Question for the Ladies...



  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    I love teddy bear types, but not big to the point of Dr Phil intervention. Muscled guys that are that way from, military, fire/rescue are totally sexy. Muscles are great but muscles a guy admires on himself more than I do on him.....too much.

    Legs...if anything should be muscled up, it should be legs! Yummy!
  • gog427
    gog427 Posts: 82
    Holy Chit!!!.....Reading through some of these comments,I am in big trouble,no wonder I can't get a date:cry:
    I know. I'm in trouble! I don't work on my shoulders at all, because the're 3 feet wide. I can't help it. I was born big, even when I hit my goal weight of 180, i'll still be bigger than 80% of guys they are talking about.:sadface.

    Oh well, I think a man should be able to pick he's lady up and put her on he's shoulders with ease.

    yo ucan get to where you can lift your girl up with ease without looking like Arnold during his body builder days.
    See I think we need photos of what Body builders are and are not?
    See like Gerard Butler in 300 is my goal and i'm close."would you count him as body builder?"

    not a body builder to me, but too ripped for me

    ah cool.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member

    Add about 10lbs of muscle and i'd say pretty good.

    "I love the warriors tshirt by the way"
    Whos the guy in pic anyway?"
    maybe, im just not a muscle girl. as big as i am right now i dont want to be with a guy that can break me when im over weight lol
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    See like Gerard Butler in 300 is my goal and i'm close."would you count him as body builder?"

    When I think "bodybuilder" I think of the guys in Flex and Muscular Development. Yuck. Thumbs up to Gerard Butler in 300 though.
  • Giftherz
    Giftherz Posts: 9
    Gerard Butler is yummy. lol
    I think the creator of this thread has a great body. While my husband has gained atleast 30lbs since we got together and def has a gut he is still attractive to me.
    I do like muscles in the arms though, a nice chest is great but I love arms.. haha
    I do not like bodybuilders however. It looks gross.
  • gog427
    gog427 Posts: 82
    Cool we all on same page now. Ok so i'm not body builder! Yeah, Happy Day!
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    Cool we all on same page now. Ok so i'm not body builder! Yeah, Happy Day!

    guys with arms (muscles) like this scare me, intimidate me, and are unattractive to me. While his face is cute, nothing else is.
  • gog427
    gog427 Posts: 82
    Cool we all on same page now. Ok so i'm not body builder! Yeah, Happy Day!

    guys with arms (muscles) like this scare me, intimidate me, and are unattractive to me. While his face is cute, nothing else is.

    gotcha"still wondering whos the guy in first pic?the one you liked"
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    Cool we all on same page now. Ok so i'm not body builder! Yeah, Happy Day!

    guys with arms (muscles) like this scare me, intimidate me, and are unattractive to me. While his face is cute, nothing else is.

    gotcha"still wondering whos the guy in first pic?the one you liked"
    the one I said was perfect is channing tatum (actor). the one I dont like is some random internet search on body builders lol
  • gog427
    gog427 Posts: 82
    Cool we all on same page now. Ok so i'm not body builder! Yeah, Happy Day!

    guys with arms (muscles) like this scare me, intimidate me, and are unattractive to me. While his face is cute, nothing else is.

    gotcha"still wondering whos the guy in first pic?the one you liked"

    the one I said was perfect is channing tatum (actor). the one I dont like is some random internet search on body builders lol

    Ah I knew it I meet him when he was in Lockhart fliming hes MTV movie about a gulf war.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    Cool we all on same page now. Ok so i'm not body builder! Yeah, Happy Day!

    guys with arms (muscles) like this scare me, intimidate me, and are unattractive to me. While his face is cute, nothing else is.

    gotcha"still wondering whos the guy in first pic?the one you liked"

    the one I said was perfect is channing tatum (actor). the one I dont like is some random internet search on body builders lol

    Ah I knew it I meet him when he was in Lockhart fliming hes MTV movie about a gulf war.

    OMG seriously? I would kill to meet him. Well not literally kill, but DAMN that boy is fine! lol
  • gog427
    gog427 Posts: 82
    Cool we all on same page now. Ok so i'm not body builder! Yeah, Happy Day!

    guys with arms (muscles) like this scare me, intimidate me, and are unattractive to me. While his face is cute, nothing else is.

    gotcha"still wondering whos the guy in first pic?the one you liked"

    the one I said was perfect is channing tatum (actor). the one I dont like is some random internet search on body builders lol

    Ah I knew it I meet him when he was in Lockhart fliming hes MTV movie about a gulf war.

    OMG seriously? I would kill to meet him. Well not literally kill, but DAMN that boy is fine! lol

    Yeah I took off work to get autograph for a friend she loves him.Stop-Loss was the movie.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    This is perfect...he has muscle definition, but by no means looks anything like a bodybuilder. Of course, the same thing without muscle definition is also attractive. My hubby basically looks like this, but without the definition.

    oh yeah Damen is HOT!!!! the perfect man right there!
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    I can't stand skinny guys and I can't stand guys who look like they just fell out of a muscle magazine. I like.... heavily muscled but with a few extra pounds on top. The sterotypical bouncer look.... and I love them talllll.

    I think that it is directly related to human survival instincts. Layer of extra fat = well fed. Well muscled = strong and athletic Well fed and strong = good hunter and that ultimately means he will be a good provider.
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I dont like guys with all that like muscle, no Hulk Hogan for me. But then again..i dont like sticks. I would Chris Pine baby!!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    point each their own!! the women wanna be petite so the men don't have to be bodybuilders to lift them, and the men wanna be big so they attract the petite women!!! LOL

    biggest points: not scrawny, not fat, arms bigger then my waist are not cool (for me), and abs are super hot!
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I dont like guys with all that like muscle, no Hulk Hogan for me. But then again..i dont like sticks. I would Chris Pine baby!!!!
  • I like my guys to be muscular but not too big. Huge bulky guys are kinda scary and gross. Plus, a guy who was skinnier would make me feel self conscious :/ lol.
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member me some Randy.
  • kelly6485
    kelly6485 Posts: 78
    Honestly, body type doesn't matter at all to me, really....AT ALL.... so many other things are more important =)
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