Get Away from that Scale!!!!



  • johnnythebaptist
    I just want to encourage you and say don't worry about the scale it will do what it is suppose to do. You keep making the right choice and exercise and those pounds have no choice but to fall off. In times past I tried to loose weight and often got frustrated. This time has been diffrent because I am not going to worry about the results; Iam going to make the right choices. When I started I weighed 290lbs and I am not watching weight just having fun making the right choices. Hope this helps and encourages!
  • gigipamw
    gigipamw Posts: 7
    Hello, my name is Pam and I am a scale addict. I usually weigh every morning and then get mad if it goes up instead of down! I am going to reform!
  • sbpeters93
    sbpeters93 Posts: 37 Member
    I sooooo wish I could join you in that challenge. Just don't think I can! I weigh every morning RIGHT before stepping into the shower and it is VERY frustrating. I'll try, I promise!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    For a lot of people, weighing everyday is not a good idea. But I weigh everyday b/c it's a good reminder for me to stick with it. I also want to know what my normal fluctuations are. So weighing everyday works for me. Except for that TOM. I stay away from the scale that whole week.
  • Tanzyness
    Tanzyness Posts: 4 Member
    I weigh once every 4 weeks! The scale causes too much mental anguish as some weeks you may lose some and others you may not. After 4 weeks I know I will see a loss when I step on the scale and a drastic one at that. I can tell through NSVs that I am losing without weighing. Weigh day is now an exciting event and I don't waste my time obsessing over a pound lost here or there.
  • sd101483
    sd101483 Posts: 419 Member
    To those that want to join me in my 10 day quest to break the scale obsession - feel free to add me as a friend, or follow that thread titled " Hi, I'm Savannah and I'm addicted to my scale...". I'm going to start a blog about it too (my FIRST blog). I know it might sound ridiculous to some to have to have support for it, but, it's seriously an addiction! Join me in letting the scale GO!
  • sd101483
    sd101483 Posts: 419 Member
    And, might I just add, this original post was great and SO true - I refuse to let the scale define me - I AM NOT that number on the scale!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'm like mleronroe2 - I weigh in every day and have since I was a teenager (I'm in my 30's now). It's just another way to keep track for me, same as keeping track of my foods and exercise. I know if it goes up a bit, it's probably because I had a bit too much sodium or whatever, I don't let it drive me nuts like some other people do.

    Occassionally I'll weigh myself again after a good workout just out of curiousity - but that's more because I've read that if your weight doesn't drop after working out, it may mean you're overhydrating. Not sure if there's any fact behind that or not...
  • froggzy1015
    froggzy1015 Posts: 178 Member
    I bought a scale for the first time last week and have weighed myself every. single. day. My hubby will hide it for me tonight and I will weigh myself before I go to the doc on Thursday morning to see how much difference our scales are! Poof be gone for a week!
  • nosleepinBrooklyn
    nosleepinBrooklyn Posts: 15 Member
    I'm with you tanzy! I weigh once a month and if i really get the urge, I get my tape out and measure!
  • JackieJ13
    JackieJ13 Posts: 93
    my husband weighs himself multiple times through the day and he says it's curiousity. I believe him. He's very curious on what things make weight go up or down. Now for me, I can't weigh myself. I find that it controls my mood for the day and that is NOT a good thing. My doc told me that I'll see changes inside before my outward appearance and that's what I'm concentrating on at the moment.
  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
    I have to weigh everday to keep myself in check. I don't think I would've gotten 377 lbs if I had of weighed myself daily instead of guessing. Weighing doesn't bother me it just helps me know if I need to tweak the gameplan.