A short rant about many of the posts I have been seeing here. May come off as harsh but must be said



  • FatMoojor
    FatMoojor Posts: 483 Member
    Jcbooth, at the end of the day those are excuses. I am 34, have a 4 year old, I have a 12 hour day including commute, plus all the same house work stuff you have mentioned. I now get up earlier, 4:30, to get in to the office so I can run before work.

    I have been around the same weight for ages and always found the excuse that I was to tired or busy to get fit and loose weight

    I now use the hairy dieters books for planning lunches and dinners. Do batch cooking of food and stick it in the freezer so meal times are quicker, costs less and I know what I am eating.

    I'm trying to cut out the unhealthy snacks, stock up the fridge with veg that I can grab if i'm hungry at home. Do a list for my shopping and only buy what I need to cook the meals I have planned.

    Just saying because you are young you don't understand is ignoring the point. Unless you have a medical condition which actually stops you loosing weight it is down to you to make the changes and stop finding excuses.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    I mean, dear god. Do most of you think that having 20 or 30 years more 'life experience' makes you any more qualified to give advice? All it means is that you've made consistently bad choices for 20 or 30 more years. That's why you're here in the first place.

    You can cry about the bluntness of the delivery. You can whine about your inability to keep your hand out of the cookie jar. You can spend hours looking for every medical ailment or fringe scientific study that gives you a reason as to why you're failing... and you still won't change the basic laws of physiology and energy conservation.

    I'm looking at the replies and seeing a sea of failure, and I'm finally understanding why we have an obesity problem and why most people put the weight back on.

    Cookies? Where can I find this jar of which you speak?

    I could totally go for a cookie about now.
    Is chocolate chip okay? We can share and regain our weight together!
  • AmandaHugginkiss
    AmandaHugginkiss Posts: 486 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    I mean, dear god. Do most of you think that having 20 or 30 years more 'life experience' makes you any more qualified to give advice? All it means is that you've made consistently bad choices for 20 or 30 more years. That's why you're here in the first place.

    You can cry about the bluntness of the delivery. You can whine about your inability to keep your hand out of the cookie jar. You can spend hours looking for every medical ailment or fringe scientific study that gives you a reason as to why you're failing... and you still won't change the basic laws of physiology and energy conservation.

    I'm looking at the replies and seeing a sea of failure, and I'm finally understanding why we have an obesity problem and why most people put the weight back on.

    Cookies? Where can I find this jar of which you speak?

    I could totally go for a cookie about now.

    In the jar. Unless you've eaten them all because willpower is a foreign concept to you.

    Totally foreign. Clearly.
  • raisealittlehell
    raisealittlehell Posts: 341 Member

    Here's the thing OP. If you are a sensitive flower, then you really shouldn't be posting in the forums. As you have stated you "don't care" about the haters- yet you keep trying to defend yourself.. so you, in fact, do care. (its a human condition, unless you're a sociopath...but I digress)

    Excuses- they are like a**holes- EVERYONE has them. We all make them whether its about fitness, or other facets of our life. The fact is, (and you have probably experienced this) it doesn't matter what anyone says to you- unless you are in the right frame of mind to do something, you will continue to find a way not to.

    I understand you are trying to help- and I get it, we all want to make a difference or impart some of our knowledge to the rest of the world. However, ever heard the term "you catch more bees with honey than vinegar"... while "tough love" has a place for some people, it doesn't work for all- (Like your point about 99% of people not being special snowflakes that means 1% are) so this post is not going to resonate with everyone and IT could be detrimental to some. Realize that, take it for what its worth, and move on.

  • AmandaHugginkiss
    AmandaHugginkiss Posts: 486 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    I mean, dear god. Do most of you think that having 20 or 30 years more 'life experience' makes you any more qualified to give advice? All it means is that you've made consistently bad choices for 20 or 30 more years. That's why you're here in the first place.

    You can cry about the bluntness of the delivery. You can whine about your inability to keep your hand out of the cookie jar. You can spend hours looking for every medical ailment or fringe scientific study that gives you a reason as to why you're failing... and you still won't change the basic laws of physiology and energy conservation.

    I'm looking at the replies and seeing a sea of failure, and I'm finally understanding why we have an obesity problem and why most people put the weight back on.

    Cookies? Where can I find this jar of which you speak?

    I could totally go for a cookie about now.
    Is chocolate chip okay? We can share and regain our weight together!

    I'll bring the milk. We can make a day of it.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    I mean, dear god. Do most of you think that having 20 or 30 years more 'life experience' makes you any more qualified to give advice? All it means is that you've made consistently bad choices for 20 or 30 more years. That's why you're here in the first place.

    You can cry about the bluntness of the delivery. You can whine about your inability to keep your hand out of the cookie jar. You can spend hours looking for every medical ailment or fringe scientific study that gives you a reason as to why you're failing... and you still won't change the basic laws of physiology and energy conservation.

    I'm looking at the replies and seeing a sea of failure, and I'm finally understanding why we have an obesity problem and why most people put the weight back on.

    Cookies? Where can I find this jar of which you speak?

    I could totally go for a cookie about now.
    Is chocolate chip okay? We can share and regain our weight together!

    I'll bring the milk. We can make a day of it.
  • AmandaHugginkiss
    AmandaHugginkiss Posts: 486 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    I mean, dear god. Do most of you think that having 20 or 30 years more 'life experience' makes you any more qualified to give advice? All it means is that you've made consistently bad choices for 20 or 30 more years. That's why you're here in the first place.

    You can cry about the bluntness of the delivery. You can whine about your inability to keep your hand out of the cookie jar. You can spend hours looking for every medical ailment or fringe scientific study that gives you a reason as to why you're failing... and you still won't change the basic laws of physiology and energy conservation.

    I'm looking at the replies and seeing a sea of failure, and I'm finally understanding why we have an obesity problem and why most people put the weight back on.

    Cookies? Where can I find this jar of which you speak?

    I could totally go for a cookie about now.

    In the jar. Unless you've eaten them all because willpower is a foreign concept to you.

    Totally foreign. Clearly.

    Sweet. See you next year then!

    Well, I won't, but you get the point.

    Oh, you're leaving then? Send us a post card.

    Or don't.
  • derkin2005
    derkin2005 Posts: 282 Member
    well that escalated quickly
  • joejward95
    joejward95 Posts: 104 Member
    edited March 2015
    I am happy for people to hate me for what i have said. What I wont have is people accusing me of things I have/haven't done, telling me I don't know anything because I am too young and telling me my life has been easy(without knowing a thing about me)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    joejward95 wrote: »
    EvgeniZyntx.... look at her later post.She did claim that it was likely she wouldn't lose weight if she didnt intake any calories for 2 weeks. A physical impossibility .

    She wrote:
    "quite possibly" :p <--- this little smiley should tell you something.

    It's still remains she's pretty much at the lower limit of calorie restriction and the best advice is to attempt to get her condition under control and NOT to restrict further which may lead to disordered eating habits or further hormonal issues.

    Re-reading her post she isn't making a claim of physical impossibility. She's saying eating "nothing" isn't making her lose weight. Her "nothing" doesn't mean 0 cals. It means long term ~900 net...

    What would you advise her? Hint: eat less, workout more aren't the right answer.
  • Mikolinz
    Mikolinz Posts: 23 Member
    joejward95 wrote: »
    >so get back to us in about 10-20 years when you actually have some hardships in your life you have to work through.

    You don't know a damned thing about me. Hardships are not an excuse for not being able to lose weight. Isn't it funny how people feel the need to use personal attacks and tell me about what my life has been like?

    and yet thats exactly what your'e doing. cant take it but you can dish it hey?
  • derkin2005
    derkin2005 Posts: 282 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    I mean, dear god. Do most of you think that having 20 or 30 years more 'life experience' makes you any more qualified to give advice? All it means is that you've made consistently bad choices for 20 or 30 more years. That's why you're here in the first place.

    You can cry about the bluntness of the delivery. You can whine about your inability to keep your hand out of the cookie jar. You can spend hours looking for every medical ailment or fringe scientific study that gives you a reason as to why you're failing... and you still won't change the basic laws of physiology and energy conservation.

    I'm looking at the replies and seeing a sea of failure, and I'm finally understanding why we have an obesity problem and why most people put the weight back on.

    Cookies? Where can I find this jar of which you speak?

    I could totally go for a cookie about now.

    In the jar. Unless you've eaten them all because willpower is a foreign concept to you.

    Totally foreign. Clearly.

    Sweet. See you next year then!

    Well, I won't, but you get the point.

    Oh, you're leaving then? Send us a post card.

    Or don't.

    Of course I'll be leaving when I hit target weight. Why on earth would I hang round a weight loss forum when I have no need to? That's just weird.
    I hit target weight over a year ago I still track to maintain...pretty *kitten* weird I know.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    999tigger wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Every single one of you who disagreed with the OP's post is going to fail. Every single one of you. Maybe not now, but in a year or so's time when you put the weight back on.

    All of you.

    Except a lot of those are people disagreeing or pointing out the flaw in the way he said it rather than the fundamentals of what he said.

    What flaw? Tell me anything in the original post that isn't true. It's not relevant if someone's feels are damaged. Christ, a lot of posters on this site could do with a good verbal slap. Maybe even a physical one.

    Tough love isnt always going to be the most effective way of providing advice. Whether hes right or not, then how you advise is also importnat if you want someone to act on it. I'd love to tell various people to get a grip and to commit, but i dont because I know its not going to work and will have the opposite effect in many situations.

    I was thinking it would be nice if there were 2 forums one for tea and sympathy and the other for tough love. Not sure id need either, but I do understand where the tea and sympathy people come from, some people just find it more difficult than others, they cna often have low confidence and so respond better to encouragement rather than being read the riot act. I do feel there are great swathes of people who would make it easier for themselves if they just commited and took on board the implications of that.

    When I advise clients, then I have to think about more than just reading them the riot act even though that it mightbe what I think, because it doesnt achieve what I want pt get them where they wnat to go.
  • judiness101
    judiness101 Posts: 119 Member
    I'm sorry to hijack the thread, but anybody knows a good thread where people told their denial/excuses/fatlogic stories? I used the search fonction, but I came out with way too many result.

    I do find it fascinating what excuses we give ourselves and how we do not see ourselves as really fat when we clearly are. I feel fatter today with a bmi of 28 than when I had one of 36.
  • joejward95
    joejward95 Posts: 104 Member
    No, I am saying that hardships in life have nothing to do with weightloss. My hardships are none of your business, yours are none of mine. Because it is irrelevant to weight.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    I mean, dear god. Do most of you think that having 20 or 30 years more 'life experience' makes you any more qualified to give advice? All it means is that you've made consistently bad choices for 20 or 30 more years. That's why you're here in the first place.

    You can cry about the bluntness of the delivery. You can whine about your inability to keep your hand out of the cookie jar. You can spend hours looking for every medical ailment or fringe scientific study that gives you a reason as to why you're failing... and you still won't change the basic laws of physiology and energy conservation.

    I'm looking at the replies and seeing a sea of failure, and I'm finally understanding why we have an obesity problem and why most people put the weight back on.

    Cookies? Where can I find this jar of which you speak?

    I could totally go for a cookie about now.
    Is chocolate chip okay? We can share and regain our weight together!

    I'll bring the milk. We can make a day of it.

  • AmandaHugginkiss
    AmandaHugginkiss Posts: 486 Member
    derkin2005 wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    I mean, dear god. Do most of you think that having 20 or 30 years more 'life experience' makes you any more qualified to give advice? All it means is that you've made consistently bad choices for 20 or 30 more years. That's why you're here in the first place.

    You can cry about the bluntness of the delivery. You can whine about your inability to keep your hand out of the cookie jar. You can spend hours looking for every medical ailment or fringe scientific study that gives you a reason as to why you're failing... and you still won't change the basic laws of physiology and energy conservation.

    I'm looking at the replies and seeing a sea of failure, and I'm finally understanding why we have an obesity problem and why most people put the weight back on.

    Cookies? Where can I find this jar of which you speak?

    I could totally go for a cookie about now.

    In the jar. Unless you've eaten them all because willpower is a foreign concept to you.

    Totally foreign. Clearly.

    Sweet. See you next year then!

    Well, I won't, but you get the point.

    Oh, you're leaving then? Send us a post card.

    Or don't.

    Of course I'll be leaving when I hit target weight. Why on earth would I hang round a weight loss forum when I have no need to? That's just weird.
    I hit target weight over a year ago I still track to maintain...pretty *kitten* weird I know.

    I hit target weight years ago, and I've bulked and am cutting. Strange thing, this "weight loss site" that helped me gain several pounds of muscle over the past few years.

  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    From the title I was expecting a "mean people" thread. I'm glad it's not.

    His delivery might be off, but I have found the crux of what he's saying to be true for me.

    When I got honest with myself and stopped making excuses, I started losing weight. When I stopped relying on others for motivation, I started losing weight. I like talking to people about weight loss (hence why I hang out here), but I can't rely on someone else to motivate me. Heck, I can't even rely on motivation. I rely on habits.

    But what do I know, I'm only 28. Apparently you have to be over 30 to know anything at all.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Btw how did people figure out its 90% diet? Too simplistic. It can be anything from100% diet downwards depending how much exercise you do. If you do enough then exercise burns can be a significant part in your overall weight loss plan.
  • benjaminhk
    benjaminhk Posts: 353 Member
    I heard that drinking a glass of vinegar everyday will make it so I can eat whatever I want and still lose weight.*

    * So much sarcasm