Tesco Ultra Slim??

jackalinaballerina Posts: 7 Member
edited March 2015 in Health and Weight Loss

Have any of you tried tesco ultra slim?

I am going to start it tomorrow. I've got my shaker and my 30 shakes for £10.

I'm mainly doing it because it seems easy and quite cheap and also I think I need to do something drastic to get a bit of weight off hopefully quite fast because if I see my weight can change it will motivate me more.

What does it taste like? Have you tried it with water instead of milk or juice? What were your results on it? X


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    haven't tried it, is it like an own brand version of slim fast or something ?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Short-term expensive fix in my opinion (I'm really opposed to these marketed, packaged up ways to get calories in your system when you could just eat real food)

    Aim to also learn how to eat appropriate portions of real food to a calorie defecit and aim to get to a long-term maintenance position
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Short-term expensive fix in my opinion

    it's a tenner !

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Short-term expensive fix in my opinion

    it's a tenner !

    meh! Still too much for a drink to replace a meal IMO (£1 a bottle as it pans out into the non-introductory offer stuff)
  • mhook760
    mhook760 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm sure it will 'work' as in if you stick to it, you'll lose weight...

    However you'll learn nothing about portion control and making weight maintenance work in the real world with real food.

    If you can't be bothered now to weigh out, cook and sort out your own food then how are you going to be when the time for maintenance arrives? Because that's what you're going to need to do if you want to keep it off.

    Much better to make all your own stuff, track the calories, get used to portions etc you can have much nicer foods, more interesting and tasty and it works in the real world for maintenance as well.
  • mhook760
    mhook760 Posts: 42 Member
    Ah I see you've already bought it.

    Well... stick to it and I'm sure you'll lose weight - but think of it as a kick start only. then you need to be weighing and tracking food to get and keep the rest off if you want this to last, be long term etc
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    mhook760 wrote: »
    I'm sure it will 'work' as in if you stick to it, you'll lose weight...

    However you'll learn nothing about portion control and making weight maintenance work in the real world with real food.

  • jonsmithkidd
    jonsmithkidd Posts: 1,204 Member
    If it works as a way of reducing calories for you, then great. Hope it goes well, let us know how it pans out :-)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member

    Have any of you tried tesco ultra slim?

    I am going to start it tomorrow. I've got my shaker and my 30 shakes for £10.

    I'm mainly doing it because it seems easy and quite cheap and also I think I need to do something drastic to get a bit of weight off hopefully quite fast because if I see my weight can change it will motivate me more.

    What does it taste like? Have you tried it with water instead of milk or juice? What were your results on it? X

    Nope its a poor way to start losing and keep the weight off.
    This site is all about losing weight by educating yourself and and keep it off in the long run by lifestyle changes.

    You dont need to do something drastic, thats classic yo yo dieter mentality. You do need to appreciate how you cna control what you consume and how quicly or slowly you lose weight. Youve bought them now, so you might as well try them so you can see if they suit you. If you lose any weight ist because you were at a deficit and not because theres anything special about them.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    edited March 2015
    Here is the nutrirional info:


    The macros aren't great and there's not a lot of protein (in the serving with 250 ml skimmed milk there is only 14.9 g protein, around 8.5 of which actually come from the milk).

    If you follow the plan you'll lose weight as you are at a calorie deficit, but results will likely only last for as long as you are following the plan.
  • honeybee_kisses
    honeybee_kisses Posts: 172 Member

    meh! Still too much for a drink to replace a meal IMO (£1 a bottle as it pans out into the non-introductory offer stuff) [/quote]

    I agree. £10 could buy a lot of fruit and veg!
    As you've already bought it then you might as well use it to start your weight loss but as it's not a long term solution just switch to healthy eating and calorie counting when you're done with the introduction pack.
  • jackalinaballerina
    jackalinaballerina Posts: 7 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    haven't tried it, is it like an own brand version of slim fast or something ?

    Yeah it is x
  • jackalinaballerina
    jackalinaballerina Posts: 7 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Short-term expensive fix in my opinion (I'm really opposed to these marketed, packaged up ways to get calories in your system when you could just eat real food)

    Aim to also learn how to eat appropriate portions of real food to a calorie defecit and aim to get to a long-term maintenance position

    £10 for 30 meals or £12 when its not on offer. Not too bad to be honest. I know I could eat real food but I'm sick of counting and still getting it wrong where this is just easy and it is only quite short term I want to use it to lose 2 stone ish then ween off it and eat smaller and healthier portions of real food. I think I just need to teach myself I can cope on less calories etc and this is the easy way to do it.
  • jackalinaballerina
    jackalinaballerina Posts: 7 Member
    If it works as a way of reducing calories for you, then great. Hope it goes well, let us know how it pans out :-)

    Thanks for not being judgemental. For everyone else I've done my research thanks.

    Its going well up to now I know its only 2 days but I'm no where near as hungry as I thought I'd be and I like the taste of the shakes with or without milk. Its early days so I haven't weighed myself yet but I'll keep you updated x
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited March 2015
    If it works as a way of reducing calories for you, then great. Hope it goes well, let us know how it pans out :-)

    Thanks for not being judgemental. For everyone else I've done my research thanks.

    Its going well up to now I know its only 2 days but I'm no where near as hungry as I thought I'd be and I like the taste of the shakes with or without milk. Its early days so I haven't weighed myself yet but I'll keep you updated x

    Jacka, seriously, he's not being judgmental, he's telling the truth. What we take off in liquid meal replacement diets is a lot of water, which comes back once you start eating normally.

    Others have suggested learning portion control to create a life-long change in eating habits. Are you open to this? There is a lot of links at the top of the weight loss forum that tell you how to choose correct food entries, etc. I think you can do this.

    Yes, the meal replacement diet drink does seem inexpensive, but it does not teach one how to properly portion out food.

    Whatever you decide, the best of luck. :)

  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    The thing is, when people look like they are being judgemental on here, 99% of the time it's actually because they've been there themselves and hope to maybe stop someone else making that same mistake.

    You say you want to use it to lose 2 stone. You may well do that. But you will almost certainly put it right back on when you go back to eating normally and you say you are tired of counting and getting it wrong which means you will find it very hard to maintain. Best thing is to teach yourself it ASAP and then it becomes much easier.

    There is a reason this site has a success story section full of people, none of them relying on short term fixes.

  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member

    Have any of you tried tesco ultra slim?

    I am going to start it tomorrow. I've got my shaker and my 30 shakes for £10.

    I'm mainly doing it because it seems easy and quite cheap and also I think I need to do something drastic to get a bit of weight off hopefully quite fast because if I see my weight can change it will motivate me more.

    What does it taste like? Have you tried it with water instead of milk or juice? What were your results on it? X
    i havent used tesco brand, but a friend on my feed uses it daily to replace brekkie and is 50lb down over the year.
    2 summers ago i used asda own brand mixed with water,plus a small fruit ,for lunch 5x weekly.salad dinner daily.
    lost 10kg over 3 months,didnt regain.
    last summer,again used either asda/slimfast pre-workout as part of my mfp plan.have lost another 30kg.
    they can work well as a starting point.
    i now can manage my macros far better,and have a wholewheat sarnie with lean meat daily instead, for only a few more calories.
    dozens of people answer these threads without having tried the products.
    good luck,let us know how you get on.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    cw106 wrote: »

    Have any of you tried tesco ultra slim?

    I am going to start it tomorrow. I've got my shaker and my 30 shakes for £10.

    I'm mainly doing it because it seems easy and quite cheap and also I think I need to do something drastic to get a bit of weight off hopefully quite fast because if I see my weight can change it will motivate me more.

    What does it taste like? Have you tried it with water instead of milk or juice? What were your results on it? X
    i havent used tesco brand, but a friend on my feed uses it daily to replace brekkie and is 50lb down over the year.
    2 summers ago i used asda own brand mixed with water,plus a small fruit ,for lunch 5x weekly.salad dinner daily.
    lost 10kg over 3 months,didnt regain.
    last summer,again used either asda/slimfast pre-workout as part of my mfp plan.have lost another 30kg.
    they can work well as a starting point.
    i now can manage my macros far better,and have a wholewheat sarnie with lean meat daily instead, for only a few more calories.
    dozens of people answer these threads without having tried the products.
    good luck,let us know how you get on.

    <<< lost almost 75 pounds in less than 5 months and still going strong.
    Just counting calories

    didn't cost me anything...zero $$$$ Just eating healthier, portion control and moderation
    And i move more because i got fitter
  • SteveMFP123
    SteveMFP123 Posts: 298 Member
    I tried Slim Fast and was hungry all the time, I can't recommend meal replacements.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    It's got 27 G of sugar per serving. Not a great choice.

    How are you having trouble with the math? MFP adds everything up for you. Do you mean that you are not meeting all of your targets? Have you tried eating real food and logging a day or even several days ahead of time? If you do that, you have a game plan and it is easier to reach all of your goals.

    28 pounds seems like an awful lot of expect to lose doing something like this. As other people have said, even those who lose on this kind of diet hardly ever maintain their loss.