Anyone else on a high-fat diet?



  • determined_14
    determined_14 Posts: 258 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    As others have already said, the low carb folks usually are, although you might not be low carb. On the whole I think preferred macro mix varies a lot person to person and I'd say just experiment with it and see how you feel best (and sure, read the studies).

    If you look at traditional diets, there's quite a variety of different macro make-ups, which I think goes along with my view that no particular macro make-up is best (or best for everyone). One interesting thing I read recently that I want to look into some more is that the basis for the Med Diet (the traditional diet on Crete) was actually rather high in fat as a percentage because so many of the calories were from olive oil (with much of the other food items lower calorie foods like veggies).

    I don't actually think of myself as low-carb, especially with others who have chimed in with their macros here. Just according to some definitions I've read on here, my diet would start to fall towards the lower end of the scale.
    I whole-heartedly agree with you about the differing macro ratios and none being "ideal." Not only are we all different, we as a species are tremendously adaptable. I recently read "Diet Cults," and excellent look at the ludicrously of seeking "the one true diet" for humanity. This pursuit doesn't give nature nearly enough credit! :)
  • MkMoore3527
    On Monday I started a modified fat fast (a strict fat fast is supposed to be 90% fat, under 1000 calories per day) and haven't gone under 75% fat or over 1200 calories. So far, I have lost 5 pounds (about a pound a day, which is typical for this type of eating plan). It was a little tough in the beginning, but once I got over the initial three-day hump, I feel fantastic. There's nothing better than waking up each morning to see the scale continually move downward.
  • eveedance
    eveedance Posts: 77
    Probably a good idea for health
  • eveedance
    eveedance Posts: 77
    American Heart association's advice is probably not one that I would follow regarding saturated fats

  • Paul_Collyer
    Paul_Collyer Posts: 160 Member
    I go 40% fat, 35% carb and 25% protein. Works great for me; nice happy medium that suits my tastes in food. Not too worried about which fats I eat although I do try to eat a few avocados a week.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I only track calories once in a while. Never watch my macros, so I could be eating a high fat diet. Since I haven't gained any weight on maintainence I think my fat intake must be good.