I'm really struggling



  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Find active hobbies that don't involve sitting around. Prolonged sitting is terrible for your health and you don't burn many calories sitting in a chair. Standing, walking, puttering around, cleaning, reorganizing, and a whole bunch of active hobbies are so much better than sitting, snacking, and watching TV.

    This site (inspired by a group of MFP friends) has lots of simple ideas for becoming more active:



    Best Wishes!
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    get some celery and baby carrots out to snack on
  • AwesomeSauceTN
    AwesomeSauceTN Posts: 27 Member
    Choose your snacks wisely. Eat light foods that are low in calories that you can eat a lot of like popcorn, your favorite fruits like strawberries, or maybe a protein shake. I am an evening muncher too. Personally, I've had good luck at curbing this by eating a huge breakfast, and a large lunch, then eat a light dinner. The large breakfast keeps me satiated. Also, this is weird but it inexplicably works for me and my friend at work - we add lime to our drinking water. It seems to curb my appetite and keeps my sugar cravings at bay. I have no explanation for it, it just works. I hope this helps & good luck!
  • spookyface
    spookyface Posts: 420 Member
    Have a big mug of decaf hot tea maybe.
  • k8325
    k8325 Posts: 19 Member
    In a spirit of solidarity...I know I should probably try to at least do calisthenics during commercials but the only workouts I feel like doing after 8pm are the "intimate" kind. Lol. I agree with saving some cals for a light snack...I like berries with fat free cool whip...yum! Or finding a hobby or something other than tv(yes, those commercials are so full of temptation!)that takes your mind off of eating...I play a video game or read a good book when I have down time. Also, during the week, I usually try to be in bed between 8 and 9 to wake up early (4/5 am)for a run before work. Have you tried just going to bed yourself so you can get a jump start to the next day?
  • mcharo78
    mcharo78 Posts: 3 Member
    it's easy to say get up and work out but from experience, when you are sitting there, with every passing minute it gets harder and harder to get up and move. If in fact you are staying up, start off doing small workouts. I started using the power 90 beach body workout tapes, and the starter video is only like 30 mins long. And I really don't do the whole tape. (not because I'm lazy, even though I am, but because I am still large and the jumping jacks and hops in one section is a lot of impact on my joints right now. but I'm getting there) But if you want to start winding down for the day, do some stretches. It helps relax you and you get a better night's sleep. and it doesn't seem like doing much but stretching in between workouts helps get those lean muscles instead of bulking up.

    I am in the process of getting back on the workout wagon. Initially I was pushing 300 lbs. before I hit that mark, I started changing my eating habits and dedicated at least 4 workouts a week for a month straight. someone told me if you do something for a month straight it becomes a habit. Well a year later and I was down 75 pounds and I don't even know how many dress sizes. But I got depressed and lazy and gained most of it back about a year and a half later. but I decided recently before I hit the 70 gain mark, I would start my life style change again. it's been about a month and I've lost 20 pounds.
    it's hard to start over when you know you were so close to your goal and threw it all away, but the feeling when you start seeing that healthy person again in the mirror is so much more rewarding then any snack in the fridge.
    good luck!
    I hope you find what works for you.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Leave yourself some calories for after 8 pm snacking. Also get a hobby that will keep your mind and your hands busy. I'm a painter and a Navy wife so I spend a lot of evenings alone-- it's best to be working on a project.

    This is great advice. I crochet! Help to keep my mind off of wandering to "wonder if there are any good snacks here"

    I was just about to suggest crocheting. It's hard to think about food when you are trying to remember your stitch count.

  • onelonelysocknoble
    onelonelysocknoble Posts: 27 Member
    When I'm at the end of day slump, tired, bored and wanting to graze, I'm sad to say I have no energy for working out, but I'm ok with sticking on a pair of cordless headphones, and walking up and down whilst 'watching' evening tv