Those last 15 pounds



  • mkfrazee
    mkfrazee Posts: 6 Member
    edited March 2015
    Yes! Exactly what I'm talking about. 15 would be awesome, but even 10 would make me happy. I've worked hard over the past year and have gained a lot of strength, endurance, and muscle. However, my diet gives me the biggest challenge to seeing the results in the mirror. I want to be held accountable for my choices in that regard and my resulting weight. Feel free to add me! Btw, my wedding is coming up so I need to make this happen!!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,469 Member
    I'm in...added myself to the spreadsheet. I entered what I weighed on the 1st as my starting weight. I've been struggling with this for six months. Plus stress at work training a new person so I can retire at the end of March. I am definitely a stress eater. This will be great! Thanks everyone!

  • jenr6482
    jenr6482 Posts: 59 Member
    Of course we love new friends!you can be so proud of your accomplishments over the last year. To lose more you must start from here. Use the same determination on the next goal ax u did the last goal .
    It really is the hardest. I lost 195lbs in 1 year but have been stuck in the 180s for the past year. I used to weigh 377lbs and now I weigh 182lbs. I actually probably need to lose a little more than 15 more pounds but that is my goal for now. Anyone feel free to add me!

  • siurzua
    siurzua Posts: 62 Member
    YES! Please add me as a friend:D
  • Christians_mom
    Christians_mom Posts: 12 Member
    Worst week ever guys.
    Back injury + muscle swelling + stomach bug bloat = I'm up 2 pounds since Monday. Nearly 3.

    What do? :(

    Try not to get frustrated, it looks like you have a lot going on. Get back on track when you're feeling better.
  • Level1Vegan
    Level1Vegan Posts: 43 Member
    edited March 2015
    I weighed in at 127 pounds today so cancelled out last week's gain.
    so 1 pound down so far. Pitiful really.

    V Jealous of those 3 lb losses so I'm going to give it everything this week.

    Just 7 days with my focus on Sundays weigh in.

    keep going everyone!!!!
  • mommahix
    mommahix Posts: 189 Member
    So this week has been a roller coaster for me...broke my tooth last into the dentist Friday- thought they would be doing a root canal and fixing my tooth...nope...thats scheduled for the 24th!!!!! Not in pain but it is uncomfortable and limiting some of my poor food choices so that is a plus...eating a lot of soup....then to top it off I was sick all day yesterday...barely got out of bed...also ate next to nothing...we will see where this leaves me on the weight loss train.....
  • PandoraGreen721
    PandoraGreen721 Posts: 450 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm also on my last 15...yesterday it was 14. ;) I know it's going to slow down from here, but I'm still pushing forward and making it my goal to remain focused. Anyone can add me for support.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,469 Member
    My week wasn't great. My weight was up this morning, but my food choices have been much better yesterday and today. Next Sunday will be a terrific weigh in! I make my breakfast and lunch the night before, so there is no question what I am eating at work. It's after work that I get myself into trouble, but if I don't buy it...I can't eat it.

    I'll be able to get outside for a walk when I get home tomorrow. I got almost 12 Fitbit miles done today. Five miles of it I walked with my DH and grandpuppy, Bean, and then I went off by myself for a little quicker 4.5 miles...I love the longer days! This next week will be much better. I have 15.2 pounds to go.

  • bgail2022
    bgail2022 Posts: 15 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm with you guys... bad week this week. I step on the scale tomorrow but I don't expect much change. I need to get back to food and exercise like week 1. That's my challenge this week... no soda :(, no snacking calories, and monitoring my other food intake (and logging it in the food diary). Big exams coming up so this makes it extra challenging.

    Anyone have any REALLY quick/easy dinner ideas that are low calorie they want to share for this week? I don't have much time to spare this week to grocery shop or cook, so minimal ingredients, and little prep/cook time would be great.

  • sgjohnson92
    sgjohnson92 Posts: 17 Member
    bgail2022 wrote: »

    Could you edit the first post and place there link there? Would be easier for us all and for the new joiners! :)

  • jenr6482
    jenr6482 Posts: 59 Member
    I was doing great until the weekend. I TOTALLY blew it! Yes, I recorded my failure on the doc . I WILL get back on track this week. Nicer weather so I can go for a walk.
  • jenr6482
    jenr6482 Posts: 59 Member
    Of course the very best is salad a plateful is only 50 calories plus dressing. Chicken breast can be put in glass pan with a bit of water cover with Saran Wrap and microwave for 3 min or so. Cut up and put on salad . Taco salad is good too. Make your salad, sprinkle a bit of meat no cheese or beans of course and use salsa for flavor. Good luck! Flavored water is a step between soda and water quote="bgail2022;31608790"]I'm with I need to pick up 2 of Nellie pressure cookers tomorrow when do u get home you guys... bad week this week. I step on the scale tomorrow but I don't expect much change. I need to get back to food and exercise like week 1. That's my challenge this week... no soda :(, no snacking calories, and monitoring my other food intake (and logging it in the food diary). Big exams coming up so this makes it extra challenging.

    Anyone have any REALLY quick/easy dinner ideas that are low calorie they want to share for this week? I don't have much time to spare this week to grocery shop or cook, so minimal ingredients, and little prep/cook time would be great.

  • superraachel
    superraachel Posts: 106 Member
    This past week was a really good one for me. I got in some exercise every day, stuck with the meal plan I put in place on Monday, and ordered sensibly when we went out to breakfast on Saturday. We don't go out a lot with having toddler, so I usually just say ahh it's a cheat meal, but this week I didn't and it felt good. I did have one day where I went off track, but I made up for it the following day to even out the calories for the week. 1.4 lbs gone!

    Thanks to everyone in this thread. Seeing your progress and struggles has been keeping me motivated and realizing that it gets hard, and you just have to keep at it. Good job everyone! And here's to another strong week!
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    I'd like to join please.

    I'm finally taking control of my eating: "abs are revealed in the kitchen".
    I'd like to lose 5# by summer and another 5# before Christmas.
    This is a lifestyle change, so I'm taking it really slow, aiming for less than 1 pound loss per month. Really aiming for body fat loss.

    42yrs old
    SW 128.5
    CW 121.2 (as of 2/4/15; I need to weigh myself this week)
    GW 116
    UGW 109

    I've added myself to the Googledoc.

    Thank you for your support.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    You guys are rocking this challenge. I just checked out the spreadsheet. Amazing!!!

    Ok I have several quick "GO TO" meals that I eat. Lunch ( a lot of the time) 5oz of rotisserie chicken breast and 6 oz of steamed carrots with 1/2 tablespoon of butter and season to taste. Dinner .... Steamed broccoli, or pan seared fresh Brussel sprouts, (I love and can't do without ziploc steamer bags. Works great steaming all my veggies) 1/2 tablespoon butter and a little parm cheese with some protein (rotiserrie chicken breast, grilled shrimp or scallops... Because they cook really fast and I can keep them in the freezer and just take out what I need).

    Snacks as of late.... Beef jerky (hi in protein and easy to take with me), fresh pineapple and or apples (but apples I need to eat with peanut butter and I am gonna try to cut peanut butter for the rest of the challenge).

    I have had a good week. Still not doing all the extra abs/booty/arms work at home. By the end of the night I am exhausted so I think I need to start doing it in the morning. Toning while losing it a big part of my goal. I am definitely down from last week but my official weigh is tomorrow. Hoping for 132 but we have to wait and see.

    Not really sure I can lose the remaining 12.5 by the end of this challenge but if I can get down atleast anothet 8.6.... I will be thrilled and will only have 4 more to go before my beach vaca in July. That is now my my goal.

    Just need to stay focused and I have to try to NOT let the stresses of life knock me off course like "old me" use too.
  • andersonchloe289
    andersonchloe289 Posts: 11 Member
    Had a falling out for the last week... but i'm not giving up! :)
  • crystalstinson7
    crystalstinson7 Posts: 101 Member
    Can I get in on this??? I have about 10lbs to lose and a bikini to feel comfortable in! I'd love to have some friends that are really going strong, logging every day and what not. I only have a few that do that. I find I'm more motivated to keep up if I see statuses regarding exercise. Please, add me! I'd add you all, but there's so many people in this thread. :smile:
  • jenr6482
    jenr6482 Posts: 59 Member
    Failure is when you fall and DONT get back up!you are a success for trying again
    Had a falling out for the last week... but i'm not giving up! :)