Leslie Sansone's "Walk away the pounds"



  • shoff5
    shoff5 Posts: 10
    How do you log this exercise? 30 minutes of fast to moderate walking doesn't seem accurate, would it be low impact aroebics?
  • shoff5 wrote: »
    How do you log this exercise? 30 minutes of fast to moderate walking doesn't seem accurate, would it be low impact aroebics?

    I've been logging it as high impact aerobics.

    On average, the workout will burn 120-150 calories per mile. Being taller and heavier than average, the burn for high impact aroebics matches what I would anticipate burning.
  • shoff5
    shoff5 Posts: 10
    Well that's better than the 164 calories I've been claiming for the 30 Minute Fast Fat Burn workout! Thanks Katherine.
  • elenacala
    elenacala Posts: 1 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »

    This is a group here on MFP - you may find some support/motivtion - information ... on all the Leslie Sansone DVD's

    Here is an article talking about the lack of accuracy of fit bits and like products. So maybe its not leslie's video, but the fit bit your wearing. Just thought you might want to know so you can have accurate workouts =)
  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    Are these like audiotapes for going on walks? Or are they DVDs you watch inside, or outside? I'm a little confused, but also intrigued.

    Congrats on taking the steps to becoming active!
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    It's people walking in place on a DVD, you walk in place with them.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    ashleycde wrote: »
    Are these like audiotapes for going on walks? Or are they DVDs you watch inside, or outside? I'm a little confused, but also intrigued.

    Congrats on taking the steps to becoming active!

    They are video walking based workouts.
    There is walking in place, walking back and foward, side steps, kicks, knee raises, arm movements, etc. It really is not just walking in place. If you search for Leslie Sansone or Walk at Home on You Tube you could see what a workout is like without buying anything.
  • DebzNuDa
    DebzNuDa Posts: 252 Member
    Thank you!
  • Lounmoun wrote: »
    ashleycde wrote: »
    Are these like audiotapes for going on walks? Or are they DVDs you watch inside, or outside? I'm a little confused, but also intrigued.

    Congrats on taking the steps to becoming active!

    They are video walking based workouts.
    There is walking in place, walking back and foward, side steps, kicks, knee raises, arm movements, etc. It really is not just walking in place. If you search for Leslie Sansone or Walk at Home on You Tube you could see what a workout is like without buying anything.

    You may also be able to rent them from your local library for free!
  • NurseCU
    NurseCU Posts: 122 Member
    gshifrin wrote: »
    I don't mean to sound snide but why do you need a DVD to help you go for a walk?

    Ha, my husband asked me the same when I tried to explain it. Yeah, sure, it's "just" walking in place. Kinda. But there's other arm moves, side steps, kicks, etc. that are incorporated into the workouts that even the most uncoordinated people (LIKE ME) can do.

    So, it's like a step-based aerobics video that's not intimidating for folks like that. And Leslie is a great motivator.

    AND... you get a serious sweat from it if you keep up with her! I think her videos are great. That being said, after a while her peppy-ness gets a little annoying, but I just turn the volume down and listen to some good music instead! Good luck!
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    If you want to amp up the burn from the workouts, hold 2-3 pound hand weights while you do it.
  • jamie_lee80
    jamie_lee80 Posts: 176 Member
    i have several of her videos that I use if I can't make it to the gym. My new favorite is her walk if off in 30 days which is 2 30 minute workouts. One is cardio which is a higher intensity than her normal walks and the other one is strength training. You are supposed to alternate them 6 days a week. Check them out if you are looking for something a little more intense.
  • annas987
    annas987 Posts: 301 Member
    I LOVE her videos! I have 1 mile all the way up to 5 mile videos....and they always give me a good workout. I know she has some with the weighted balls though...does anyone know what the name of these workout(s)?
  • BackInTheSaddle13
    BackInTheSaddle13 Posts: 47 Member
    I think it also depends on which DVD you get. The boot camp uses speed bursts and resistance bands. Some of her DVDs incorporate squats/lunges and other muscle building exercises, not strictly cardio. If you shorten those bands and kick up the speeds intervals you can really get yourself going. I love Leslie! I agree that being outside is great but Leslie is a great fill in for when the weather doesn't allow it or you want to add some resistance to your walking. I'd give it a shot and find which one you like the best. There are some I love and do regularly and others I do find boring and avoid. I read some place that the best exercise is the one you'll stick and her DVDs have keep me active and consistent! :D
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I think there is a set called hip centric, omnicentric, armcentric and thigh centric that includes weighted balls and bands called boosters on lesliesansone.com which tells you each video burns 300 cal plus 125 more if you add in boosters.

    I tried the 3 mile as I couldn't go outdoors cause of weather and a sick baby and holy canoli! I sweat like a zumba video! I was not expecting that! It was awesome and now a go to for days I can't go out and I don't have to be frustrated if I can't go out:)
  • tekkiechikk
    tekkiechikk Posts: 375 Member
    I love Leslie! Especially since she has programs for people of many different workout ability levels. Another gal I follow on YouTube is Jessica Smith (JessicaSmithTV)... she also does an in-home walking routine much like Leslie. The best benefit (to me) about watching these is that they keep you at a solid pace to get your heart rate up... just walking can too easily turn into a stroll without any real cardio benefit.
  • JaneLane33
    JaneLane33 Posts: 80 Member
    I like her videos. Because I sometimes find her to be overly chatty or the music in the video annoying I will mute the video sound and listen to Zombies, Run! on my ipod instead.