Cheat day?

Just it ok to have a cheat day maybe once a week? not like eat a gallon of icecream and 7 sodas and 3 pizzas and a bucket of fried chicken cheat day lol...but maybe go out to dinner once a week...and enjoy a nice meal without feeling guilty? Like I still don't drink sodas and I usually stay away from fried foods now...but after just eating like bagels and salads and turkey sandwhiches and like healthy things everyday I long to go eat at a nice sit down restaurant and pick something on the menu and maybe enjoy an alcoholic beverage...would that be okay just once a week? Or would that ruin everything I've worked for the whole week? I don't want to feel guilty about and I'm scared what if I gain a pound or 2 off of one freaking meal? Should I be worried or is it ok to have that one meal?


  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    Sure you can. You can even do as I do (if you want, not compulsory)

    My cheat day has all the cheats worked into my calorie goals anyway. So I still lose. My cheat day looks like this (hope you're sitting down):

    Breakfast: 2 candy bars (500 calories)

    Lunch: 2 doughnuts (600 calories)

    Dinner: 100g of chocolate (500 calories)

    The total calories are 1600. Which is what I eat to lose. So even though I ate nothing but sweets, I still lose because I was in my calorie goal. It's only a cheat day because I gave no attention to nutrition. :wink:
  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    Wth? Is that a glitch? Why is my phone showing my picture on your profile? :confused:
  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    Yup. Glitch
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I go out to dinner once a week with my husband. I usually try to take a slight deficit into the day (save 1-300) calories from the rest of the week, take a look at the menu online so I can plan my meals for the rest of the day, and pre-commit to my portions (example, I knew I wanted a mixed olive and pickle appetizer plate last night, so I told myself I could have ten olives and take the rest home for subsequent days). I frequently take home leftovers to eat later. I also have a drink (sometimes two) with my meal. I log everything to the best of my ability, even if it is an educated guess.

    This works really well for me. My date night with my husband is important to me, so I knew I wouldn't be happy giving it up.

    Not saying this is the only way to do it, but it works well for me.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Food should not make you feel guilty. If I know I'm going out to eat, I save up a few more calories throughout the week to compensate, making sure I'm still in a deficit. I enjoy what I love in moderation, and I don't feel deprived the rest of the time.
  • DC_TheDrivah1
    DC_TheDrivah1 Posts: 77 Member
    Maybe a cheat MEAL... Lol a cheat DAY sounds like too much fun. ☺️
  • never2bstopped
    never2bstopped Posts: 438 Member
    I do one every other week because that's when I go out with my hubby. I keep my day the same as any other day but instead of only 500 cals for dinner I get to have 1300cals to play with. This usually means I can have anything I want and either an appetizer or a desert.
  • Lovefastball99
    Lovefastball99 Posts: 53 Member
    edited March 2015
    I don't put nearly that much thought into it. I don't plan to go out and prepare for it days in advance. It just sort of happens. Hubby calls me on the way home from work an says hey, meet me at Buffalo Wild Wings. So I do. And I drink and I eat. Sometimes I get plain grilled chicken, sometimes I get wings covered in sauce. I don't feel guilty at all. I love food. I love alcohol. I love life. I just log it and see the results. If I do it too much (which you can look at my dairy and see i've consumed A LOT of calories via alcohol in the past 2 days), then I stay in the gym 20 extra minutes. Or I cut back a little more on high cal foods today and tomorrow.

    Every single day, every single meal is not a make or break it thing. It's a fluid, ever changing lifestyle. Relax and enjoy your meal and company ;)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I don't feel guilty at all. I love food. I love alcohol. I love life. I just log it and see the results. If I do it too much (which you can look at my dairy and see i've consumed A LOT of calories via alcohol in the past 2 days), then I stay in the gym 20 extra minutes. Or I cut back a little more on high cal foods today and tomorrow.

    Every single day, every single meal is not a make or break it thing. It's a fluid, ever changing lifestyle. Relax and enjoy your meal and company ;)

    I completely agree, whatever method you choose, you shouldn't feel guilt. Whether you pre-plan or adjust afterwards is personal preference. The important thing is that you are choosing and not letting food control your life and your emotions.

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Absolutely fine. Feeling guilty is pointless and counterproductive. You do need to understand how it fits into your plan though, perhaps you can manage your weekly calories to fit this in or do a bit more exercise and set the calories aside.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You don't need to follow such a restrictive diet where it makes you feel like you can't eat the thing you like. Eat plenty of whole foods, fruits and vegetables helping you hit your macronutrient and micronutrient goal while being able to fit the things you still enjoy. You should not feel guilty about eating food.

    I wonder what made this post flag worthy.

    Nothing, completely sound advice and incontroversial. Some people are crazy. Perhaps they might have the courage or conviction of caring to explain what was wrong or flag worthy. To flag it was pathetic.
  • asilva66
    asilva66 Posts: 19 Member
    I think its fine as long as you make it up the rest of the week! I have good/bad days all the time but if by end of the week I'm still in the green, I'm good and still lose. You can't deprive yourself totally or you won't make it long term.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    When I first start, I have to be fully committed, no cheat meal for 2 solid weeks. Then I do a cheat meal every week. I find that it helps with the weight loss. Usually, I stick to a meal and I tend to be really good that day, so my BIG Cheat meal, is not even much of cheat, but I feel like I am indulging.

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i dont have cheat meals or days. i eat what i want, as long as it fits within my daily goals.
  • goldenstone01
    goldenstone01 Posts: 25 Member
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with going out and having fun at least once a week. Being on a strict diet makes you crave all the things you shouldn't eat on a regular basis. So it makes it harder to stop eating what you been craving when your full. This week I ate a Snickers bar [which has always been my favorite} Since I have been eating better. That snickers bar made me feel sick. Now I will no longer crave that. Either way its a problem solved. Who needs a lot of sugar when on a diet. Its a win win situation.
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    edited March 2015
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You don't need to follow such a restrictive diet where it makes you feel like you can't eat the thing you like. Eat plenty of whole foods, fruits and vegetables helping you hit your macronutrient and micronutrient goal while being able to fit the things you still enjoy. You should not feel guilty about eating food.

    that can be said for 95% of posts on these boards. It is a staple answer and completely unhelpful. I am not attacking you, I just think responses could be more informative.

    OP, it is all about calories. If you have made some room for you to have a little something, sure, go ahead. But if you are at a 500 calorie deficit each day, and you hit your mark for 6 of those days, but on the 7th day, you took in +500 calories over maintenance (a red -1000 as you see it), then your net deficit for the week would be 2500, which would result in a loss of about 2/3 lb. If you did not have that cheat day, and hit your mark on the 7th day, then you will have lost ~1 lb, theoretically.

    While other factors play into what that actual number is day to day (alcohol consumption makes people bloated and usually has them gain weight), over the long term, that is the result.

    On a literal level, it will slow your progress, but weight loss is often two steps forward, and one step back. So, it is really a judgment call for you to make.
  • lcooper327
    lcooper327 Posts: 112 Member
    This is sort of unrelated but can I just say bagels are most definitely not a "health food" as you make them out to seem. If you love them and they fit then kudos and continue. But if you are eating them because you think they are healthy then stop.