What is your weird motivations to lose weight?



  • aimscat
    aimscat Posts: 4 Member
    I work on a freight crew with 14 guys and I hate weighing more than most of them. Plus someone at work got gastric done and has lost about 100lbs in like 7 months. I want to be just happy for her but I am just scared to be the biggest female on nights...
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited March 2015
    I want to find someone who'd date me - and I think I can pull that off if I wasn't so overweight lololol

    not sure if you want to lose weight, or if that was your REASON for LOSING weight, but regardless, plenty of GOOD guys dont mind a gal with a few extra pounds. And theyre the ones who are more likely to stay and still be happy if you gain weight.

    just sayin ' ... ;)

    Your statement makes me sad :(

    Don't be sad! I lost 65 pounds and spent $6k on getting my teeth all fixed and still spend the weekends alone wathcing Netflix.

    But at least I'm healthier!

    Start a "How do I get a date? thread! I'm sure lots of us could give you ideas.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    My only slightly weird motivation is dance.

    I love being able to go to a salsa congress and keep up with professionals who are much younger than I am. Five years ago, being able to dance at all seemed like an impossible dream, but now I am really able to enjoy it again! It's great!
  • rebekahzinn1
    rebekahzinn1 Posts: 65 Member
    I want to run for elected office one day, and strangely I got this on my to-do list. I don't want voters to see me as the overweight candidate, I just want them to see me. I also think that if I can accomplish this huge goal of weight loss, I can accomplish my other huge goal of winning an election. Yep, totally unrelated, but it keeps me motivated.
  • fitnessgoddess17
    fitnessgoddess17 Posts: 125 Member
    To look hot in a certain Star Wars bikini and surprise my husband ;)
  • abbeyjones1994
    abbeyjones1994 Posts: 188 Member
    I have a heart defect, and have to do a treadmill stress test every few years. The last time I did one, I did horribly, and that's when the doctor started mentioning my weight to me at appointments. I didn't listen until last year, when he told me that this coming August I'd be having another one. The plan is to do so well that he never mentions my weight again. :)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    3 1/2 years ago, I was very fit. Then I was raped. I was drugged pretty badly and so was unable to fight back and was left very sick for a few days. I packed on a lot of weight. Now, I'm fighting back by taking care of myself, by lifting weights, walking, nourishing myself. I'm doing other things, of course, but this part of my healing is me saying he doesn't get to control my life or my body anymore.

    <3 That's not weird. Im sorry that happened to you, but glad that what you are doing is helping you heal.

  • laurab384
    laurab384 Posts: 75 Member
    I really want to learn how to sew but I don't want to put in the effort of making clothes that won't fit in a couple months!
  • ticiaelizabeth
    ticiaelizabeth Posts: 139 Member
    so I can wear heels for more than .02 seconds without my feet killing. And so I can buy vintage dresses, they are so hard to find in larger sizes
  • LariMoore
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    Preparation for the zombie apocalypse.

    Rule #1: Cardio

    Same here :smiley: Sounds crazy, but as a huge fan of The Walking Dead, it has crossed my mind many times.
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    -My not weird, completely serious reason is for the longevity of my knee replacement.

    -My evil reason is because my Sister in Law has gotten bigger so I want to be thinner than her and drive her crazy because it'll be one more thing I have on her!! (We used to be tight then she got dumped and went crazy and stopped speaking to myself and her brother)

    -My totally selfish reason is I want to be the hot friend for once!! I'm over being the Fat Girl in the group!!
  • PiSquared
    PiSquared Posts: 148 Member
    One of the items on my bucket list is to do the mule ride trip into the Grand Canyon. Your weight must not exceed 200 pounds when fully dressed. They also list "weight must be proportional to height" as a qualification for the trip.
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    So I can say, "neener, neener," to people who needlessly cut entire food groups from their diets, while I take an IIFYM approach.
  • mjohemme
    mjohemme Posts: 356 Member
    My last kid is about to move out and I'm going to have to carry my own groceries/laundry up the stairs and get my own stuff out from the back of the bottom cabinet in the kitchen. ;)
  • Koholint
    Koholint Posts: 104 Member
    To not have chubby fingers.
    Maybe lose a shoe size (or more.)
    To weigh less than my husband for once.
    Cosplay. (:
    Because wallowing in pity over how big my butt looks wastes time when I could be AWESOME instead.
    I am kind, cool, and worth getting to know, no matter what I look like- I just want to express that with my clothing and appearance.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    I want to run for elected office one day, and strangely I got this on my to-do list. I don't want voters to see me as the overweight candidate, I just want them to see me. I also think that if I can accomplish this huge goal of weight loss, I can accomplish my other huge goal of winning an election. Yep, totally unrelated, but it keeps me motivated.

    I think this is a great reason! Like it or not, we are judged on appearance. Plus, losing weight is difficult so your voters will see you in a more positive light for accomplishing that. Good luck!
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    My mom owns these super cute shorts and they don't come in my size and I WANT THEM. She has promised as soon as I fit in them, they are mine.
  • ThatLadyFromMN
    ThatLadyFromMN Posts: 301 Member
    So many reasons (most probably normal): I want to wear the boots that go over your calves... mine are too chubby. :(

    People at the gym that aren't regulars give me funny looks when I head into the free weights like "what's this fat girl doing over here, she doesn't know crap"... I want to look the part because I can lift!

    I don't just want to be the fat girl friend that's really just "one of the guys".. I'm a female!! I don't really want to hear about your bowel movements all the time... it's nice to be treated like a lady.

    Mainly, like everyone else, I just want to be healthy for myself and family, I want to look good, I want to be able to wear DRESSES! Just want to feel comfortable in my body instead of always wondering if my stomach is sticking out too much or if my *kitten* is lumpy looking or my legs are too chubby... and what the hell is with the underarm skin?! Lol.
  • judiness101
    judiness101 Posts: 119 Member
    Because I want to look hot for my younger (4 years) husband!
    Because I will need to find a new job in the next 6 months and it is easier to get a job at an healthy weight.

  • SnowWhiteFanatic
    SnowWhiteFanatic Posts: 129 Member
    Being diagnosed with diabetes back in July 2013.....