How many times do you weigh yourself???



  • deannaaaaaaaaa
    deannaaaaaaaaa Posts: 238 Member
    I weigh myself every morning... but be sure to keep the conditions the same (same scale, clothed vs. unclothed). The other day I weighed myself at my cousin's apartment, and the reading was noticeably different. Your scale will at least be consistent to YOU and YOUR loss.
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    Weigh daily just to see, record once a week.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Once a week only - every Sunday morning before breakfast. :)
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
  • kaylacarol1989
    kaylacarol1989 Posts: 76 Member
    lol twice a day sometimes, I know I shouldn't but I fluctuate anywhere between 2-5 lbs sometimes and I like to see that i'm not actually staying at the higher weight on the regular. I really shouldn't though, because i'd like to not weigh myself until the end of the month and see a big different rather than a few ounces or a pound here and there, it's all preference, if it discourages you, like it does me , then TRY not too, lol I know its hard.
  • Wiseandcurious
    Wiseandcurious Posts: 730 Member
    Daily, and I log all of it. Then when I hit a short stall or my weight goes up before my period I can look back and say "oh, look, that happened her and here and here too and ten it went away here" and that helps me chill out about fluctuations.

    Also, a trick I learnt here is to create a Fitbit account (no need to buy anything) and connect MFP to Fitbit, then connect Fitbit to Trendweight. It all updates automatically now so with one place to log I get the well smoothed trend graph of Trendweight and can see the actual progress better.
  • Paul_Collyer
    Paul_Collyer Posts: 160 Member
    Every day unless had a lot of alcohol the night before or a binge.

    Log each time, and sad as it is I now keep a spreadsheet that tracks the trends and will let me know if things are going pear shaped!

    My reasoning is if you weigh in many days apart you may hit a fluctuation which you will not be able to put into context until at least the next one. Daily avoids that stress and lack of clarity.
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    edited March 2015
    Daily, and I log all of it. Then when I hit a short stall or my weight goes up before my period I can look back and say "oh, look, that happened her and here and here too and ten it went away here" and that helps me chill out about fluctuations.

    Also, a trick I learnt here is to create a Fitbit account (no need to buy anything) and connect MFP to Fitbit, then connect Fitbit to Trendweight. It all updates automatically now so with one place to log I get the well smoothed trend graph of Trendweight and can see the actual progress better.
    Wise, I unlinked Fitbit and MyFitnessPal early on because I didn't like it auto-announcing a loss when my weight was simply wobbling--e.g., -0.2lb today, +0.3tomorrow -0.3lb the day after tomorrow, +0.2lbs, -0.1lbs would appear in MFP as "He lost -0.2lbs, -0.3lbs, and -0.1bs. Hurrah!" Fitbit stores my daily record, but I only copy it over to MFP when there's a true loss.

    Does TrendWeight fix this flaw?

    (If so, that would be most excellent, as my scale auto-logs my weight!)

  • anjalinoniemehta
    anjalinoniemehta Posts: 6 Member
    I check my weight every morning, helps me keep my resolve strong! I actually started watching my weight about 3 weeks ago, but am on MFP since yesterday.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    nentecular wrote: »
    Daily and track it using, keeping an eye on the overall trend and not worrying too much about the daily fluctuations. I can thoroughly recommend it, it's a great way to keep an eye on things.

    I weigh in every day, but recently discovered on here a few days ago, and imput all my data so that its up to date for the past month. Its very awesome one, to see how my weight fluctuates from day to day...weekly, a big change down feels great, but a big change up, or no change at all demotivates me. But being able to see my daily fluctuations helps a lot.

    Also, yeah...the overall trend is great too..even if my scale weight goes up, then down again, when my overall trend shows a steady downward movement, I feel awesome about it. I mean, its about whatever works for you! Some people can only weigh in weekly, others only monthly...others prefer not to weight in at all and just go by how their clothes feel.

    I though, like to be able to keep on top of it, know how what Im eating affects my weight.
  • kjerome101
    kjerome101 Posts: 61 Member
    i weight myself every morning after i get up and use the restroom, it gives the most accurate weight. I get a little too excited to weigh myself each morning!
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    You know what @kjerome101... my morning weigh in is what not only gets me to go to bed at a decent hour, but also up and at em in the morning, because Im excited to see what my progress is!

    Didnt even *think* of this before you mentioned it, but turns out, its an unexpected benefit! Cause usually, it takes me foreverrr to get up...but now I always have something to look forward to!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    Probably you should have jumped on the scale when you "restarted" so you'd have a beginning number to work with...but that's besides the point.

    I weight myself every morning, naked, after I pee, before I get in the shower.
  • queer_mermaid
    queer_mermaid Posts: 37 Member
    I feel like I hardly ever weigh myself - I do it once every four-six weeks, and get my body fat percentage analysed at the same time.
    I take my inch measurements weekly though!
  • kjerome101
    kjerome101 Posts: 61 Member
    @Dragn77‌ ya it's definitely exciting to get up and see if your hard work has paid off!!
  • CatLover22974
    CatLover22974 Posts: 16 Member
    Usually once a week, first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom and removing my pyjamas.
  • angier321
    angier321 Posts: 45 Member
    3rd anniversary on MFP 3/12/15.
    -160+ pounds and have been on maintenance 16 months.
    The way it has to be for me.

    Congratulations and way to go snowflake!!! You are such an inspiration!!!
  • AzWifenMom
    AzWifenMom Posts: 26 Member
    I have tried it both ways, everyday and also long periods of time. I personally found that if I wait a long period of time between weigh in, I get discouraged because I think in my own mind "I must have lost at least (fill in the blank) pounds" then I get on the scale and it isn't nearly at much as I thought. I found weighing daily helps me. I do give myself a 2 pound variance and adjust from there. In fact it actually gives me more motivation on a daily bases.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    About once a week. If I have been "bad" I give it a longer time for the bloat to go down first.