Calories are set to 1550 but I only cossume about 1000 per day



  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    chdmama wrote: »
    Thanks for the info , I'm going to start weight my fruits and veggies and maybe add In a protein shake for some extra protein . Unfortunately I can't add in milk or dairy , I'm lactose intolerant :( maybe my journal isn't as accurate as it could be not weighing my foods ! I'm going to try that and see what it says at the end of today

    Good to hear.

    You will be blown away by what the scale shows you.

    I'm also skeptical of those tacos. I really doubt you could have two tacos, shells and all for so little calories.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    OP asks if she is eating too little and harming her body. Everyone says yes. OP gets "offended". Sounds about right.

    Mean people thread in 3...2...1...
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    I agree with others. I think there may be some inaccuracies in your logging and you're not really at 1000. Regardless, it is important to get the proper level of fuel your body needs to function and be healthy. For you 1000 just won't cut it, even if you feel satisfied. We aren't saying to stuff yourself silly. Just ensure you're getting the right macros and calories for your health.
  • guerrillatiger
    guerrillatiger Posts: 16 Member
    MarkItZero wrote: »
    One important thing to know that runs counter to conventional thinking... many people believe that if you have a very low caloric intake, that it hurts your metabolism. Speaking in general terms, that is a myth. So, at least you have that going for you. :)

    The most practical danger of an intake of ~1,000 calories is whether or not you are consuming enough protein to prevent muscle loss. Rather than give you a target, I'll refer you to this excellent Q&A:

    Circling back to your original question: "but I'm not hungry and I don't feel like I should be eating more cals just cause MFP says so lol but I don't want to be causing any harm by not eating enough ?" -- there's a lot to that question, but other than the protein aspect already mentioned, the other thing to be careful of is the effect of running a large calorie deficit AND performing a lot of cardio activity. Again, rather than me explaining the harmful effects of this, you'd be much better off reading the link below:

    Overall, the only other thing I have to say is congratulations, because 1,000 calories is hard as hell to do for most of us. Keep on learning more about nutrition and keep up the good work!

    I agree with MarkItZero there is always continual learning of nutrition and I believe the most important thing is how different nutrition affects you because everyone will respond differently.

    For me personally I respond well to a diet higher protein and fat and I typically don't eat unless I'm hungry or I know I'll be working out heavily later which results in MFP saying I'm not eating enough occasionally. I'm stronger than I have ever been and my body fat measurements have been decreasing steadily.

    Just keep in mind that what people are saying are general recommendations and you have to find out what works for you. If you are not hungry and are able to perform physically and mentally on you current calorie consumption I wouldn't worry too much. Keep reading about nutrition, logging your food and monitor you macro nutrients and try not to restrict yourself from eating if you are hungry.

    As a few others have recommended I would also suggest to measure all food on a scale for more accurate measurements. Also do a sanity check on items added from MFP database as I have found some dubious entries that don't make logical sense.

    Great effort keep up the work.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    chdmama wrote: »
    Thanks for the info , I'm going to start weight my fruits and veggies and maybe add In a protein shake for some extra protein . Unfortunately I can't add in milk or dairy , I'm lactose intolerant :( maybe my journal isn't as accurate as it could be not weighing my foods ! I'm going to try that and see what it says at the end of today

    Yep, your journal is no where near accurate, based on your sample day. So you are eating more calories than you think.

    Just as an FYI, I use the La Tiara taco shells. They are smaller and the calorie count is better.

    Try and measure in grams, not ozs, or cups whenever possible.

    I bought the "Biggest Loser" food scale and it works fine.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    chdmama wrote: »
    Thanks for the info , I'm going to start weight my fruits and veggies and maybe add In a protein shake for some extra protein . Unfortunately I can't add in milk or dairy , I'm lactose intolerant :( maybe my journal isn't as accurate as it could be not weighing my foods ! I'm going to try that and see what it says at the end of today

    i'm lactose sensitive myself try adding coconut yogurt or lactose free diary to your diet.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    chdmama wrote: »
    MFP is telling me to eat around 1550 cals a day , I'm making good food choices and eating three meals plus two or three snacks a day and only hitting around 1000 per day ... Every time I update my journal it's telling me that I need to be eating more food , but I'm not hungry and I don't feel like I should be eating more cals just cause MFP says so lol but I don't want to be causing any harm by not eating enough ?

    First of all, what is your height and weight?

    According to your ticker, you only have 26 pounds to lose and you are eating 1000 calories a day?

    No, please don't eat so little. You will do more harm than good. It seems to me that you might be trying to lose weight fast (summer is coming, I know. :)), which is way too aggressive for the amount of weight you need to lose.

    I suggest setting your goals to lose about a half pound a week, which would increase your calorie goal. In this instance, you would eat more calorie dense foods, such as adding oil when cooking, avocados, nuts, and other things you like. In fact, you can eat anything you like as long as you stay within your calorie goals.

    Slow and easy is the way to go because in the long term it's more sustainable.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    chdmama wrote: »
    I'm 26 , 5'4" and 156lbs now ... I was down to 140 but packed on weight like crazy the past couple months because I didn't pay attention to anything I eat and slacked off at the gym . I'm kinda offended that people think I'm starving my body . I eat every 2 hours , I just choose to eat and apple instead of a cookie . I only drink water and I work out a hour a day (or to be fair 5-6 days a week) . I was always a small person but have gone through some pretty tough things in the past couple years and kinda let my self go ... I'm eating way more now then I was even when I was gaining a bunch of weight

    You may be eating more volume, but you're not eating more calories...because nobody gains weight eating 1000 calories.

    A calorie is a unit of energy...part of being healthy and fit is properly feeding your body an appropriate amount of energy....that's what people are referring to when they say "starving your body". Your basal rate of burn is probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 1400 calories...these are simply the calories you "burn" merely existing...I assume you're not in a coma or anything...I assume you get up in the morning and do stuff...and probably work out which case, 1000 calories, even "healthy" calories is in fact starving your body of needed energy and nutrients.

    But it sounds like you just wanted people to pat you on the head and tell you it's ok to eat like a do whatever it is that you're going to do and enjoy the wonderful side effects somewhere down the road. I hear that losing your period is fun...and don't get me started on hair and cracking nails and whatnot...good times.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    chdmama wrote: »
    I'm 26 , 5'4" and 156lbs now ... I was down to 140 but packed on weight like crazy the past couple months because I didn't pay attention to anything I eat and slacked off at the gym . I'm kinda offended that people think I'm starving my body . I eat every 2 hours , I just choose to eat and apple instead of a cookie . I only drink water and I work out a hour a day (or to be fair 5-6 days a week) . I was always a small person but have gone through some pretty tough things in the past couple years and kinda let my self go ... I'm eating way more now then I was even when I was gaining a bunch of weight

    You're missing the point. You're not starving your body, you are eating way too few calories to properly fuel your body.

    Did you know an apple and a cookie can have about the same amount of calories?

    No offense intended, but there is no way you were eating more calories when you were gaining weight than you are eating now. That's not how science works.

    It take an excess of 3,500 calories over your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) to gain one pound. Likewise, it takes that much under your TDEE to lose weight.

    Calories in/calories out.

    Finally, do you weigh your food, including apples and cookies? If not, chances are you are eating more than you realize.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    I get what everyone is saying, but this is a logging issue, not an intake issue. OP is not accurately logging her food, as evidenced by her diary entry.
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    You need to be accurately logging your food. "2 old el paso tacos" being 188 calories does not make sense.
  • chdmama
    chdmama Posts: 13 Member
    chdmama wrote: »
    Thanks for the info , I'm going to start weight my fruits and veggies and maybe add In a protein shake for some extra protein . Unfortunately I can't add in milk or dairy , I'm lactose intolerant :( maybe my journal isn't as accurate as it could be not weighing my foods ! I'm going to try that and see what it says at the end of today

    Good to hear.

    You will be blown away by what the scale shows you.

    I'm also skeptical of those tacos. I really doubt you could have two tacos, shells and all for so little calories.

    I looked them up in the data base. I'm seeing that things in there Arnt even close to accurate now , I haven't used this program a lot so I still have a lot to learn. I appreciate the advice , and defiantly am weighing my foods from now on and checking out the accuracy of the ones I log from MFP. I know I have a lot to learn I'm new to healthy eating and this program .

    For all the people who are jumping on me for getting offended , I'm not offended by the advice iv been given ... But when someone says this is how eating disorders and axerioxia start and I should look that up ? That was offensive , I'm a far cry from a eating disorder ...unless it's over eating. I wasn't logging my food when I was eating junk and eating in huge amounts. I'm trying to learn how to control my portion and get healthy not trying to starve myself and I don't appreciate people judging me because I asked a question .... How ever I do really appreciate the positive responses ! Thank you
  • chdmama
    chdmama Posts: 13 Member
    OP asks if she is eating too little and harming her body. Everyone says yes. OP gets "offended". Sounds about right.

    Mean people thread in 3...2...1...

    This is the first time I posted a thread , not sure I will do that again ! But hey I did get some nice and positive responses too :) lol

  • I can understand the struggle. About two years ago I was forcing myself to break 1,000.. I now eat 2,100 calories a day and have a routine to make sure that I get the nutrition my body needs. When I first started "uping" the calories my weight actually dropped because my body was no longer starving. I am underweight and am now working on putting on healthy weight and muscle using my eating plan and exercise program. Feel free to add me as a friend. Also here is some of my favorite smoothie recipes that helped me in the beginning:

    even my toddlers drink them!

    and a chicken recipe I love:

    would love to help you on your journey.
  • chdmama
    chdmama Posts: 13 Member
    adowe wrote: »
    ask for advice on diary.....keeps diary closed.

    Posts 1 pic of 1 day of diary - lots of generic entries which tells me inaccurate logging.

    I do t know how to open my food diary , plus I asked for advice I receive it and I would perfer to keep my profile private to friends .
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    I just find it really hard to believe that at your height, weight, and activity level that you are truely satiated eating that little.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    You can do serious irreversible damage to your body by under eating for an extended period of time. Most health care professionals recommend women do not net under 1200 calories because it is very hard to get all the nutritional values and amount of energy to sustain your body properly at lower calories.

    If MFP is telling you to eat 1550 to lose weight, I highly suggest you eat more than 1000. Especially if you are exercising. The greater deficit you create will, yes help you lose faster - however you can also experience short term to long term side effects. It is a marathon and not a sprint. If you don't learn how to properly fuel your body while dropping the weight, you are way more likely to put the weight back on.

    There are lots of calorie dense foods you can add to your diet (like nuts) that can help you reach your calorie goals. I've also seen some great suggestions on smoothies, etc.

    Accurate logging is obviously key too.
  • chdmama
    chdmama Posts: 13 Member
    I just find it really hard to believe that at your height, weight, and activity level that you are truely satiated eating that little.

    Well I'm thinking now it's because I haven't been weighing and I believe I am taking In more calories then I was logging , If I was hungry I would eat more . I'm figuring this out with the responses Iv gotten about the tacos lol
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    chdmama wrote: »
    I just find it really hard to believe that at your height, weight, and activity level that you are truely satiated eating that little.

    Well I'm thinking now it's because I haven't been weighing and I believe I am taking In more calories then I was logging , If I was hungry I would eat more . I'm figuring this out with the responses Iv gotten about the tacos lol

    When you search for foods in the database, look for the ones without asterisks.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    It's always a good idea to compare what entry you use to what is on the package, even if it's an item that you scanned.

    This thread will help with logging accuracy.