Can't consume 1200 calories



  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    What are your stats?

    I have a feeling your bodyweight is already quite low so what are your stats? Age, height, current weight, activity level excluding exercise?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    profilce wrote: »
    @cwolfman13‌ yes if that 1kg per week? I put my activity to active because I spend most of day walking and then I have my training. :smile: Maybe I should lower my goal?
    As one girl said before, I'm a bit scared of that food and I only eat it when I really have to like when I'm in a rush, like today I ate one apple pie at mc donald's.

    This is quite possibly disordered thinking about food ...please tell us your current stats
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    profilce wrote: »
    Thank you everybody! I checked this calculator twice and it says I should eat 1200 calories a day. I exercise 5 days a week.In these 5 days, I'm at the gym on Monday. I can eat like 700 calories and then I think that I ate too much. But I know that I should eat more because I shouldn't starve myself and I'm not trying to do that. I agree with you Lindsey! I've gained pounds last year because I didn't work out for one year and ate lots of junk food like pizza, mc donald's stuff etc

    Please keep in mind that the site is designed for you to log your exercise and eat at least some of the additional calories that it adds. If you're exercising 5 days a week then you'll end up needing a little more than 1200 calories/day.

  • profilce
    profilce Posts: 54 Member
    My height is 168cm
    My weight is 66kg
    Activity level - active
    And my age is 18
  • profilce
    profilce Posts: 54 Member
    Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,200 cal/day that's what it says
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    edited March 2015
    Did you set it to 2lbs per week?

    If I enter your stats, w/ 5 workout sessions.

    TDEE = 2500
    TDEE -20% = 2078
    BMR = 1500

    Are you actually getting to 1200 net, or not. Your statement above about getting to 700 and thinking you ate too much tells me your not, and IMHO is pretty distorted thinking about food.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    profilce wrote: »
    My height is 168cm
    My weight is 66kg
    Activity level - active
    And my age is 18

    Since you're already within a healthy BMI for your height, 1kg per week is likely to be too aggressive. I would consider dropping that goal back to .5 kg per week or even a little less.
  • profilce
    profilce Posts: 54 Member
    2-3 month ago I did get to 1200 net, I ate everything like pizza, chips, cookies, bread and stuff but then i stopped and started eating less because I started to feel that I eat too much food. But I really don't feel hungry or anything like that and I drink green tea a lot. I've never felt hungry even tho I don't get to 1200 calories per day. And I don't feel tired and stuff.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    profilce wrote: »
    I can't consume 1200 calories and I don't know how to do that and to eat clean? I stopped eating sweets, bread, fast food and that stuff so is there any way to consume 1200 calories without 'bad food' ? Help me please :smile:

    Food is "bad" for you if you have medical issues. Are you diabetic, or allergic to gluten?

    Fat is very calorie dense and can be healthy. Just steer clear of trans-fats. Nuts, nut butters, olive oil are very healthy. Small portions pack a lot of calories. Toss some nuts on your salad. Spread some nut butter on an apple or banana. Roast veggies in olive oil & garlic.

    You don't need to "eat clean" to lose weight. Do you see "eating clean" as a lifestyle change? It's not about making perfect food choices, it's about improving your diet overall.

    Re: bread. There is bread that has a better nutritional value than others. Stick with whole grains. Whole grains retain more fiber, protein and nutrients than more processed grains.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    profilce wrote: »
    2-3 month ago I did get to 1200 net, I ate everything like pizza, chips, cookies, bread and stuff but then i stopped and started eating less because I started to feel that I eat too much food. But I really don't feel hungry or anything like that and I drink green tea a lot. I've never felt hungry even tho I don't get to 1200 calories per day. And I don't feel tired and stuff.

    If you "feel" that you're eating too much food when you're eating the minimum recommended calories for women, there may be a deeper issue here.
  • profilce
    profilce Posts: 54 Member
    profilce wrote: »
    My height is 168cm
    My weight is 66kg
    Activity level - active
    And my age is 18

    Since you're already within a healthy BMI for your height, 1kg per week is likely to be too aggressive. I would consider dropping that goal back to .5 kg per week or even a little less.

    I've changed it to lose .75 kg per week and now I should get 1440 calories per day
  • krumpli
    krumpli Posts: 76 Member
    You are at a healthy weight already. Your BMI is 23.4 (the healthy range is 18.5-24.9). You are also young and active. 1200 calories, particularly gross calories, are not enough for you.

    Now, okay, maybe you want to lose some vanity pounds. You want to look fitter and tighter. That's cool! Here are my recommendations to you:

    Set your weightloss goal to .25 kilos per week. (This is half a pound.)

    Eat plenty of protein and healthy fats.

    Exercise, including strength training.

    Accept that you might be one of those people who just aren't hungry that often. You still need to eat enough to fuel your body for health. Just like those of us who ARE hungry more, still have to eat little enough to lose weight, for health.

    Considering eating several smaller snacks throughout the day rather than large meals. For example, twenty almonds are ~140 healthy calories, and not that much volume-wise.

    If you truly find yourself fearing food and thinking that 1200 calories is too much, consider consulting with a trained professional.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    profilce wrote: »
    Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,200 cal/day that's what it says

    Net means before added exercise. That way people who can't exercise, still lose weight.

    1,200 is a default. Choose a high goal = 1,200. People with lots of weight to lose can choose 2 pounds a week. People closer to goal should set something lower. You want to lose fat AND maintain lean muscle. With a really aggressive plan (close to goal) your body may not have enough to "fuel" existing lean muscle.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    profilce wrote: »
    2-3 month ago I did get to 1200 net, I ate everything like pizza, chips, cookies, bread and stuff but then i stopped and started eating less because I started to feel that I eat too much food. But I really don't feel hungry or anything like that and I drink green tea a lot. I've never felt hungry even tho I don't get to 1200 calories per day. And I don't feel tired and stuff.

    This is not healthy thinking. Please seek professional help. Most health care professionals agree that women should NOT net below 1200 calories. You need fuel to live. Food is not the enemy. Too much food is, and 1200 is the MINIMUM you need to eat in order to keep your body working properly.

    Are you in school? Please contact a guidance counselor, nurse, etc. to see if they can help go over proper nutrition. If you have access to a dietitian through your insurance or some other means that is preferred. If you are not in school talk to your doctor and see if they can refer you to someone who can help.

    Also - do you know how to properly weigh/measure log food? I don't think I saw that mentioned....could be a key point.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    edited March 2015
    The phrasing used by the OP is throwing so many red flags that I've lost count. "bad food" ... "I can eat like 700 calories and then I think that I ate too much" ... " I'm a bit scared of that food" ... "I started to feel that I eat too much food. But I really don't feel hungry or anything like that and I drink green tea a lot."

    One will never get their "perfect body" if they fail to properly fuel themselves.
  • annavalente
    annavalente Posts: 119 Member
    profilce wrote: »
    My height is 168cm
    My weight is 66kg
    Activity level - active
    And my age is 18

    Your profile says you are 24 OP?

    You have some really great advice here but I would suggest if you are under 18 years old that you go to a site more suitable for your age and/or speak to someone that can help you with your food issues :smile:
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    profilce wrote: »
    My height is 168cm
    My weight is 66kg
    Activity level - active
    And my age is 18

    Your profile says you are 24 OP?

    You have some really great advice here but I would suggest if you are under 18 years old that you go to a site more suitable for your age and/or speak to someone that can help you with your food issues :smile:

    Good catch. OP, if you're mistaken about your age in your settings or here, then that's going to throw off your numbers. If you happen to be underage for the site, then you might check out a site like that's going to give you better information for your still-growing body.

  • Goggle 100 superfoods. It gives you a great list of nutrient dense foods! Then google superfood recipes. I love food! And I have only been eating like this three days and I love it! I do not feel restricted in anyway! I'm also at 1200 calories per day. Good luck!
  • profilce
    profilce Posts: 54 Member
    I'm 18 yrs old now, when I made this I was 17. I really don't starve myself. I know that by starving myself I can get anorexia and other food disorders
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    profilce wrote: »
    I'm 18 yrs old now, when I made this I was 17. I really don't starve myself. I know that by starving myself I can get anorexia and other food disorders

    Your net intake says you do.