Need advice on low carb snacks please



  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    - Egg beaters
    - Whole natural almonds
    - Peanut butter
    - Protein pancakes: 2 egg whites, 1/2 scoop protein powder and water in blender (Cook like regular pancakes)
    - Greek yogurt with peanut butter or small amount of fruit
    - Protein smoothie

    question about the protein pancakes, is that all thats in it???? what is the texture like??? how does it taste????

    It doesn't taste exactly like pancakes, but for me its a pretty good replacement for cravings.

    That is also just a basic recipe. Normally I go for a few more ingredients, but low carb was asked for. Normally I combine 2 egg whites, 1/2 scoop protein powder, 2 Tbsp cup oatmeal, 2 Tbsp unsweetened applesauce and water in a blender. Pour out like regular pancakes. Not high carb, still high in protein.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    - Egg beaters
    - Whole natural almonds
    - Peanut butter
    - Protein pancakes: 2 egg whites, 1/2 scoop protein powder and water in blender (Cook like regular pancakes)
    - Greek yogurt with peanut butter or small amount of fruit
    - Protein smoothie

    question about the protein pancakes, is that all thats in it???? what is the texture like??? how does it taste????

    It doesn't taste exactly like pancakes, but for me its a pretty good replacement for cravings.

    That is also just a basic recipe. Normally I go for a few more ingredients, but low carb was asked for. Normally I combine 2 egg whites, 1/2 scoop protein powder, 2 Tbsp cup oatmeal, 2 Tbsp unsweetened applesauce and water in a blender. Pour out like regular pancakes. Not high carb, still high in protein.

    hmm wonder if you could get something like almond flour and use it instead of the oatmeal
  • Go buy 3 dozen eggs.... for 3 bucks and hard boil them..... THROW THE YOLKS AWAY and chow away..... 17 cals a pop and 0 carbs... filling too!!!!

    Second the jerky, but high high high salt.....

    try making home made jerky
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Go buy 3 dozen eggs.... for 3 bucks and hard boil them..... THROW THE YOLKS AWAY and chow away..... 17 cals a pop and 0 carbs... filling too!!!!

    Second the jerky, but high high high salt.....

    try making home made jerky

    there is no reason to throw the yolks away , the yolks are full of nutrition.
    damn yolks get such a bad rap , I honestly feel sorry for them
  • born2bskinny
    born2bskinny Posts: 8 Member
    Try a Yoplait Triple Berry Smoothy with Non-Fat Milk. 110 calories. You can find them in the frozen food section at the grocery store. Good luck!
  • kristinmk
    kristinmk Posts: 6
    I love having eggs and bacon! There are so many ways to make them and the fat in it makes you feel satisfied! I also like lunch meat or any kind of meat really! lol! Leftovers :)
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    kenny, my workouts go like this roughly

    M: weights program 40 mins + cardio 20 mins
    T: Personal trainer (sometimes strength / cardio sometimes boxing (cardio)
    W: Spin / Cycle class
    T: 20 mins cardio then advanced yoga class
    F: 20 mins cardio then sculpt class

    weekends I try to get out and walk, and if i get the opportunity i'll do another cycle class

    Most weeks i go to the gym 5 days a week, if i can't go, i try to walk instead

    Calories, i don't go crazy counting, but i roughly eat most of my exercise calories. It's certainly not an exact science, but i have continually lost weight for the last few months, every week, i'm dropping a bit (between 0.5kg and 1kg) so i figure i've got the calories about right.

    If you are losing weight, why change anything? As long as it's working, you're fine. Although I will add that if you are not lifting with adequate intensity, and if you are not eating an adequate amount of protein (at least 1g/lb), part of the weight you are losing might be muscle - which is not good.

    Your goal should be to lose fat while maintaining muscle mass.
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