Splenda Sabotage



  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    edited March 2015
    EWJLang wrote: »
    see, and I thought this was going to be about sneak attack Splenda in stuff like Yogurt. If it's got that crap in it, I want a big sign on the label. I do NOT like the taste of that junk at all.

    And, actually, OP's comment makes this even more underlined....real sugar is only 16 calories. Why bother with Splenda? You can easily make up the caloric difference with all the "MMMM, this tastes good" that you'll be saying.

    Kindred spirit where sweetness is concerned...

    My calories have become precious to me now that I restrict them. As a consequence, my food and drink need to be delicious, or I feel like I wasted valuable calories on them. For the few calories that are in real sugar, I'm going to have it in my tea. If I can't fit sweet tea in my calorie budget, I just won't have any at all.

    Edited for spelling. I hope no one saw it before.

  • 9Rounder
    9Rounder Posts: 40 Member
    I didn't realize Splenda had calories either. But I think the negative comments on this board aren't really helpful. Yes, 30 calories isn't a lot, but when I'm really trying to stay within my calorie range, I don't like knowing that I'm going over by 30 calories every single day. It does add up over time. From now on, I'll be logging my Splenda packets. Thanks for the info!
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    But how many calories do you burn stirring the Splenda into your beverage?

    I do log my 20 ounces of coffee (5 calories) each time I make a pot but not my saccharine. I figures that covers me. :)

    I actually do log my coffee or tea, but not for the calories. I'm afraid if my friends look at my diary and see just a teaspoon of sugar, but nothing else, they may think I just ate the sugar with a spoon, instead of put it in my tea.

    Ridiculous, I know.

  • Phoenix_Down
    Phoenix_Down Posts: 530 Member
    But how many calories do you burn stirring the Splenda into your beverage?

    I do log my 20 ounces of coffee (5 calories) each time I make a pot but not my saccharine. I figures that covers me. :)

    I actually do log my coffee or tea, but not for the calories. I'm afraid if my friends look at my diary and see just a teaspoon of sugar, but nothing else, they may think I just ate the sugar with a spoon, instead of put it in my tea.

    Ridiculous, I know.

    I let them wonder :smiling_imp:
  • danipeur
    danipeur Posts: 7 Member
    7*30 = 210*4 = 840 more calories every month.

    I know some of you are thinking this is hilarious, but the practice of labeling things zero calories is deceptive. I'm not sure what all this rah rah Splenda Corporation stuff is. I use Splenda every day. The 30 calories won't really make a difference for me. But 810 calories extra a month for someone else is going to be a huge deal.

    In other words: Try to see a big picture and try to step into someone else's shoes instead of working to come up with a snarky response. =/
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    dbmata wrote: »

    If 30 calories is a make or break point, you're not doing it right.

    Hey don't underestimate that. If you think you're at maintenance but actually getting sabotaged by splenda, that's a 1 pound gain in 2 years or so.

    Or the slowest bulk in the history of ever. I can just feel the lean splenda bulk.

  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Well, to be fair, some people do bake with Splenda, and if they are thinking that a cup of Splenda is zero calories, (it's about 100 kcal) they are more off.

    To be my usual snarky self, though...why would you do that to a perfectly nice baked good?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    danipeur wrote: »
    I know some of you are thinking this is hilarious...

    It is hilarious. You didn't need to be so snarky though.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    danipeur wrote: »
    7*30 = 210*4 = 840 more calories every month.

    I know some of you are thinking this is hilarious, but the practice of labeling things zero calories is deceptive. I'm not sure what all this rah rah Splenda Corporation stuff is. I use Splenda every day. The 30 calories won't really make a difference for me. But 810 calories extra a month for someone else is going to be a huge deal.

    In other words: Try to see a big picture and try to step into someone else's shoes instead of working to come up with a snarky response. =/

    Adding it up to make it a bigger number because it's a whole month though doesn't really change anything. If you are riding your diet so close that 30 calories a day is going to stall your weight loss, than you really need to reconsider your overall approach.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    Well, to be fair, some people do bake with Splenda, and if they are thinking that a cup of Splenda is zero calories, (it's about 100 kcal) they are more off.

    To be my usual snarky self, though...why would you do that to a perfectly nice baked good?

    This is a far more valid point. Especially for people who bake with Splenda for specific health needs.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Blaming the FDA for contributing to weight gain in America is going a bit far, IMO. There is such a thing as personal accountability. The FDA can only regulate so much. It's YOUR job to regulate what YOU put into your body. No one is forcing you to consume splenda.
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    The only reason I would ever want it to disappear from the face of the Earth is because it has put Sugar to shame.

    YUCK!!! I think this sucker taste so bad compared to real deal!!!
  • snarlingcoyote
    snarlingcoyote Posts: 399 Member
    Just a note: check the difference in the powdered form and the liquid form. I don't know calorie counts, but each packet has .9 carbs. If you're trying to follow a keto diet, you're limited to very few carbs a day, if you don't know those carbs are in the powdered sweetners (they are all .9 g. of carbs) it can really sabotage your efforts. The liquid version has 0 carbs. I expect it that in aggregate it has less calories as well.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    edited March 2015
    danipeur wrote: »
    7*30 = 210*4 = 840 more calories every month.

    I know some of you are thinking this is hilarious, but the practice of labeling things zero calories is deceptive. I'm not sure what all this rah rah Splenda Corporation stuff is. I use Splenda every day. The 30 calories won't really make a difference for me. But 810 calories extra a month for someone else is going to be a huge deal.

    In other words: Try to see a big picture and try to step into someone else's shoes instead of working to come up with a snarky response. =/

    Not deceptive. The company is following the law. If you're going to be annoyed, be annoyed at the FDA.

    If you're going to complain about Splenda, you should be just as ticked at companies supplying some dill pickles, capers, some vinegars, baking/granulated versions of Stevia and most other zero-cal sweeteners, and a good percentage of all products on the market that claims 0 cals per serving of their product.

    But honestly, the labels aren't that accurate that putting < 5 cals per serving on the package makes all that much sense anyway.

    ETA: And 30 cals extra per day gets you what - a couple of grams of dark chocolate? Is that really any big deal?
  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    My calorie currency is important to me. I found out about calories in Splenda, coffee, vitamin supplements, cooking spray and started logging it. It's a mental thing for me (cuz I'm mental) to learn to log it all. I know I'm still not getting it down perfect, but think I'm getting pretty close. I am trying to make a game out of it. 30 calories wont break me. It's a fun thread though:)
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    danipeur wrote: »
    7*30 = 210*4 = 840 more calories every month.

    I know some of you are thinking this is hilarious, but the practice of labeling things zero calories is deceptive. I'm not sure what all this rah rah Splenda Corporation stuff is. I use Splenda every day. The 30 calories won't really make a difference for me. But 810 calories extra a month for someone else is going to be a huge deal.

    In other words: Try to see a big picture and try to step into someone else's shoes instead of working to come up with a snarky response. =/

    Do you like the taste of Splenda?

    For some weird reason it never clicked with me. I always felt as though I'm in a relation with a terrible terrible boy who forgot to get me flowers on Valentine's Day! ;-)

  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    Well, to be fair, some people do bake with Splenda, and if they are thinking that a cup of Splenda is zero calories, (it's about 100 kcal) they are more off.

    To be my usual snarky self, though...why would you do that to a perfectly nice baked good?

    But if you're baking with splenda, you should be buying the bags of it, not the packets.
    And the bags show a different serving size than the packets...
  • blookabaugh
    blookabaugh Posts: 73 Member
    The only way I worry about any calories is if I go over my set limit. If I want something with sugar in it, I eat it. I try to shy away from all artificial sweeteners. To each his own. I recently gave up pop, all pop, because of the nutrasweet. Bu if you like it, go for it. If you use MFP the way it is set up and don't go over your calories, eat what you want. Don't stress over 30 calories. That is a just ridiculous.
  • JoanaMHill
    JoanaMHill Posts: 265 Member
    I don't bake a whole lot but when I go to grab a bottle of iced tea from the fridge at the grocery store, I go for diet, with Splenda, because at least to my own taste buds, it's sweeter and I like that more. Depending on the size of the bottle, it's either five or ten calories. Even in college when I was drinking several a day at times, though, that's not going to make a difference in my diet. Honestly. I promise.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    Well, to be fair, some people do bake with Splenda, and if they are thinking that a cup of Splenda is zero calories, (it's about 100 kcal) they are more off.

    To be my usual snarky self, though...why would you do that to a perfectly nice baked good?

    But if you're baking with splenda, you should be buying the bags of it, not the packets.
    And the bags show a different serving size than the packets...

    You would think, too, that if the person baking with Splenda adds the recipe and logs the amount being eaten, the calories would show up. That wouldn't help people in "real life," but most people in "real life" won't fuss over the calories in Splenda, even if they're counting.
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