
Hi y'all any one that does Crossfit?


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    No, they're all lying in bed icing their shoulders lol
  • ernurse167
    ernurse167 Posts: 26 Member
    I started about a month ago and I love it.
  • itsmegina
    itsmegina Posts: 101 Member
    I've been at it for a couple of months now -I absolutely love it. Every workout is different and so challenging. It is totally scaleable to your fitness level. My box is very welcoming to beginners, and from what I've heard from others, that's the rule rather then the exception :)
  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    Been doing it for over a year.
  • Crosfitjunkie
    Crosfitjunkie Posts: 127 Member
    2 Years for me and love it. B)
  • squirrlt
    squirrlt Posts: 106 Member
    I used to do Crossfit. It's fun. TOO fun. It ended up being too time consuming, I was over there too much. That's my own doing, however. And, it's expensive in my area, started to get crowded when it got "trendy", so now I'm back to a cheapo gym. I really think it is dependent on the individual location (like many other independently owned fitness program/establishments). Some people bypass the problem by getting some equipment and doing the workouts at home.
  • Tricialisha
    Tricialisha Posts: 3 Member
    3 1/2 years and still love it! It's the first form of exercise I've ever liked enough to be consistent. I typically go 4 days a week.
  • longhorns2014
    longhorns2014 Posts: 17 Member
    It's an awesome way to stay fit and motivated. Truly enjoy it.
  • longhorns2014
    longhorns2014 Posts: 17 Member
    itsmegina wrote: »
    I've been at it for a couple of months now -I absolutely love it. Every workout is different and so challenging. It is totally scaleable to your fitness level. My box is very welcoming to beginners, and from what I've heard from others, that's the rule rather then the exception :)

    Once you do Crossfit you won't want to do anything else.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    No, they're all lying in bed icing their shoulders lol
  • musclegood_fatbad
    musclegood_fatbad Posts: 9,809 Member
    Love crossfit. Do it 3-4x days per week as well as mix in some other heavy lifting.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited March 2015
    I like doing Oly lifts with proper technique and appropriate volume.
  • weshofmann
    How do you know if someone is a crossfitter or a vegan?

    Don't worry, they'll tell you.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    I started in January and I absolutely love it. I work harder and do much more variety than when I work out on my own, and it’s fun to learn new skills. I still go to my old gym when the class schedule doesn’t work, and was shocked at the strength gains I made in only 6 weeks. My friends have been complimenting my arms and I feel like a bad-*kitten*! My one caveat would be that you really need to take responsibility for your own learning and safety- some coaches do very little teaching, and I have had to ask persistently for advice on scaling and feedback on my form during lifts. Embrace being a beginner and don’t let your ego set you up for an injury.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    weshofmann wrote: »
    How do you know if someone is a crossfitter or a vegan?

    Don't worry, they'll tell you.
    Solid first post.
  • freqzinbigd
    freqzinbigd Posts: 56 Member
    Close to 4 years here.

    I think it's *a* way to get stronger and faster but certainly not the *only* way. Give it a try.

    Go to more than one gym-- they all have different personalities and some are certainly better than others. Look for one that's either small and can give you a lot of 1 on 1 time at first or more established with a good "on ramp" or "elements" program. Safety First! :)

    Also review the programming-- it's almost always posted on the gym's facebook or website. If they have a good solid strength and/or skills portion to every day that's better than a box that just grinds out 500 pullups and 1000 squats or something ridiculous all the time.
  • clabq0914
    clabq0914 Posts: 16 Member
    I think it's an abomination and a fast track to injury. It's great that men and women are embracing olympic lifts, but crossfit takes it too far and throws form out the window to make it an espn saturday morning competition.

    If your fitness goals are to have some lean muscle mass and nice toned body, crossfit would not be good. I think it's best suited as an extreme cardio and that's it.

    I think image and health wise, nothing will replace traditional resistance training with an emphasis on proper form and nutrition. Working out is not supposed to be fun or a party. If you don't have the passion, motivation, or vision to be in the gym, then it's not for you.

    On top of that, paying $100's+/month to be in a warehouse with a pallet of stacked boxes and some rope doesn't sound even click with me.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    itsmegina wrote: »
    I've been at it for a couple of months now -I absolutely love it. Every workout is different and so challenging. It is totally scaleable to your fitness level. My box is very welcoming to beginners, and from what I've heard from others, that's the rule rather then the exception :)

    Once you do Crossfit you won't want to do anything else.

    Here, here!
  • leahkite
    leahkite Posts: 47 Member
    clabq0914 wrote: »
    I think it's an abomination and a fast track to injury. It's great that men and women are embracing olympic lifts, but crossfit takes it too far and throws form out the window to make it an espn saturday morning competition.

    If your fitness goals are to have some lean muscle mass and nice toned body, crossfit would not be good. I think it's best suited as an extreme cardio and that's it.

    I think image and health wise, nothing will replace traditional resistance training with an emphasis on proper form and nutrition. Working out is not supposed to be fun or a party. If you don't have the passion, motivation, or vision to be in the gym, then it's not for you.

    On top of that, paying $100's+/month to be in a warehouse with a pallet of stacked boxes and some rope doesn't sound even click with me.

    Sooooo I'm assuming you've never gotten inside a box (of any kind).

    To the OP, give it a go! I love it and my husband recently drank the kool-aid too; it's become a 2nd family to us!
  • freqzinbigd
    freqzinbigd Posts: 56 Member
    clabq0914 wrote: »
    I think it's an abomination and a fast track to injury. It's great that men and women are embracing olympic lifts, but crossfit takes it too far and throws form out the window to make it an espn saturday morning competition.

    If your fitness goals are to have some lean muscle mass and nice toned body, crossfit would not be good. I think it's best suited as an extreme cardio and that's it.

    I think image and health wise, nothing will replace traditional resistance training with an emphasis on proper form and nutrition. Working out is not supposed to be fun or a party. If you don't have the passion, motivation, or vision to be in the gym, then it's not for you.

    On top of that, paying $100's+/month to be in a warehouse with a pallet of stacked boxes and some rope doesn't sound even click with me.

    Why should working out not be fun?