Too much Sugar/fruits?



  • Phoenix_Down
    Phoenix_Down Posts: 530 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm always over on sugar. So, I stopped tracking sugar in my diary. I get a balanced diet and it all comes down to calories for maintenance, gain, loss. Unless you're using all your calories on fruit and arent getting a good amount of protein and fats, don't over think it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    I disagree with you usmcmp. The OP was all about wondering if they were eating too much sugar, and that may well be the case if 5 fruits are consumed daily. The good thing is that they don't eat processed food. Please remember, this is my personal experience and opinion, and in my experience, I know that I will gain weight eating too much fruit. There is not enough nutrition in fruit for me to justify taking in all that sugar, when I could eat veggies instead. Out bodies are all different and react differently to various foods.

    No we are all the same..

    Calorie deficit = weight loss
    Calorie surplus = weight gain

    Fruit has nothing to do with one or the other

    Oh and veggies are a carb which is sugar...
  • turtlegurl69
    turtlegurl69 Posts: 3
    edited March 2015
    You could check out "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" on YouTube. It is by a Dr. explaining the damaging health effects of fructose (and that is in fruit) - not just empty calories, but a negative health effect in itself. The Sugar Impact Diet (based on the research on fructose) recommends no more than two servings of fruit/day, and no added sugars (ie, no flour, potatoes, white rice, ketchup, balsamic vinegar, etc.) Fructose in fruit is better metabolized because of the fibre, but it still is recommended that it be limited. Unfortunately it is a bit more complicated that calories in/calories out. Some calories undermine our health, while others support it.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    As the others have said excess calories cause weight gain, not sugar!!
    I lost 24lbs in a few months eating a boat load of fruit. But keeping under my calories.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    As the others have said excess calories cause weight gain, not sugar!!
    I lost 24lbs in a few months eating a boat load of fruit. But keeping under my calories.


    I was trying to think of yet another way to say it, but really, if people can't understand the simple concept of eat at a deficit = weight loss, eat at a surplus = weight gain...

    Honestly, what has the world come to when people are demonising fruit??

    Sugar is not the devil people!! (and there's a whole 'nuther thread on that!)
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    You could check out "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" on YouTube. It is by a Dr. explaining the damaging health effects of fructose (and that is in fruit) - not just empty calories, but a negative health effect in itself. The Sugar Impact Diet (based on the research on fructose) recommends no more than two servings of fruit/day, and no added sugars (ie, no flour, potatoes, white rice, ketchup, balsamic vinegar, etc.) Fructose in fruit is better metabolized because of the fibre, but it still is recommended that it be limited. Unfortunately it is a bit more complicated that calories in/calories out. Some calories undermine our health, while others support it.
    NO. look at the actual research instead of some fear-monger who doesn't understand the simple concept of "the dose makes the poison"
    There are tons more.

  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    shayou wrote: »
    So my question is basically, am i having too much Sugar/fruits per day?

  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    edited March 2015
    arobed53 wrote: »
    It's the added sugars we need to keep low

    Nevermind... just read the above.

  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    shayou wrote: »

    So my question is basically, am i having too much Sugar/fruits per day?


    As others have said, if you have a medical or preferential reason to limit sugars, or carbs in general, do it. Otherwise, enjoy your fruit and don't worry. There are two main subsets of carbs that we can track if we choose, sugars and fiber. IMHO, tracking your fiber to make sure you get enough is more important to overall health than tracking sugar to limit it. Granted, I may be a bit biased because my Dad died of colon cancer and low fiber in the diet is one big risk factor. Many on MFP switch out fiber for sugar. The good thing is, when you do that, you are reminded of how good fruit is because of the fiber in it as well as the micronutrients and the fact that it is yummy. I have to limit fruit (along with other carbs) because of medical reasons so it is a real treat for me, almost as enjoyable as a piece of good chocolate!

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited March 2015
    As the others have said excess calories cause weight gain, not sugar!!
    I lost 24lbs in a few months eating a boat load of fruit. But keeping under my calories.

    Yes, this.

    I like seasonal fruit, for the most part, which means that I ate very little fruit in the winter and spring, lots and lots in the summer, somewhat less in the fall, and currently I'm eating maybe a serving a day (sometimes berries, but sometimes an apple or banana). This has given me a chance to compare, and it makes NO difference to my weight loss. Unsurprisingly, I lose no less well (and no better) when I eat lots of fruit at the same calorie level.

    If you eat so much fruit that you go over the calories needed to lose, then that's an issue, cut back on something (maybe fruit). But it's not true that you will be within your calories and magically not losing or gaining because of the fruit. From a nutritional standpoint, there are things you need that aren't in fruit, so it's possible not to focus enough on those other things. However, the reputable sources (like the AHA and WHO) do not scaremonger about fruit at all.