Relationship problem (don't know where else to post)



  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Thank you to everyone who has posted! Honestly, i've been so overwhelmed with emotions. I cant believe that this was a relationship that was considered verbally/emotionally abusive, but you all are right. It's scary...I always told myself that I would never get into an abusive relationship but I guess it sneaks up on you...One person posted something about feeling like i was "walking on eggshells" around him, and that is completely 100% true. He always tells me that i can tell him anything and he'll accept me no matter what, but whenever i do tell him something, it ends up with him being mad at me...There's no trust. A lover or friend shouldn't make me feel like apologizing for breathing, and tbh i have no idea why he's so mad when i've never even hung out with my friend after classes, yet he can study with a girl alone and chill with one alone hypocritical. I'm very headstrong about how i feel, but to see how he emotionally black mails me is scary. It will be awhile before I date, but then again I'm in no rush...I know i shouldn't think of all guys as the same, but it will be hard to offer letting my walls down again. I'll give back everything he has given me and focus my emotions towards working out and getting healthier...I just hope I don't fall for his attempt to get me back this time. Once again, thank you all so much. You all don't understand how much you've helped me become more aware. One day I'll find my prince charming who will treat me like a blessing every day. But until then...I'll focus on me

    I always said I would never let someone abuse me too, but when they don't put their hands on you then it doesn't always register with you what is going on. It wasn't until I was out and my ex-MIL said "we've dealt with our share of abuse from him" that I began to consider what had occurred. He would cut me down with words, get angry with me for things that were not even that bad (being home a few minutes late), take money from the bank without telling me, guilt trip me... so much emotional abuse and manipulation.

    His last attempt to guilt me was by overdosing on something he knew would do him serious harm. The day after I told him I was filing for divorce. When I saw him a few days later in the hospital I told him I couldn't live like that, and that I was still filing the papers. I knew I couldn't let him control me like that.

    You are strong. You can do it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    why are you so worked up about YOUR EX!!!!
    Why does your ex even have a say in who you flirt with or not? Or am I missing something?


    Good lord- how old are you?

    Move on- you broke up- he's controlling and pushing abusive (going through your phone) you aren't dating him- you're free to flirt- chat- fck- whome ever- whenever- wherever you want.

    Seriously cut this guy lose- he isn't your friend. He's manipulative. no contact. cold turkey. Move on.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    never mind- you're 18.

    Set your sights to doing yourself some favors and going to school/getting a job- and make the most of the here and now and cut him out of your life forever.

    The sooner you can learn cancer is cancer and needs to be removed or it will kill you- the better you'll be.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I remember being afraid I would go back to my ex. so glad I didn't. Be strong. Move on and find someone crazy about you, you deserve this. I did and am so happy. I want you to be loved and happy also.
  • sandyskw1967
    sandyskw1967 Posts: 59 Member
    He is verbally abusive, from what you said. There is no reason or excuse for it. Move on, fast, and don,t look back, you deserve better.
  • LoveMyBabes3
    LoveMyBabes3 Posts: 53 Member
    How much time do you want to waste on someone who doesn't trust you, doesn't respect you, And uses swear words towards you? Is that really the kind of life you want to have? If so go for it. If not, you need to drop him cold turkey. Allow yourself to date and feel special to others. Trust your friends. They probably do know what they are talking about. Don't let a man control you. Imagine how bad it could get. If you don't lose the man you could lose your friends. Maybe you can find a great guy who let's you have him and your friends happily without being jealous.
  • LoveMyBabes3
    LoveMyBabes3 Posts: 53 Member
    Sorry one more thing. I would never consider anyone a friend who uses four letter language towards me and tweets negativity about me! Apology or not, it is unacceptable!
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    It is not worth being with someone who wants to change you. Also It is not worth being with someone you want to change.

    You both have to want to be together warts and all, good and bad times.
    It doesn't sound like you have that kind of relationship with your ex.

    All of my relationships were short term until I met my husband and we were friends before we became lovers. We trusted we each other and we both had friends of the opposite sex.

    Was there flirting? Sometimes - but we both accepted it as part of human nature and it actually added some spark to our marriage because there was no cheating but somehow it's nice to know that someone else found me or him attractive.
  • britt01any
    britt01any Posts: 83 Member
    Listen to your heart not your head. You already know what to do..I am guessing..leave him...remember heart NOT head!!
  • Barbs2222
    Barbs2222 Posts: 433 Member
    Thank you to everyone who has posted! Honestly, i've been so overwhelmed with emotions. I cant believe that this was a relationship that was considered verbally/emotionally abusive, but you all are right. It's scary...I always told myself that I would never get into an abusive relationship but I guess it sneaks up on you...One person posted something about feeling like i was "walking on eggshells" around him, and that is completely 100% true. He always tells me that i can tell him anything and he'll accept me no matter what, but whenever i do tell him something, it ends up with him being mad at me...There's no trust. A lover or friend shouldn't make me feel like apologizing for breathing, and tbh i have no idea why he's so mad when i've never even hung out with my friend after classes, yet he can study with a girl alone and chill with one alone hypocritical. I'm very headstrong about how i feel, but to see how he emotionally black mails me is scary. It will be awhile before I date, but then again I'm in no rush...I know i shouldn't think of all guys as the same, but it will be hard to offer letting my walls down again. I'll give back everything he has given me and focus my emotions towards working out and getting healthier...I just hope I don't fall for his attempt to get me back this time. Once again, thank you all so much. You all don't understand how much you've helped me become more aware. One day I'll find my prince charming who will treat me like a blessing every day. But until then...I'll focus on me

    You sound like you feel much better now but I think maybe you should revisit this thread for awhile, in case you feel like caving and talking to him. I was thinking you should read your own post but pretend like your best friend or sister wrote it. What would you tell them? Do you talk to your Mom about the way this boy treats you?

  • jjessilynn12
    jjessilynn12 Posts: 1
    edited March 2015
    You need to put your head up and move on. This will only get worse.
  • Goodness girl grow some backbone! Even if you are young and naive at this point in your life, you are Strong. You don't need negativity in your will make you ill. Be patient. Love will come. Real, honest, fun, love.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Thank you to everyone who has posted! Honestly, i've been so overwhelmed with emotions. I cant believe that this was a relationship that was considered verbally/emotionally abusive, but you all are right. It's scary...I always told myself that I would never get into an abusive relationship but I guess it sneaks up on you...One person posted something about feeling like i was "walking on eggshells" around him, and that is completely 100% true. He always tells me that i can tell him anything and he'll accept me no matter what, but whenever i do tell him something, it ends up with him being mad at me...There's no trust. A lover or friend shouldn't make me feel like apologizing for breathing, and tbh i have no idea why he's so mad when i've never even hung out with my friend after classes, yet he can study with a girl alone and chill with one alone hypocritical. I'm very headstrong about how i feel, but to see how he emotionally black mails me is scary. It will be awhile before I date, but then again I'm in no rush...I know i shouldn't think of all guys as the same, but it will be hard to offer letting my walls down again. I'll give back everything he has given me and focus my emotions towards working out and getting healthier...I just hope I don't fall for his attempt to get me back this time. Once again, thank you all so much. You all don't understand how much you've helped me become more aware. One day I'll find my prince charming who will treat me like a blessing every day. But until then...I'll focus on me

    It totally sneaks up on you--you are absolutely right about that.

    Nobody ever thinks they are going to get into that kind of situation. You have the opportunity to STOP it now before it gets bad or you are trapped.

    Walk away and don't look back.
  • katdog1984j
    katdog1984j Posts: 9 Member
  • katdog1984j
    katdog1984j Posts: 9 Member
  • pineapple_peach10
    pineapple_peach10 Posts: 239 Member
    emdeesea wrote: »
    Classic typical behavior of an abusive controller. You have to walk on eggshells to not piss him off, you can't have men friends, your behavior upsets him and he blames you for his response.

    You would really be better off without this guy. No good ever comes of a relationship like this one.

    Agreed, I instantly thought "emotional abuse" when I read this.

    Any guy who "wants you to feel his pain" is abusive and manipulative.

    I know it's hard but you need to cut this guys out of your life. In 10 year you will be happy you did
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    OK, so your EX is pissed that you're possibly, maybe, sorta, might, be flirting with someone? He's reading your messages? How does he even have access to your private conversations in the first place? And why the frick would he even care?

    Tell him you need your space and that you and he are just friends, nothing more. If he acts like a dick, CUT CONTACT. Move on. I've known and dated guys like this in my younger years, they are not worth half the effort you're putting in. If he ended the relationship, or if you did, or if it was mutual, whatever, it's OVER. Get back to your life :)

  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Thank you to everyone who has posted! Honestly, i've been so overwhelmed with emotions. I cant believe that this was a relationship that was considered verbally/emotionally abusive, but you all are right. It's scary...I always told myself that I would never get into an abusive relationship but I guess it sneaks up on you...One person posted something about feeling like i was "walking on eggshells" around him, and that is completely 100% true. He always tells me that i can tell him anything and he'll accept me no matter what, but whenever i do tell him something, it ends up with him being mad at me...There's no trust. A lover or friend shouldn't make me feel like apologizing for breathing, and tbh i have no idea why he's so mad when i've never even hung out with my friend after classes, yet he can study with a girl alone and chill with one alone hypocritical. I'm very headstrong about how i feel, but to see how he emotionally black mails me is scary. It will be awhile before I date, but then again I'm in no rush...I know i shouldn't think of all guys as the same, but it will be hard to offer letting my walls down again. I'll give back everything he has given me and focus my emotions towards working out and getting healthier...I just hope I don't fall for his attempt to get me back this time. Once again, thank you all so much. You all don't understand how much you've helped me become more aware. One day I'll find my prince charming who will treat me like a blessing every day. But until then...I'll focus on me

    Sorry for the dbl post, just saw your response. Thank goodness you found some things here that opened your eyes. Esspecially the whole 'he can be alone with girls' part. Yea, that's not fair. He wants to keep you on a leash while he does whatever he wants, free and clear. Don't take him back, this will only happen again in the future if you do, and it'll escalate and be much worse next time. Stay strong.
  • Wiseandcurious
    Wiseandcurious Posts: 730 Member
    An obvious, classic, typical abuser. This is probably the only type of relationship dynamics he is capable of so don't fool yourself that he will change. Cold turkey is the way to go.

    You said he had past relationships and you hadn't. I wonder if you realize how easy it is to exploit the insecurities and inexperience of a person with no previous relationships. You were not a fool, you were in a vulnerable situation and he took advantage.

    It was a lesson, you hopefully learned it, count yourself blessed because many, many people end up in abusive marriages with people like him and it gets so much harder and injuring to try and undo the damage.

    Just hoping you come reread all this if/when he tries to make you take him back and wishing you good luck!
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    I was you a couple years ago. It was my first relationship too. Dump him and cut all connections to him, otherwise he'll keep on creeping back into your life.

    Also, if you are scared to talk to him, how can you love him?