Booze and your workouts

Those of you who choose to drink, how do you time it with your exercise programs, workouts, and training? Of course when you are counting calories a few drinks can throw the whole thing off if you are not careful so that should always be a consideration. One single drink can be 100 to 400 or even more calories. Carefully considering what, when, and how much to drink is a wise thing to do. Aside from the caloric load, how are you noticing the affects of even one have on your training? Is it worth it? Is there anyone who has figured out how to use a moderate amount of drinks to their benefit as in possible help with sleep, relaxation, etc? Or is it just a bunch of non beneficial empty calories detrimental to your particular program?


  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    troytroy11 wrote: »
    Those of you who choose to drink, how do you time it with your exercise programs, workouts, and training? Of course when you are counting calories a few drinks can throw the whole thing off if you are not careful so that should always be a consideration. One single drink can be 100 to 400 or even more calories. Carefully considering what, when, and how much to drink is a wise thing to do. Aside from the caloric load, how are you noticing the affects of even one have on your training? Is it worth it? Is there anyone who has figured out how to use a moderate amount of drinks to their benefit as in possible help with sleep, relaxation, etc? Or is it just a bunch of non beneficial empty calories detrimental to your particular program?

    I'll have a drink on Sundays when I don't count calories. But if I wanted a drink during my calorie counting days, I would check the calories of the drink I would want beforehand and then prelog it. See if you can subtract a few calories from a snack.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    I drink whiskey every night and get at 430 every morning to run...
  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    DH and I enjoy fine wine and belong to several wine clubs and attend events frequently to taste. I limit myself to weekend indulging and plan for it by cutting back calories during the week.

    I do notice that my resolve to not nibble on treats that often go along with wine - cheese, crackers, etc. - can be weakened with each glass. ;) I try to be careful and drink a lot of water.

    It has not impacted my training. I do not drink to excess (to the point of feeling hung over).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I'm drinking a bourbon rocks at the moment and will probably have a few of these tonight...I will be up bright and early tomorrow morning to rock some snatches in the gym. I'm sure my performance is somewhat better if I had not consumed any alcohol...but it's Friday, so that aint happening...and it's not like I'm trying to break world records here or anything.
  • thecraftinista
    thecraftinista Posts: 66 Member
    I suppose it's like anything else...moderation!
  • SkinnyCat39
    SkinnyCat39 Posts: 122 Member
    Moderation is right and Pre Logging is key.
  • RidesWithCrayons
    I cycle for wine! I'm riding 44 miles tomorrow. Carb loaded tonight with pasta and wine.
  • troytroy11
    troytroy11 Posts: 180 Member
    RWCrayons best of luck on your cycle tomorrow it is awesome you are able to use the wine as part of your carb load!
    SkinnyC and CraftN I agree about the moderation.
    WolfM I know exactly where you are coming from that is partly why I posted this.
    DaneanP that is very sound advice not drinking to the point of being hungover and lots of water. I also cut back during the week but wonder how healthy that really is the calorie roller coaster so to say. With each drink I am less likely to nibble, not more but it also depends on the company!
    LWolf that is hardcore waking up at 4:30 every morning to run after whiskey at night but I guess it does depend on the quantity.
    MButt there is always a sacrifice somewhere huh?
    Thank you for the replies everyone!
  • AsaraFuriosa
    AsaraFuriosa Posts: 293 Member
    I drink on Friday nights. It's like my turn up night. Usually vodka as it has less calories. I don't count the alcohol in my diary tho. I'm off Saturdays & sleep in a bit, then workout. All things in moderation but be sure to still have fun.
  • gunnfit2
    gunnfit2 Posts: 8
    Hey there, i figured this might help influence you in your desire to refrain from alcohol consumption while trying to improve in the gymr...
    The remnants of alcohol stays in your system 96 hours.
    remnants of alcohol don’t allow your skeletal muscles to utilize carbohydrates effectively, which are primary source of fuel (energy)
    Also, the remnants of alcohol don’t allow the liver to keep blood glucose levels between 70-110 mg/deciliter, thus leading to a greater perception of exertion and negatively impacting less weight lifted and therefore less *GAINS*
  • foursirius
    foursirius Posts: 321 Member
    Typically after my workout and i usually drink vodka soda. So far i havent noticed it really impacting weight loss.
  • Th3Ph03n1x
    Th3Ph03n1x Posts: 275 Member
    I love a good glass of wine but most days I don't feel like sacrificing food to fit it in my goal so it's rare for me to indulge.
  • troytroy11
    troytroy11 Posts: 180 Member
    Gunnfit that is excellent information, thank you. I wonder what levels of alcohol will cause the effects you mentioned. There is a big difference between a glass of wine a day, one day a week binge, and your fifth of liquor a day use.
    Phoenix I concur that it is not worth it to sacrifice food.
    Foursirius you are the first person to mention after the workout. Do you mean soda as in club soda or do you mean sugary drink? I met a body builder one time that swore on tonic water after a workout. Do you feel the calories in that concoction help with recovery?
    Asara, Friday and Saturday are my nights. When you work out the next day are you hungover and does it help?
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Keep it relatively moderate and you'll be fine. I budgeted 20% of my calories (about 500/day), every day, and it did not affect anything.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I think it all comes down to balance. Just like we hear it is valuable to have a good work/life balance, it is important to have a good diet/life balance. Eat (and drink) to live, not the other way around. With that mindset, you can look at your goals, life events, etc. and decide what is best for you. Maybe it is periods of abstaining from alcohol to meet a fitness goal. Or maybe you know that Saturday with the guys is going to involve more than two beers and you cut back calories throughout the week to compensate.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    I was getting a little crazy with the drinking last year, but I never missed a workout. Frankly, it made the hangover pass quicker. It was much harder to get a great workout TBH, but I did it. I think maybe once or twice I barfed but kept going. That might have been the heat though.

    I;ve stopped drinking like that, and I feel sooo much better. My workouts are great again, and I'll probably lose a little extra chub. But I miss the crazy nights. Maybe I'll go for it again this summer lol
  • troytroy11
    troytroy11 Posts: 180 Member
    Wow you guys thank you so much for the replies. It is good to hear all the different ways of dealing with the ability to have fun in combination with staying fit.
    Sunglasses I will always miss the crazy nights but my body is not missing the abuse. Now when I wake up sore it is not because I took a tumble but because I pushed it the extra mile. And that is awesome you never missed a workout.
    Allan I could not agree more about balance. That is exactly what I am doing to keep the calories consistent. It is a constant equation to equalize but I enjoy the challenge.
    Dopeitup that must be about 3 to 4 drinks a day?
    So you all volunteered what you drink and I should do the same. For me it is IPA or dark beers or wine. Hard liquor gets me in trouble. On Fridays it is 3 to 4, Saturdays 6 to 12, and Sundays 3 to 4. I only drink during the week if I am at a conference and others are drinking with the meals. I am not driving those days anyway and still kick my own *kitten* at whatever fitness center the hotel has where I am staying. Otherwise I skip it Monday through Thursday. And like what some of you said, I take into account the total calories in a week and deduct if I have to. I rarely drink anything before a workout but when I do, it always feels too funky so I dislike it.

  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    Beer and wine make me feel like crap.... I just drink Irish whiskey neat and I am never hung-over or plagued with headaches and get a decent night's sleep.
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    I only drink vodka and patron with lime and water. I think it gives the most bang for your buck at only 69 cal per oz (typical shot is 1.5 oz) but I do miss beer! :(
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    gunnfit2 wrote: »
    Hey there, i figured this might help influence you in your desire to refrain from alcohol consumption while trying to improve in the gymr...
    The remnants of alcohol stays in your system 96 hours.
    remnants of alcohol don’t allow your skeletal muscles to utilize carbohydrates effectively, which are primary source of fuel (energy)
    Also, the remnants of alcohol don’t allow the liver to keep blood glucose levels between 70-110 mg/deciliter, thus leading to a greater perception of exertion and negatively impacting less weight lifted and therefore less *GAINS*

    The list is endless.
    It stops vitamin absorption too.
    I've actually 'forgotten' all the other crap it does too because


    But the year I try out for my countries AG triathlon team I am giving that Kryptonite up.