Anyone else going the herbalife diet? If so can you recommend any low calorie but high protein snack



  • TenishaMallick
    TenishaMallick Posts: 44
    edited March 2015
    Hornsby wrote: »
    d rater have a shake that is healthy for me over a processed smart ones or lean cuisine meal.

    so the processed meal is bad, but the processed powder is good?

    No processed products are great are they but for those people who dont enjoy processed food and don't have the time to eat regularly or prepare healthy meals this is ideal in my opinion. Im not saying it's good or bad but I like it if it's not for you then that's fine too
    Hope your doing well and meeting all your goals
  • herrspoons wrote: »
    ^^ Have you tried herbalife? There are many misconceptions about it. I eat 2000 calories a day and loose weight with 1-2 shakes a day. I find it hard with my busy life to plan 3 meals a day while I am on the go. I eat a lot more on herbalife then I have before. Yes you can get the same results with "real" food because it is calorie in vs calorie out. But herbalife makes me feel fuller longer and more satisfied. I am a chewer as well & I EAT!!!! The high protein and convenience is awesome. As for cost, its only like $3 a meal. I used to go out to lunch for a salad costing me $10 3x week. Everyone has different things that work for them. I need the convenience and with my IBS it helps me determine and cut out foods that make it worse. Id rater have a shake that is healthy for me over a processed smart ones or lean cuisine meal.

    Well that doesn't read like an advertisement at all.

    If it's not for you then that's fine I like it and it's out choice to use it im not asking anyone else to use it or try it, I'm not selling it I'm using it as I choose to, if you choose another way then I hope that's fully works for you, good luck to you all
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    d rater have a shake that is healthy for me over a processed smart ones or lean cuisine meal.

    so the processed meal is bad, but the processed powder is good?

    No processed products are great are they but for those people who dont enjoy processed food and don't have the time to eat regularly or prepare healthy meals this is ideal in my opinion. Im not saying it's good or bad but I like it if it's not for you then that's fine too
    Hope your doing well and meeting all your goals

    Herbalife is processed. Saying one would rather have Herbalife than processed food makes zero sense.
  • Lyric_Momma
    Lyric_Momma Posts: 44 Member
    It does to me. Do you have a microwave in your car?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    It does to me. Do you have a microwave in your car?

    Herbalife is processed. What you meant to say is that you would rather have this specific type of processed food rather than another type of processed food.

    And I'm not saying that there is necessarily anything wrong with that (although what I've heard about Herbalife makes me conclude that it is a poor choice). I sometimes eat processed foods myself. But you're not choosing Herbalife instead of processed food.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    It does to me. Do you have a microwave in your car?

    Is that some sort of secret spy code? Wait...let me get my decoder ring.

    The answer is "Dogs with umbrellas take diplomas to the garden."

    And just lol @ avoiding processed foods, but heck this shake looks totally like something that would grow in my garden so it's fine.
  • Lyric_Momma
    Lyric_Momma Posts: 44 Member
    it is convenient for my busy lifestyle & it works. I don't knock your choices. If it helps us lose weight and have a healthier lifestyle. Thats all that should matter!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    it is convenient for my busy lifestyle & it works. I don't knock your choices. If it helps us lose weight and have a healthier lifestyle. Thats all that should matter!

    I'm not knocking your choices. I'm simply pointing out the inconsistencies in one of your statements. If you would rather choose a processed Herbalife shake instead of a processed frozen dinner, I don't have a problem with that. Just don't spread misinformation, that's all.
  • Lyric_Momma
    Lyric_Momma Posts: 44 Member
    I can add fruit and veggies to my shake when I am at home, making it much healthier.
  • Lyric_Momma
    Lyric_Momma Posts: 44 Member
    "I need the convenience and with my IBS it helps me determine and cut out foods that make it worse. Id rater have a shake that is healthy for me over a processed smart ones or lean cuisine meal."
    ^^^^ This is what was said!! I can not with my health issues eat those meals!!! Sure I could eat like you, would you like to pay my ER bills? Herbalife is worth it for me.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Not knocking your choices, just pointing out inconsistencies.

    And just out of curiousity re: your first post.

    Do they send you a little card or something with that info pre-printed on it for all the herbalife people to post on message boards?
  • Lyric_Momma
    Lyric_Momma Posts: 44 Member
    I used to me netsirk12 but forgot my log in during my pregnancy laziness. figured I would start new. And NO I DO NOT SELL HERBALIFE!!!!
  • Lyric_Momma
    Lyric_Momma Posts: 44 Member
    All I did was share my experience.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    d rater have a shake that is healthy for me over a processed smart ones or lean cuisine meal.

    so the processed meal is bad, but the processed powder is good?

    No processed products are great are they but for those people who dont enjoy processed food and don't have the time to eat regularly or prepare healthy meals this is ideal in my opinion. Im not saying it's good or bad but I like it if it's not for you then that's fine too
    Hope your doing well and meeting all your goals

    I've already met and surpassed my goals but thanks :)

    It's just funny that you are saying you don't want to eat processed food, and then you want to eat one of the most processed foods there are ... Herbal Life - it takes A LOT of processing to get a meal into powder form. I thought that was common sense, but apparently not. It's almost comical.
  • frabeco
    frabeco Posts: 9 Member
    edited March 2015
    ^^ Have you tried herbalife? There are many misconceptions about it. I eat 2000 calories a day and loose weight with 1-2 shakes a day. I find it hard with my busy life to plan 3 meals a day while I am on the go. I eat a lot more on herbalife then I have before. Yes you can get the same results with "real" food because it is calorie in vs calorie out. But herbalife makes me feel fuller longer and more satisfied. I am a chewer as well & I EAT!!!! The high protein and convenience is awesome. As for cost, its only like $3 a meal. I used to go out to lunch for a salad costing me $10 3x week. Everyone has different things that work for them. I need the convenience and with my IBS it helps me determine and cut out foods that make it worse. Id rater have a shake that is healthy for me over a processed smart ones or lean cuisine meal.

    Totally agree: I have several friends that are using Herbalife right now and they are doing fantastic! I am on the fence still, but have just received a high protein shake to start in the morning. I do not eat and am not hungry 'till late morning/noon, by that time its too late. I like that I can have a high protein shake first thing in the morning (only have to get down 8oz) and it will stabilize my system.

    @Herrspoons: Definitely think its wrong because you don't like Herbalife and someone posts something positive about it you automatically assume it is advertising and flag it. There is nothing about the above posts that strikes me as advertising.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Has anybody said that one meal a day isn't a problem?
  • takala2015
    takala2015 Posts: 3 Member
    From someone who has used herbalife. can be good for weight loss if you stick to the program. I lost 20 lb on it in 3 months when i tried it. Problem is, if you go off it and start eating like you did before herbalife, you haven't learned any good eating habits, return to your old ways and the weight comes back.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Ditch the Herbalife. Its a multi level marketing scam , its also low quality junk.
  • Lyric_Momma
    Lyric_Momma Posts: 44 Member
    Frabeco- There are many shakes out there and the brand does not matter. I have tried others but when adding spinach, Kale etc I found I don't like how they are mixed. Some are chalky too. But I have also made a couple nasty tasting herbalife shakes too. Chocolate raspberry sounded great. Chocolate formula 1, add raspberries and I had used my normal soy milk.... It was nasty.... Though I cant stand chunks. I am a chewer so fruit is normally on the side.

    hollydubs85- 1-2 shakes a day, with fruit or some extra protein. 2-3 high protein snacks and 1-2 meals depending on how many shakes you have. It is about calories in vs calories out. I track Everything!!! Basically you snack all day.

    And wait, my first post on my new account was flagged!! HA awesome! :) It's not MFP unless you upset someone right?!
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    "I need the convenience and with my IBS it helps me determine and cut out foods that make it worse. Id rater have a shake that is healthy for me over a processed smart ones or lean cuisine meal."
    ^^^^ This is what was said!! I can not with my health issues eat those meals!!! Sure I could eat like you, would you like to pay my ER bills? Herbalife is worth it for me.

    HA!! Herbalife will send you to the ER, so you might as well start saving up anyways... I know that cuz my best friend ended up there for taking that garbage stuff.

    And she didn't lose the weight. Ironic.
