A short rant about many of the posts I have been seeing here. May come off as harsh but must be said



  • joejward95
    joejward95 Posts: 104 Member
    I love these people responding about my age! Is this really the only thing yo can say to discredit me? Does you being older somehow make you understand weight loss better than me?
  • ditsyblond17
    ditsyblond17 Posts: 155 Member
    joejward95 wrote: »
    I love these people responding about my age! Is this really the only thing yo can say to discredit me? Does you being older somehow make you understand weight loss better than me?

    Obviously not, Joe. No ONE knows weight loss better than you!
  • joejward95
    joejward95 Posts: 104 Member
    ditsyblond, you manage to say a lot without really saying anything don't you. I am not making a personal attack on you. If you're saying I am misunderstanding something then please educate me instead of just making empty statements
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    It seems to me Joe that you have had some success with weight loss so you think you are an expert on the topic. I am no expert but I have studied the topic exstensivley over the last several years. I can tell you for certain you are taking an extrememly complex topic and trying to make it fit into a small little math problem. Sure we could not eat anything and 100% of the time we would lose weight but fasting when trying to work, take care of your children, and live life doesn't work for most people. There is only one thing in regards to weight loss that bothers me more than people that make excuses...people that come on the message boards and pretend to be an expert when they know very little about the topic of which they are talking.
  • melg51
    melg51 Posts: 37 Member
    Maybe you could project your "cold hard truths" into something motivating for the people who need a bit of help? You are obviously capable of losing weight and you've been through it. When you were at your biggest and struggling, would someone saying what you've just said helped you? No. You've just said it comes from yourself. So maybe try and project your thoughts into something more constructive and helpful. It's a journey for everyone.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    I admire your enthusiasm, if a little naive.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Its not about what you say its the way that you say it. You cant see it but you do come across as being very immature and a bit of a tit because of it. I dont need to discredit you, you do that by yourself. I understand people better than you, not everyone responds to your style of telling it how it is. That is to do with age and experience.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    edited March 2015
    I gotta say, nothing worked for me until I stopped looking at weight loss like a hobby I was taking up (thus requiring motivation, enthusiasm and proactive, positive emotion) and started lumping it in with stuff like cleaning house, going to work, changing the cat littler. You know, stuff I don't particularly WANT to do, but stuff that, if I don't, life is stinky, grubby and poor.

    Do I have F*** it days? YUP. Do I know exactly what I'm sacrificing to do so? Yup. It's a numbers game. But the fact is, I know what I have to do, I know how to do it and I know the only one who can or can't do it is me.

    But I had to come to this view myself. Reading it on a website, before I was ready, would have just irked me.
  • joejward95
    joejward95 Posts: 104 Member
    Bring on the anger people! I have already received a PM telling me I have motivated someone who would otherwise have not been, so this post worked and was 100% worth it. My jimmies have now been sufficiently soothed.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    yeah i knew everything before i was 20, too.
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    Your age is not the only thing to discredit you, but in my opinion it is a big factor...You're at uni? Gosh imagine the real world life stress you must be experiencing every day.

    Get a REAL WORLD job, or even two. A partner, some kids, babies that keep you up half the night, or some teenaged kids that also keep you up at night, a mortgage, a car payment or two, real life bills, credit cards, holiday payments, a pension.....RESPONSIBILITIES.

    Then come back and tell me I don't want this enough. Tell me I am just too lazy to go to the gym, or I just don't have enough backbone. Lets see how you feel then.
  • joejward95
    joejward95 Posts: 104 Member
    999tigger. This post isn't aimed at everyone. It is aimed at anyone who is making constant excuses. People who do respond to this kinda of "tough love". I don't care it most of you think I am a "bit of a tit" because of it. I am not trying to help everyone.Not everyone needs help.

    As I have said, this post already achieved its goal, so it worked.
  • angelgreathouse9
    angelgreathouse9 Posts: 103 Member
    well said, plateaus do happen and I am struggling with that at this point, however I am making the adjustments and trying to come to terms with the fact that as I kill it at the gym building muscle I may gain a few pounds :( I basically reached my goal at this point weight wise, now working on tightening and building muscle. I exercised throughout my journey (May 2014) but mostly cardio. Now hitting the gym adding weights... and boy I don't like what I see on the scale... but that is just a number... my clothes are fitting better each day and I see everything getting smoother and tighter, but it is still hard to get out of the scale mind set. keep up the good work. ;)
  • ditsyblond17
    ditsyblond17 Posts: 155 Member
    joejward95 wrote: »
    ditsyblond, you manage to say a lot without really saying anything don't you. I am not making a personal attack on you. If you're saying I am misunderstanding something then please educate me instead of just making empty statements

    I don't disagree that excuses are a bunch of bull. At the end of the day, calories in vs. Calories out. What you don't understand is That science proves third shifters have a hard time losing weight. Hypothyroidism? Effing HARD to deal with. TRUST ME. And hormonal imbalance? I've got that too. Instead of "helping" others by giving a HUGE, (rude) blanket statement about how people need to "Just grow the hell up", maybe offer some helpful insight since you've been there. Or if you choose not to, at least don't make others feel like they aren't allowed to use this free public forum as a way to vent and get help. Thanks :)
  • redsnapper8
    redsnapper8 Posts: 31 Member
    I guess age is just the most plausible way to explain your lack of consideration. To quote Oscar Wilde ' I am not young enough to know everything'
  • rmtuesley
    rmtuesley Posts: 39 Member
    It is just that we all remember being 19. Ah, youth. I wish my body reacted like it did when I was in my 20s. I wish I only had the worries that I had in college. Do me a favor, print out this post, put it away to read when you are 40. You will have fond memories of youth as well.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    How long will that motivation last? No anger from me, you aint worth it. Perhaps read your own post in 5 or 10 years time then youll realise the difference having grown up a bit more. Have a medal.
  • Fujiberry
    Fujiberry Posts: 400 Member
    edited March 2015
    I get why some people can be put off by this, BUT it honestly should be empowering. OP is saying that YOU have the agency to do it. You and ONLY you. It's your body, your life. Everyone has hurdles, and while they may not all be equal, everyone faces problems with being fit. Just because someone's young doesn't mean that they don't have experience (at least in this particular area). Obesity and diseases don't discriminate, after all.

    I've coddled many friends and sugar coated things and for a small percentage, it's the only way to guide them. I'm a big advocate for body positivity and loving yourself, but I'm also a big advocate of always trying to improve yourself both physically and mentally.

    I've seen posts where people ask for advice and shoot down pretty much all the advice except for the one they already agreed with.

    I've seen people rely on the 'genetic' or 'medical issues' excuse countless times. Yes, it makes it hard for some people to lose weight, but it's not impossible and repeatedly saying that 'it's genetics' or 'I really can't lose weight' is a self-defeating attitude that won't improve anything.

    Some people can be guided and coddled until they find out what works for them on their own; a lot of people need to be bluntly told that they have the control.

    You can't always control where you work, how your relationships are, how much money you have, etc. --but out of all those things, one of the things you have more control over is how healthy you are.
  • joejward95
    joejward95 Posts: 104 Member
    edited March 2015
    I don't claim to know everything. Not in the slightest. But I know enough about weight loss to apply it to the majority of people. Yes there are exceptions but the rules of weight loss for most people are very simple. Simple enough for everyone to learn in a very short time.

    How long will my motivation last? I have no idea, but hopefully my entire life. Its a bit of non response if I can't give a reply for a decade.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Out of the mouths of babes
