Bummed...what have I done?



  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    My personal feeling on this (could be wrong) is that since the problem seems to be that you didn't make permanent changes, a "jump start" isn't going to be all that helpful. What you need to do is think about how you want to eat and move for life, and start on that. The long haul, not the sprint. And then just...live your life. Don't think about losing faster, don't think about how you shouldn't have to be losing as you already lost the weight and then regained, don't think about how far you have to go, just live your changes.

    Again, JMO.
  • jmerchant17
    jmerchant17 Posts: 5 Member
    Your situation sounds almost exactly like mine! I lost about 40lbs last year, then moved out of state and pretty much lost my routine and good habits, then my dad passed away a few months later, and i got really depressed and also stressed at work. Now about 6 months and 10-12lbs later I'm finally getting back into it.

    What helped me get back into it was making a list of all the things that helped me succeed before (progress pics, making small goals, etc.) and a list of all of the things that mess me up (alcohol happened to be on this list for me, along with working out after work). Now im just trying to make small changes as I go so i dont get overwhelmed and discouraged. I'll admit it's been tough looking at the scale and thinking about everything I un-did and where I could be if I hadnt gotten off track, but I'm trying to remember that I'm heading in the right direction and I'd rather move forward, even if it's slow, than to stay where i'm at or to do even more damage. You can do it!! Just make a small step to give you some momentum and before you know it you'll be right back on track!
  • Maria_Everett
    Over 3 years ago I lost 65 pounds and it was so easy to do it lol...well too bad it wasn't easy maintaining it:( I gained everything back and some more:( I was one of those people who was saying what kind of person lose weight and than gain it back. I think God was teaching me a lesson here and it happens to me and it all came back and I didn't have any motivation to work out or eat right. I was depressed and I hated myself for gaining but I wasn't doing anything about it. Couple months ago my husband signed us up for advocare and we started it together and I lost 17 pounds on the challenge and 10 more since than. I'm still doing it and I feel like I have my motivation back and seeing results is so awesome. This was great jump start for me and I want to keep going. I started going to the gym and running and I eat healthy meals. I'm never hungry and I feel like this product is helping me getting my life back. I have energy to play soccer with my kids or dance in the livingroom with them instead of just watching them:) I love it! If you want to friend me on here we can help each other:) I still have 50 pound to lose but I feel like I am going right direction.
  • fnoblebrown
    fnoblebrown Posts: 61 Member
    Don't expect it to come back off in a hurry - but it will come back off. You've done it before, you can do it again.

    Bear in mind, it always gets a bit tougher as you age, but also consider you are bringing more to the table as far as wisdom, and the confidence that comes with a prior successful experience.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I know how you feel. I lost 32lb last year and since New year I put almost all of it back on, all but 6lb.
    I struggled to get back on track too.
    Something just clicked and now I am determined again.
    I have drawn a line in the sand and deleted all of last year's weight entries, I started from zero again. What is done is done, can't change it.
    I also destroyed my written down goals and motivations and started from scratch too.
    You can do it, you just need to find your mojo again. Good Luck.
  • HIATFRachel
    HIATFRachel Posts: 3 Member
    Megoondas wrote: »
    I can totally relate. Two years ago, I did a great job of keeping myself on track and I lost some weight; started to feel really good about myself. Then my grandfather, who lived next door to me growing up, was dying of cancer and I spent lots of my free time with him and my father. He passed in February of 2013, then my other grandfather passed in August of the same year. I put on the weight I lost, and an extra 10 pounds! I stopped making that commitment to myself at the time when it was most important.

    I've recently begun getting up at 4:30am every weekday to exercise before work. I pack my breakfast, lunch, and snacks the night before, as well as my work clothes and whatever I need for the next day. Something kicked me in the butt - I don't know what it was...an epiphany? I knew I could do better and be better for myself. Even though I started getting up very early to get my workouts in, I have more energy than I've felt in a long time. I know if I wait until after work to exercise, I won't do it, so I get it done first thing. Within the first week of doing this, I already felt more energized because I realized that I have control over the choices I make. I have two kids at home, a 6- and 7-year-old, and I work full time, so I know what it's like to get home from work then have to do MORE work. But I realized that it's not an excuse.

    During that "epiphany," I also realized that this is something I have to do long-term. The changes I've made are ones that I can stick with. I know I can dedicate 45 minutes to an hour of exercise 5-6 times a week, and I know I can stick to the foods I've been eating. I'm not going to lose weight quickly by doing this, but slow and steady wins the race. It's hard work to keep on it, but it'll be worth it...it already is worth it. I feel so much better (I feel in control), and I've started losing weight. You don't need a quick fix, you need to see the big picture. <3

    This is a phenomenal post!! I was rockin' this weight loss/ exercise thing until Aug 22, 2013- the day my mom died. I took my last "after/ work- in- progress" picture that morning and headed out to plan a funeral that night. I pretend I don't care about my weight gain, but I do. And I pretend that it'll never catch up to me, but it will. Your last line grabbed me and I LOVE it...
    "You don't need a quick fix, you need to see the big picture."

    Thank you for inspiring me....
  • cazpom37
    cazpom37 Posts: 88 Member
    edited March 2015
    i understand how you feel. in 2012 i lost 35lbs. i maintained for 3 years and then this christmas put about 10lbs back on. not a huge amount but for me i noticed the change considerably, clothes got tighter, i felt bloated and unfit. all my new 'slimmer' clothes were being pushed to the back of the drawers again and i couldn't understand how i lost it first time round.
    until i came across mfp. i thought i'd give it a go, what harm could it do. i cut back a bit, tried to limit the calories to what it advises and see if it works. i can't exercise due to disabilities so i simply log what i eat and make better choices so the calories go further. instead of the fried egg, i have boiled or poached. the little changes have made a big difference. i'm 30 days in now and i've lost 5lbs. im made up with that, slow and steady. better than if i'd have never started! it's gradually become a habit and i'm out of the slump i was in :)

    good luck :)
  • korishka
    korishka Posts: 5 Member
    korishka wrote: »
    I started with the 24 Day Challenge and I lost 15lbs.. I wouldn't suggest looking to close at reviews on a website especially because those people are not buying it through a distributor and getting proper support. I stand behind Advocare 100%, a very good friend of mine just hit her 50lb mark because of Advocare. I have reached 20lbs myself. The 24 Day Challenge is a great way to jump back in a long as it is done properly, through a distributor getting the right support, meal plans, and coaching.

    What is your friend going to do when it's time to come off of the Advocare? Will she have learned portion control and developed a healthy relationship with food? Is she planning on forking over the cash for the shakes for the rest of her life?

    Also buying through a distributor is the worst thing you can do with these types of programs. They'll always have your contact information, they'll always view you as a potential customer, and they'll be there waiting like vultures as soon as the weight comes back.

    Actually not really. I am a distributor and I don't have anyone's information. Do you look for people posting about this and bash them? Cause this isn't the only post I've seen from you. I'm not sitting here bashing what you do. If it works for people then it works. It's not for everyone. But yes from personal expierences and watching my friend, it does help teach portion control and want to eat healthier and it's not about having shakes either. In fact, I don't even use shakes. So please don't just assume how people are based on a product they take.
  • Maria_Everett
    korishka wrote: »
    korishka wrote: »
    I started with the 24 Day Challenge and I lost 15lbs.. I wouldn't suggest looking to close at reviews on a website especially because those people are not buying it through a distributor and getting proper support. I stand behind Advocare 100%, a very good friend of mine just hit her 50lb mark because of Advocare. I have reached 20lbs myself. The 24 Day Challenge is a great way to jump back in a long as it is done properly, through a distributor getting the right support, meal plans, and coaching.

    What is your friend going to do when it's time to come off of the Advocare? Will she have learned portion control and developed a healthy relationship with food? Is she planning on forking over the cash for the shakes for the rest of her life?

    Also buying through a distributor is the worst thing you can do with these types of programs. They'll always have your contact information, they'll always view you as a potential customer, and they'll be there waiting like vultures as soon as the weight comes back.

    Actually not really. I am a distributor and I don't have anyone's information. Do you look for people posting about this and bash them? Cause this isn't the only post I've seen from you. I'm not sitting here bashing what you do. If it works for people then it works. It's not for everyone. But yes from personal expierences and watching my friend, it does help teach portion control and want to eat healthier and it's not about having shakes either. In fact, I don't even use shakes. So please don't just assume how people are based on a product they take.

    I totally agree. It did teach me portion control and created healthy eating habits. Some people(I'm talking about me) need something to help them.
  • LoveMyBabes3
    LoveMyBabes3 Posts: 53 Member
    Leave a pair of walking shoes by your door so when you get home the first thing you can do is go for a walk. A small change like this can be the starr. Slowly add in what you can handle (counting calories, changing your dinner plans, drinking more water, then increasing exercise). Start small and set small goals. Let your mind control your body rather than your body controlling your mind. You can do it!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You know what it takes- go get it!
  • svirds
    svirds Posts: 57 Member
    The best jump start you can do for yourself is to dig deep, find your motivation and get back at it. You did it before, so you can do it again. It's simply a decision, nothing more. Then everyday, it's a series of little decisions all day long to keep moving in the right direction. Soon, what was once a challenge to do becomes a habit - cooking healthy, drinking water, exercising, etc. Set a goal, write it down, share it with a friend - then find your motivation and do it. Simple as that! Your mind and your body will thank you!
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    Megoondas wrote: »
    I can totally relate. Two years ago, I did a great job of keeping myself on track and I lost some weight; started to feel really good about myself. Then my grandfather, who lived next door to me growing up, was dying of cancer and I spent lots of my free time with him and my father. He passed in February of 2013, then my other grandfather passed in August of the same year. I put on the weight I lost, and an extra 10 pounds! I stopped making that commitment to myself at the time when it was most important.

    I've recently begun getting up at 4:30am every weekday to exercise before work. I pack my breakfast, lunch, and snacks the night before, as well as my work clothes and whatever I need for the next day. Something kicked me in the butt - I don't know what it was...an epiphany? I knew I could do better and be better for myself. Even though I started getting up very early to get my workouts in, I have more energy than I've felt in a long time. I know if I wait until after work to exercise, I won't do it, so I get it done first thing. Within the first week of doing this, I already felt more energized because I realized that I have control over the choices I make. I have two kids at home, a 6- and 7-year-old, and I work full time, so I know what it's like to get home from work then have to do MORE work. But I realized that it's not an excuse.

    During that "epiphany," I also realized that this is something I have to do long-term. The changes I've made are ones that I can stick with. I know I can dedicate 45 minutes to an hour of exercise 5-6 times a week, and I know I can stick to the foods I've been eating. I'm not going to lose weight quickly by doing this, but slow and steady wins the race. It's hard work to keep on it, but it'll be worth it...it already is worth it. I feel so much better (I feel in control), and I've started losing weight. You don't need a quick fix, you need to see the big picture. <3

    Thank you for the advice and different things you do! I also have a 7 year old and 4 year old step son part time. It's VERY difficult to find time to exercise...i am up already at 5:30 to get myself and son ready and out the door for work. Then by the time we get home it's homework,trying to make dinner,whatever needs to be done around the house etc etc. I am hoping now that it's daylight savings time we at least have more time to get out and walk or bike before it gets dark.
    You have been encouraging and I appriciate it :smile:
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Well first of all, being mad & beating yourself up about it is only going to make you feel worse and most likely drive you to eat more. Accept that the weight is back - it sucks, but it doesn't have to be permanent.

    I'd say start with baby steps. Are you logging your food? If not, start, even if you don't change your eating habits right away. Sometimes just seeing the numbers can give you a kick in the butt. Since you've moved, why don't you go for a walk/bike ride to check out the new area? Don't think of it as "exercising", you're just exploring & getting some movement in as a bonus. You might plan on only 10-15 minutes, but once you're out you will probably realize you want to go for longer.

    Thank you...I am officially starting today and am going to stop being mad at myself and just get back on the wagon!
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    When you say you get home from work and "have a few drinks" are you talking about alcohol? If so, and it's a daily thing, alcohol is a depressant and may be contributing to your "feeling almost depressed." You might want to think about cutting that back as one step. Aside from depression, personally I find when I drink alcohol I lose all motivation to do other productive things afterwards. I limit my consumption to social activities.

    Yes...I mean alcohol.You are right about this. I am cutting back like NOW. I lose all motivation when i have a drink. And that is a big part of it. I know it's a depressant. That's it....i know all these things but it has been so hard for me to do the right thing. But I am so fed up....I am honestly ready to begin this again. Thank you!
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    korishka wrote: »
    korishka wrote: »
    I started with the 24 Day Challenge and I lost 15lbs.. I wouldn't suggest looking to close at reviews on a website especially because those people are not buying it through a distributor and getting proper support. I stand behind Advocare 100%, a very good friend of mine just hit her 50lb mark because of Advocare. I have reached 20lbs myself. The 24 Day Challenge is a great way to jump back in a long as it is done properly, through a distributor getting the right support, meal plans, and coaching.

    What is your friend going to do when it's time to come off of the Advocare? Will she have learned portion control and developed a healthy relationship with food? Is she planning on forking over the cash for the shakes for the rest of her life?

    Also buying through a distributor is the worst thing you can do with these types of programs. They'll always have your contact information, they'll always view you as a potential customer, and they'll be there waiting like vultures as soon as the weight comes back.

    Actually not really. I am a distributor and I don't have anyone's information. Do you look for people posting about this and bash them? Cause this isn't the only post I've seen from you. I'm not sitting here bashing what you do. If it works for people then it works. It's not for everyone. But yes from personal expierences and watching my friend, it does help teach portion control and want to eat healthier and it's not about having shakes either. In fact, I don't even use shakes. So please don't just assume how people are based on a product they take.

    From what I have heard they do teach you a healthy portion controlled way to eat. And the one distributor I know told me not everyone uses the shakes either. It's a lot of vitamins and healthy products (I don't know all the details) I may try it I may not. For this week at least i am going to try to make some small changes to get back to where i was last year! Thank you!
  • pwisely
    pwisely Posts: 8
    edited March 2015
    Just do it. No tricks no game just say 'I'm either going to start NOW or never" (start logging your food, NOW. even if halfway thru the day!!)

    Scan the barcode of the next thing you eat, and keep your log. DO IT NOW OR YOU'LL REGRET IT.

    Hows that for truth and motivation?
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    If you've done this before and you've been successful than you should know quick fix diets don't work. You don't need to buy a product to "jump start" anything - you need to accept accountability for your own motivation.
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    Chezzie84 wrote: »
    I know how you feel. I lost 32lb last year and since New year I put almost all of it back on, all but 6lb.
    I struggled to get back on track too.
    Something just clicked and now I am determined again.
    I have drawn a line in the sand and deleted all of last year's weight entries, I started from zero again. What is done is done, can't change it.
    I also destroyed my written down goals and motivations and started from scratch too.
    You can do it, you just need to find your mojo again. Good Luck.

    Thank you! i am so glad you got back on track also. I am excited now to really do this again and stick to it!
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    OP, you sound like me when faced with a particularly odious chore. I know I need to do it, and I know how to do it, and yet here I sit having just one more cup of tea while beating myself up about not doing it.

    I can't remember where I first heard this expression, but it has served me well..."well begun, is half done." All you need to do is simply start. You don't have to tackle the whole project all at once, just do one simple thing. It seems to create momentum.

    Maybe for you it would be just going outside and doing a short walk. You don't have to do miles, just put your sneakers on and walk aroung the block. I'll bet if you just did that tonight, it will be easier to do tomorrow and eventually you will start back to the eating habits that you already know work.