallow peeps.

    Only yellow peeps? Hear they are coming out with Peep flavored milk. You can get your sugar AND your calcium in one shot.

    I just barfed in my mouth.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    My chicken to gelato ratio is way skewed to the chicken side. And that pizza in my pic is well worth eating chicken sandwiches daily so I can eat it once a month.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    I'll add one-- People who choose to cut down their alcohol, sugar, gluten, lactose, whatever are not necessarily 'demonizing' anything or suggesting you do the same. :)

    That all depends on how it is worded in the discussion. Generally if someone says "I like to limit ___________ because that works for me" without implying that it is the correct way, there usually is no problem.

    The issues arise when someone says that you/or the OP/ anyone else should do these things too or they will get fat...or stay fat....etc.

    You mean like this? "Get those cookies, chips, and cake out of your house."

    Yes, that!!!
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    edited March 2015
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    I'll add one-- People who choose to cut down their alcohol, sugar, gluten, lactose, whatever are not necessarily 'demonizing' anything or suggesting you do the same. :)

    That all depends on how it is worded in the discussion. Generally if someone says "I like to limit ___________ because that works for me" without implying that it is the correct way, there usually is no problem.

    The issues arise when someone says that you/or the OP/ anyone else should do these things too or they will get fat...or stay fat....etc.

    I guess this will be the disagreement everyone made their popcorn for. It usually starts because someone asks how to replace or cut back on something, and the first replies they get are along the lines of "no" or laughing or asking why on earth they'd want to. Look at how many train wreck threads start because the OP dares to mention the word "sugar" in the title.

    What I have noticed is if people are up front and mention a medical condition in their title or the first sentence of their post, everyone backs off. The people you'll see posting 3 dozen times in the other threads won't even show up. That, to me, speaks more than the bickering that actually goes on in those threads.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    I'll add one-- People who choose to cut down their alcohol, sugar, gluten, lactose, whatever are not necessarily 'demonizing' anything or suggesting you do the same. :)

    That all depends on how it is worded in the discussion. Generally if someone says "I like to limit ___________ because that works for me" without implying that it is the correct way, there usually is no problem.

    The issues arise when someone says that you/or the OP/ anyone else should do these things too or they will get fat...or stay fat....etc.

    I'm going to go ahead and disagree with your first statement. It's usually followed by "Why not just eat low calorie and be able to eat ice cream/beef/cereal/wine etc?!?!?!" Why do people care? YOU aren't the one cutting it out, the poster is. It's just what the person chooses to get them to a calorie deficit.

  • SyzygyX
    SyzygyX Posts: 189 Member
    Was this not clear? Because I've been here a long time (on two accounts) and I'm pretty sure this is, like, the only topic of discussion that ever comes up besides the "Who would you do the horizontal mambo with" threads. Like, yes, newbies always join up and talk about clean eating and whole foods and whatever, but I'm pretty sure those posts are neck and neck with posts like this.
  • MrCoolGrim
    MrCoolGrim Posts: 351 Member
    MrCoolGrim wrote: »

    I'm sweating! I think I burned about 100 calores figuring this out. Thanks to all for your help.


  • MrCoolGrim
    MrCoolGrim Posts: 351 Member
    MrCoolGrim wrote: »
    I think everyone is going Gif crazy

    All the best threads are gif crazy.


  • MFD7576
    MFD7576 Posts: 271 Member
    Im gonna eat 1860 calories in M&M's a day, Ill DEFINITLY lose weight :smiley: Jk :disappointed:
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    JessMoTX wrote: »
    Lies. I eat 3 cups of white sugar a day and nothing else.

    ETA: Except of Sundays. On Sundays I eat 58.9 yellow marshmallow peeps.

    Only yellow peeps? Hear they are coming out with Peep flavored milk. You can get your sugar AND your calcium in one shot.
    How do they milk the little chickens? Or do they feed the peeps to the cows, then milk the cows?
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    JessMoTX wrote: »
    Lies. I eat 3 cups of white sugar a day and nothing else.

    ETA: Except of Sundays. On Sundays I eat 58.9 yellow marshmallow peeps.

    Only yellow peeps? Hear they are coming out with Peep flavored milk. You can get your sugar AND your calcium in one shot.
    How do they milk the little chickens? Or do they feed the peeps to the cows, then milk the cows?

    Whoa whoa whoa. Does that say Easter Egg Nog? If it's just regular egg nog with a picture of eggs on it, my calorie goals are in serious jeopardy.
  • MrCoolGrim
    MrCoolGrim Posts: 351 Member
    jmccue1987 wrote: »
    My biggest problem is having cookies and candy in the house on my kitchen counters. It is so much easier to grab a cookie out the box than cut up a vegetable or a piece of fruit lol. What I do is put apples, grapes, olives, and pickles in my fridge that are easy to just grab and eat. When I get home from work, I am slightly hungry and I look for things to grab and eat quickly to satisfy my hunger until dinner. Get those cookies, chips, and cake out of your house. If you don't get it out of your house, at least have it out of plain sight and prepare some cut vegetables or handy fruit that are easily accessible without preparation.

  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    Lies. I eat 3 cups of white sugar a day and nothing else.

    ETA: Except of Sundays. On Sundays I eat 58.9 yellow marshmallow peeps.

    ....where did the 0.1 go? Do you just leave a peep butt hanging out? Maybe an eye?
This discussion has been closed.