Anyone else going the herbalife diet? If so can you recommend any low calorie but high protein snack



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    "I need the convenience and with my IBS it helps me determine and cut out foods that make it worse. Id rater have a shake that is healthy for me over a processed smart ones or lean cuisine meal."
    ^^^^ This is what was said!! I can not with my health issues eat those meals!!! Sure I could eat like you, would you like to pay my ER bills? Herbalife is worth it for me.

    Who has told you that you should eat like them? How do you even know what I eat?

  • cwagar123
    cwagar123 Posts: 195 Member
    Seriously? You don't have time to eat well? Are you really THAT busy that you can't throw some things in a crock pot or put some almonds in a baggie for snacking? Really?
  • cwagar123
    cwagar123 Posts: 195 Member
    And what do you do after you lose the weight? How do you maintain it? Is there going to be some magic time added to your day? Or do you take that processed powder forever?
  • crazybraziliancook
    crazybraziliancook Posts: 10 Member
    I'm on Herbalife and along with this app. I'm not a big eater in the Am or Lunch I usually go all day without eating . My problem was I starved myself all day so by the night time I'd stuff my face. So that's where Herbalife and this app helps I drink a shake for my breakfast and lunch and eat one meal and a snack a day to stay with in my nutritional goals.
    I sometimes switch my meals around if I have a school function to go too that day for my kids. We are all doing what we feel is right for us and this works for me. I'm losing weight and hopefully after its all gone this app will help me maintain it.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I like the shakes, but I wouldn't really buy the powder. Jerky is low calorie. I just devoured a 3.5oz bag for under 200 calories. I pay out the *kitten* at a fitness club for a shake. But I consider it a guilt-free treat. :smile: Have fun losing weight!
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    ^^ Have you tried herbalife? There are many misconceptions about it. I eat 2000 calories a day and loose weight with 1-2 shakes a day. I find it hard with my busy life to plan 3 meals a day while I am on the go. I eat a lot more on herbalife then I have before. Yes you can get the same results with "real" food because it is calorie in vs calorie out. But herbalife makes me feel fuller longer and more satisfied. I am a chewer as well & I EAT!!!! The high protein and convenience is awesome. As for cost, its only like $3 a meal. I used to go out to lunch for a salad costing me $10 3x week. Everyone has different things that work for them. I need the convenience and with my IBS it helps me determine and cut out foods that make it worse. Id rater have a shake that is healthy for me over a processed smart ones or lean cuisine meal.

    So you know, I can get a salad at Walmart for like... $2 bucks.
  • I like the shakes, but I wouldn't really buy the powder. Jerky is low calorie. I just devoured a 3.5oz bag for under 200 calories. I pay out the *kitten* at a fitness club for a shake. But I consider it a guilt-free treat. :smile: Have fun losing weight!

    Thk you so much for the info I will DEFO be trying those
  • I'm on Herbalife and along with this app. I'm not a big eater in the Am or Lunch I usually go all day without eating . My problem was I starved myself all day so by the night time I'd stuff my face. So that's where Herbalife and this app helps I drink a shake for my breakfast and lunch and eat one meal and a snack a day to stay with in my nutritional goals.
    I sometimes switch my meals around if I have a school function to go too that day for my kids. We are all doing what we feel is right for us and this works for me. I'm losing weight and hopefully after its all gone this app will help me maintain it.

    I'm exactly the same, hope to keep in contact, share experience & progress
  • TheRealStella47
    TheRealStella47 Posts: 24 Member
    soon realised that it isn't a healthy option at all & infact it was more calories than a pack of crisps (shocked)

    Just because something has less calories doesn't mean it is better for you. The calories have to count for something. Nuts and berries have way more calories than diet soda, but they also have nutrients.

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    it doesn't matter when, what, or how many times you eat, it matters how MUCH you eat.
  • soon realised that it isn't a healthy option at all & infact it was more calories than a pack of crisps (shocked)

    Just because something has less calories doesn't mean it is better for you. The calories have to count for something. Nuts and berries have way more calories than diet soda, but they also have nutrients.

    Like I've said previously I'm new to this so all comments & advice is very much appreciated so Thx will also bear that in mind
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    If you read nothing else on this page, read the 2 links under "journal articles".
    They both talk about people who have suffered liver damage and sometimes death from using herbalife products.

    Sorry you wasted the money, but it's not worth risking your health.
    Eat real food, in reasonable portions, and get more exercise. That's something you can do the rest of your life, which is what you need, not some fad diet gimmick which is expensive and unhealthy and once you stop using the product you're right back where you started with no idea of how to eat reasonable portions of real food, so the weight will come back.

    Here's a newbie help post which includes links to helpful info such as sexypants, setting realistic goals (weight, calories, macros), accurate logging & measuring of foods, etc.
  • it doesn't matter when, what, or how many times you eat, it matters how MUCH you eat.

    Clearly not as before I was on the herbalife programme I ate one meal a day generally quite late and I have stayed at a steady weight I haven't gained but I haven't lost any which is what I want to do, I don't have the time to plan prepare cook and even eat 3-5 healthy meals a day so this work well for me, I will see how it goes maybe in a wk or mth I will have a dif opinion but I will never know for myself until I've tried it.
    But Thx for you response
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    BTW, you keep talking about a "diet".
    If you're "on a diet", you will eventually go off that diet, and go back to your normal eating patterns, the ones that got you to your current weight in the first place.
    Instead, change your eating habits for life. Don't do the meal replacement shake things, other than as a once in a while solution for running late in the morning. Eat real food, in reasonable portions.
    I have recently started the herbalife diet, and I am new to diets, never been concerned with my weight really but now I'm trying this herbalife diet I've actually realised I don't eat often enough and my portion sizes are all wrong when I do and to top it off i am struggling with healthy low calorie high protein snack, anyone have any suggestions?? I had half a pack of nut & berry mix today, tried to go for a healthy option rather than a bag of crisps but when checked it out on here soon realised that it isn't a healthy option at all & infact it was more calories than a pack of crisps (shocked)
    Nuts & berries are definitely more healthy than potato chips. No question about that, even though nuts have more calories, it's from healthy fats & proteins.
    struggle to eat more than 1 meal a day and often snack, crisps/chips are my favourite snack & I generally eat 1-2 25g pks a day, I have remained at my current weight for some time and don't seem to be gaining but I would just like to lose a bit
    "A bit"????? Doesn't your profile say you want to lose 35 lb?? That's not "a bit".
    And doesn't that contradict your statement above that you haven't been concerned with your weight?
    I've been told that hard boiled eggs are high in protein, do you know if it's only boiled eggs or eggs in general
    :confused: You can't be serious. Think about what you just said.
    Do you really think that heated water (applied to the outside of the eggshell) could have any effect on the amount of protein inside the egg??
    Yes, egg whites are high in protein. Eat the yolks too, 'cause that's where the micronutrients are, as well as the fat.
    I am defo clueless on correct portion sizes
    This calculator from the Baylor College of Medicine will tell you not only your BMI, but how many servings of various foods to eat to maintain that weight, in ounces and cups and calories.
    So if you put in your healthy goal weight it will show you how much to eat to get there & stay there. (Also will show if your goal is in fact healthy.)

    Here's a page of info from the US NIH, which is a start for you to learn about portions & servings.

    Here's a PDF giving examples of portion sizes and common objects to compare them to.

    Portion distortion quizzes.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hornsby wrote: »
    d rater have a shake that is healthy for me over a processed smart ones or lean cuisine meal.

    so the processed meal is bad, but the processed powder is good?

    Yup I can't follow the logic either.

    I'm VERY familiar with Herbalife. There are worse things out there but guess what's way better?


    <single employed mom and I make meals. Not hard, just a choice.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Of course Herbalife is processed. It's not any better for you than any other protein powder that you can buy in the grocery store--perhaps worse.

    Herbalife is a a MLM scam and an incredibly unethical company. They very intentionally prey on uneducated Latinos. Their business practices are disgusting.
  • DaveR100
    DaveR100 Posts: 38 Member
    Diets do not work. Only life style changes will allow you to improve your health.
    1. Christine_72
      Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
      Of course Herbalife is processed. It's not any better for you than any other protein powder that you can buy in the grocery store--perhaps worse.

      Herbalife is a a MLM scam and an incredibly unethical company. They very intentionally prey on uneducated Latinos. Their business practices are disgusting.

      I would much rather buy a protein shake from my local health food store or wherever, then support a mlm scheme!!
      In the end protein shakes are much of a muchness. It's just some people are easier sucked in to marketing hype than others :wink:

    2. MKEgal wrote: »
      BTW, you keep talking about a "diet".
      If you're "on a diet", you will eventually go off that diet, and go back to your normal eating patterns, the ones that got you to your current weight in the first place.
      Instead, change your eating habits for life. Don't do the meal replacement shake things, other than as a once in a while solution for running late in the morning. Eat real food, in reasonable portions.
      I have recently started the herbalife diet, and I am new to diets, never been concerned with my weight really but now I'm trying this herbalife diet I've actually realised I don't eat often enough and my portion sizes are all wrong when I do and to top it off i am struggling with healthy low calorie high protein snack, anyone have any suggestions?? I had half a pack of nut & berry mix today, tried to go for a healthy option rather than a bag of crisps but when checked it out on here soon realised that it isn't a healthy option at all & infact it was more calories than a pack of crisps (shocked)
      Nuts & berries are definitely more healthy than potato chips. No question about that, even though nuts have more calories, it's from healthy fats & proteins.
      struggle to eat more than 1 meal a day and often snack, crisps/chips are my favourite snack & I generally eat 1-2 25g pks a day, I have remained at my current weight for some time and don't seem to be gaining but I would just like to lose a bit
      "A bit"????? Doesn't your profile say you want to lose 35 lb?? That's not "a bit".
      And doesn't that contradict your statement above that you haven't been concerned with your weight?
      I've been told that hard boiled eggs are high in protein, do you know if it's only boiled eggs or eggs in general
      :confused: You can't be serious. Think about what you just said.
      Do you really think that heated water (applied to the outside of the eggshell) could have any effect on the amount of protein inside the egg??
      Yes, egg whites are high in protein. Eat the yolks too, 'cause that's where the micronutrients are, as well as the fat.
      I am defo clueless on correct portion sizes
      This calculator from the Baylor College of Medicine will tell you not only your BMI, but how many servings of various foods to eat to maintain that weight, in ounces and cups and calories.
      So if you put in your healthy goal weight it will show you how much to eat to get there & stay there. (Also will show if your goal is in fact healthy.)

      Here's a page of info from the US NIH, which is a start for you to learn about portions & servings.

      Here's a PDF giving examples of portion sizes and common objects to compare them to.

      Portion distortion quizzes.

      Well actually seems as you don't know my situation but wish to comment on everything I've posted let me just respond to a few things, 1stly I'm taking it you are not on herbalife 'programme' as I did ask for people's opinion who are on it
      2ndly I'm not actually fussed how much a lose but you have to put something in
      3rdly you said once I stop I will gain the weight again who said anything about stopping
      4thly you mentioned that eventually I will go back to my normal eating patterns which got me here in the 1at place well for your info my normal eating patterns keep me at a steady weight hence the reason I'm not gaining but I had twins and since have not shifted the weight so IF I do choose to stop and go back to my normal eating patterns whose to say I won't stay at that current weight
      Finally I say again I'm clueless when it comes to all this I'm new to this 'dieting thing' I have never watched my weight or been concerned before so I've never had to ask about calories, protein, carbs etc, before I had my twins I was very happy with being the size I was & even now I'm not unhappy or even really that bothered it would just be nice if I did lose a few pounds or 35
    3. Lol
      Thx for all your comments though and PLS feel free to keep in touch & see how I'm doing and I welcome any further feedback and advice just don't really want to hear negative opinions cos ur killing my vibe