Starting on 3/1/15. Who is with me?



  • julianasutton
    julianasutton Posts: 13 Member
    Looks like a lot of people picked March 1 as their starting date, including myself! :) Go all of us! We can do it!
  • brideau74
    brideau74 Posts: 13 Member
    danielives wrote: »
    I am having some challenges when i attempt to enter smoothies that i create. It does not let me enter the ingredients and i do not know the nutritional break down any suggestions? For those of you who may have done this plan before. I have some questions for you. When you enter your daily meals and it gives you the estimated weight for the next 5 wks is the accurate? Has it worked for you? I use the total gym and its difficult to enter the exercises anyone using the Total Gym? I am 51- female 165lbs as i stated looking to lose 10lbs is the 1200 calorie daily intake a good idea or should i do 1400. I exercise 5 days per week? If anyone can give suggestion or guidance I would appreciate it. I want to reach my goal and remain healthy. Thanks everyone.

    Not sure if this helps but I have a smoothie almost everyday so I went under the my recipes section that allows me to create a recipe. I have the same smoothie almost every time and I make a big batch and freeze in advance.

    The recipe section allows you to put in your ingredients and will find the best match and it will provide you with the nutritional information when you select it.

    I make my smoothies in advance and freeze them so I measured everything and took note then inputted it into MFP and broke up the total into how many servings it made. (it made three - 2 cup servings). One smoothie which is two (2) cups is 299 calories. It has protein powder (vanilla), frozen: Strawberries (1 cup), blueberries (1 cup), Raspberries (1 Cup)mango, peaches and pineapple (all 3 together = 1 cup), 1 med banana and 3 cups of milk.
    Now each time I have a smoothie it is in my recipe list so all I need to do is choose it and add it to my food for the day.

    I have a few alternate recipes as sometimes I add Kiwi or oatmeal.

    As far as the 5 week estimate for weight lost I don't use all that much so I haven't paid much attention to it. Nice to see what the projection is but a lot can change for various reasons.
  • missykenny1
    Im sweet autistic son turns 18 in june..he has prom and graduation and i HAVE TO LOOK HOT!!!! Lol. My highest weight was 415...i had RNY IN 2003...its been a roller coaster ride since then LOL...IM now steps!!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER!!!
  • kinga_m
    kinga_m Posts: 24 Member
    csimrill wrote: »
    kinga_m wrote: »
    I am struggling with hunger for 3 days.
    What do you think - how long does it take to get used to the smaller calorie intakes?

    Forever! I use this trick - whatever I plan to eat for a meal - I stretch it out over several hours. Today my lunch is a salad and an apple. So I just ate the salad, and I will eat the apple in a few hours. I find that if I keep a little food in my stomach throughout the day, I don't get as hungry.

    Thank you! It is a great advice, I tried it and works! :)
  • jddicarlo
    jddicarlo Posts: 171 Member
    I'm in. I actually started again 1/1 but have a long way to go. Looking to drop another 50 lbs from where I am now. Always looking for friends to motivate and support. Anyone feel free to add me!!
  • tellicampi
    tellicampi Posts: 13 Member
    Today is a week from when this thread started. How is everyone doing so far? I've lost 6 pounds this week and it's because of all of the hard work we are doing keeping each other motivated and accountable. I'm looking forward to hearing from others. Thank you to everyone for their support!
  • kinga_m
    kinga_m Posts: 24 Member
    Today is a week from when this thread started. How is everyone doing so far? I've lost 6 pounds this week and it's because of all of the hard work we are doing keeping each other motivated and accountable. I'm looking forward to hearing from others. Thank you to everyone for their support!

    I think my first week was really successful. I started to lose weight, 6lbs! I know it is not always going to be this good so try to brace myself for that - and went for the gym twice, also spent a lot of time outside during weekend.
    I think generally I have more energy and feel better about myself. I don't miss the guilt that was part of my day previously after having a chocolate! My attitude is really positive.
    I wish it would stay like this for the whole diet! :)

    How about you guys?
  • Spaniel5
    Spaniel5 Posts: 48 Member
    I spent the weekend at a B & B with the hubby. Gained 2 pounds but I'm not letting that discourage me. No regrets. Loved the alone time with my sweet husband, but getting my focus back this week. Look out world, here I come!!
  • iowa911mom04
    iowa911mom04 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm restarting my weight loss journey today! I know I have a long way to go but they're is no better time than right now to start. Looking for friends to keep me on track. We can do this together! Add me if you like! :)
  • albchubbychubs
    albchubbychubs Posts: 13 Member
    First week on Keto and I lost 8 lbs, I know mostly water weight but that is still great.
  • danielives
    danielives Posts: 10 Member
    brideau74 wrote: »
    danielives wrote: »
    I am having some challenges when i attempt to enter smoothies that i create. It does not let me enter the ingredients and i do not know the nutritional break down any suggestions? For those of you who may have done this plan before. I have some questions for you. When you enter your daily meals and it gives you the estimated weight for the next 5 wks is the accurate? Has it worked for you? I use the total gym and its difficult to enter the exercises anyone using the Total Gym? I am 51- female 165lbs as i stated looking to lose 10lbs is the 1200 calorie daily intake a good idea or should i do 1400. I exercise 5 days per week? If anyone can give suggestion or guidance I would appreciate it. I want to reach my goal and remain healthy. Thanks everyone.

    Not sure if this helps but I have a smoothie almost everyday so I went under the my recipes section that allows me to create a recipe. I have the same smoothie almost every time and I make a big batch and freeze in advance.

    The recipe section allows you to put in your ingredients and will find the best match and it will provide you with the nutritional information when you select it.

    I make my smoothies in advance and freeze them so I measured everything and took note then inputted it into MFP and broke up the total into how many servings it made. (it made three - 2 cup servings). One smoothie which is two (2) cups is 299 calories. It has protein powder (vanilla), frozen: Strawberries (1 cup), blueberries (1 cup), Raspberries (1 Cup)mango, peaches and pineapple (all 3 together = 1 cup), 1 med banana and 3 cups of milk.
    Now each time I have a smoothie it is in my recipe list so all I need to do is choose it and add it to my food for the day.

    I have a few alternate recipes as sometimes I add Kiwi or oatmeal.

    As far as the 5 week estimate for weight lost I don't use all that much so I haven't paid much attention to it. Nice to see what the projection is but a lot can change for various reasons.

  • danielives
    danielives Posts: 10 Member
    it helps a lot thanks. I may even use your recipe to make a few smoothies myself.. Keep up the good work and thanks again
  • Magggs_
    Magggs_ Posts: 6 Member
    I started on 3/1/15 too. I want to lose 14 pounds. I haven't seen any changes yet but I'm not letting that discourage me. I try to get to the gym 5 days a week. Feel free to add me!
  • tracyb40
    tracyb40 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm down 3.3 kg since 23rd Feb so happy with that. Hope everyone is getting the results they are hoping for
  • anniebelle26
    anniebelle26 Posts: 43 Member
    Going to lose 50 lbs. I lost 50 lbs 2 yrs ago when I needed to lose 100, so Im back to lose the last 50. anyone can add me if they like! Good luck fellow losers lol.
  • halaigh
    halaigh Posts: 1 Member
    I am a week late the game but I am definitely needing a team to keep my rallied!! I had a baby last year and expected the weight to disappear....what was I thinking? 35lbs would be a dream come true!
  • megankapler
    megankapler Posts: 2 Member
    My weigh in day was today since I started a little late. I'm down 2 lbs from last week. Got my treadmill put back together so am able to get more walking done in the am so hopefully I'll see similar results next week.
  • csimrill
    csimrill Posts: 26 Member
    Today is a week from when this thread started. How is everyone doing so far? I've lost 6 pounds this week and it's because of all of the hard work we are doing keeping each other motivated and accountable. I'm looking forward to hearing from others. Thank you to everyone for their support!

    That is terrific! Keep up the good work!
  • RBillard
    RBillard Posts: 49 Member
    I recently upped my calories because i wasn't seeing any change after 4 weeks, and figured 1200 was too low for me. I dropped 2 lbs within 48 hours of making that change but the past week i've held steady again. while it's better than gaining, I'm a little bummed by not dropping more. I'm stricter with my logging than i was in February, so that could account for the 2 lbs. If I'm not down another pound by friday (weigh-in day) I figure I'll start lowering calories again.
  • csimrill
    csimrill Posts: 26 Member
    RBillard wrote: »
    I recently upped my calories because i wasn't seeing any change after 4 weeks, and figured 1200 was too low for me. I dropped 2 lbs within 48 hours of making that change but the past week i've held steady again. while it's better than gaining, I'm a little bummed by not dropping more. I'm stricter with my logging than i was in February, so that could account for the 2 lbs. If I'm not down another pound by friday (weigh-in day) I figure I'll start lowering calories again.

    How about your exercising? How much do you exercise daily? Do you vary your cardio - time, intensity, etc. Are you weight training?