Welcome any ladies over 50

Hi! I started in January and have lost 10 pounds. I have 15-20 to go and would welcome any new friends to join me in the journey. It IS so much harder to do this when one is over 50 and I can use all the support I can get.


  • Hi. I just started a week ago. Need to lose about 60 lbs. I am a 50 yr old female. And yes it is much harder than when i was in my 30's.
  • jacqueinhutto
    jacqueinhutto Posts: 34 Member
    Congrats on the loss!! Feel free to add!
  • jkrause9005
    jkrause9005 Posts: 11 Member
    Congrats on your loss. I've been using MFP since New Year and have lost 15 pounds. I had lost 18 pounds prior to that, so I am down 33 pounds in total. You're right, it's harder to lose weight after 50. I feel like it's more important than ever to get to a healthy weight now. I still need to lose at least 33 more pounds. Please feel free to add me too.
  • Avalia63
    Avalia63 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 51 and I am on a weight loss/fitness journey also. I like using the map my fitness app to trace my walks and exercise. I have lost 7 pounds over the last 2 weeks and looking forward to loosing 5 more. It doesn't just melt off like when I was younger. I have been exercising since June but just now adjusted my eating. I worked like magic. It would be really fantastic to have a summer being normal weight instead of over weight!
  • Cush_la
    Cush_la Posts: 111 Member
    I have requested to add you ...
  • liz8392
    liz8392 Posts: 2
    Joined in 2013 but have not been active for many months. Over 50 but trying to stay positive and not always blame gaining weight on my age. Exercise is a must for me to lose.Keep up the good work ladies!
  • I would love to have any of you ladies to add me to your list. For the most part we are all going through the same struggles at this time in our lives and to have someone to support and support me would be great!!
  • sylviajackson23
    sylviajackson23 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi ladies
    I've been on celebrity slim since August lost 6 1/2 stone which is fab but due to cost I've stopped and now just keep track with mfp still got some more to lose would like support from here as not getting it from friend's or family. Would love it if you add me to your list :)
  • Keran24
    Keran24 Posts: 90 Member
    I am 51 and have been working out more for the past five years. I lost 22 pounds a few yrs ago and kept it off without any trouble until now. I am halfway through four chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer. I had surgery in December and will have surgery again after chemo. I am recovered from surgery and able to workout but for ten days after chemo i only have the energy to do yoga. I am also on steroids for several days for each treatment so i think that is why i am gaining. I am hoping to maintain my weight and would love to take ten pounds off by my daughters wedding in late May. Using MFP to try to be more aware of what i am eating and to motivate me to move more. Looking for friends to encourage me.
  • I'm just starting and I'm 55 years old. I would like to lose 20 lbs, but 10-15 would work.
  • henlady60
    henlady60 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 55 in a couple of months. Used to be really fit in my forties, then a back injury stopped everything bar yoga and pilates. Started walking 4-5 miles a day, need to kick this middle age lack of energy and post menopausal dullness into touch :)
  • Im 52 and I have to start slow and ramp up slowly due to fibromyalgia. I would love supportive friends! Please friend me! My first goal is to lose 6 pounds by my birthday and to lose 10% of my body eight before I go back to the Dr (three months) I also would love to get the sugar out of my life! Im addicted to coffeemate vanilla creamer and I'm really sad to say goodbye to that!! The main goal used to be looks but now its feeling better looks would be the cherry on top!
  • jubz50rip
    jubz50rip Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm 54 & would like to lose 1st., I'm about 10st but only 5ft 4in so I'm feeling heavy & not as active. I used to work out a lot, dance & had energy. I too don't want to blame age, my diet has gone to pot so maybe we can encourage each other!
    Please add me.
  • jules6669mfp
    jules6669mfp Posts: 446 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm 55 and committed to getting this 50lbs off for good. It's time to take care of me. I am looking for support as well as giving support. It would be nice to share our ups and downs in this journey and encourage one another. Please feel free to add me.
  • I'm 58 and have over 50lbs. I would like to lose. I am doing Atkins, and so far doing pretty well. It's slow, but at least the scales are moving in the right direction. I look at this as a lifestyle change not a diet, so I have the time to lose the weight and get healthy. Would welcome more friends to give and receive support and encouragement.
  • joan4440
    joan4440 Posts: 35 Member
    Hello all. I too have struggled with my weight for years. I know what I need to do, but have great difficulty changing my terrible eating habits. I could really use support from this site. Good luck to you all.
  • 56 yrs old..Need to lose about 60lbs!
  • janedaly56
    janedaly56 Posts: 9 Member
    Avalia63 wrote: »
    I am 51 and I am on a weight loss/fitness journey also. I like using the map my fitness app to trace my walks and exercise. I have lost 7 pounds over the last 2 weeks and looking forward to loosing 5 more. It doesn't just melt off like when I was younger. I have been exercising since June but just now adjusted my eating. I worked like magic. It would be really fantastic to have a summer being normal weight instead of over weight!

  • janedaly56
    janedaly56 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Every one , I'm nearly 60 and wanting to lose about 5 kilos I know it does not sound much but I am a small frame and I'm sick of tight jeans and feeling frumpy. I've lost a kilo a week so far I'm loving this site. The problem for me is keeping it off
    Good luck
    Cheers Jane
  • maryroser9
    maryroser9 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I'm 51. and even staying under my calories most days but always the whole week I'm not getting anywhere any advice please