gym = embarrasing

Anyone else feel the same way? I can't shake the feeling of embarrassment everytime I step into the gym though I know with time it will go away. But does anyone share the same feeling?


  • ScorpioJack_91
    ScorpioJack_91 Posts: 5,241 Member
    Anyone else feel the same way? I can't shake the feeling of embarrassment everytime I step into the gym though I know with time it will go away. But does anyone share the same feeling?

    Nope...who cares what people think of you. Believe it or not, people don't care about you when you go to the gym. They're more focused on their workout than another person. Don't worry about it...just do you and you'll be fine.
  • myfatass78
    myfatass78 Posts: 411 Member
    Yes, I have the moment when I am in a class doing aerobics or similar. I feel like I'm in the zone and getting all the moves right. THEN I LOOK IN THE MIRROR and it looks like an octopus is dying in pain. It does get a bit better.
  • sbogle826
    sbogle826 Posts: 8 Member
    Honestly, I don't feel embarrassed. You're in the RIGHT place to get help and to take care of yourself. You go to school to learn, to the movies to have a good time, and the gym to lose weight. Just watch those funny planet fitness "gymtimidation" commercial. So funny! You're doing this for YOU. The beginning won't be so glamorous like Chuck Norris and his bo-flex but the desire for better health is always attractive.
  • Brandzilla
    Brandzilla Posts: 51 Member
    I used to feel that way. But my gym is wonderful. Everyone is so welcoming. Why do you feel embarrassed? Is it because you're new to the gym, out of shape, etc? I felt awful at first because I couldn't do all the exercises in my class and these really fit people were like bunny rabbits jumping up and down. But I stuck with it and got to know some of the regulars and now it's like seeing friends. No one cares if I can't do a push up and when I make progress they are truly excited for me.
  • kassienoriega
    kassienoriega Posts: 6
    edited March 2015
    That's what I need to remember and I'm sure the more I go the better I will feel about going! Thanks for the response @BlackScorpio91‌
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Just think every time you are at the gym you are giving your body/muscles/mind/ a present. You are worth it!
  • kassienoriega
    @Brandzilla‌ I think the embarrassment comes from being out of shape and running into familiar faces. Its the whole judgement thing which I need to pass
  • runfoorun
    runfoorun Posts: 314 Member
    Don't even think about it. Go in there and do your thing. I'm sure I drew some stares when I first started but I was in there for me. I got it done and I'm still getting it done. Gym rats are more helpful than you realize though. Sometimes I look over at some people that are obviously new but it's just to see if they have a certain machine figured out or if their form is right. Not staring, just making sure they don't need help.
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    I think the majority of people do the first few times they step into a gym. I know I certainly did.

    The best thing I can suggest is find a time (when you're available) that matches up with the less popular gym times. Less people there = less people to worry about, and can help use ease into a gym routine with a little less stress. It also means that you have the chance to try a few different machines because there are less people using them.

    I've been going for months and I still get a little stressed if I have to go in during a peak time. That's when you take a deep breath and remind yourself that everyone else there is concentrating on their own workouts, and if they notice you at all are silently applauding you for going since it's more than what people on their couches at home are up to.

  • kassienoriega
    All of these responses are wonderful and helpful! So glad to finally be apart of a supportive community !
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    When our tax refund comes thru we are joining an aquatic center. It has a fitness room, a lap pool, a warm pool, and small hot tub...I am excited but also uneasy because I bought a new suit....but hey it holds in all my bawdy bits sooo...Im gonna swim laps like I know what the heck I am doing :-)!!!
  • doingItIn2012
    doingItIn2012 Posts: 80 Member
    I just started going to a new gym. I am a little uncomfortable just like I would be with any new space so I understand a little how you feel. But I will Keep going until it feels like home. Please do the same if you came to to get fit you are in the right place.
  • gantzgirl87
    gantzgirl87 Posts: 25 Member
    Gosh, I felt awful the first time I stepped in the gym. I'm like "all these people are going to be super fit looking at me like why is this fat idiot in here even trying." After I got going, and I saw changes in my body, I noticed it changed how I felt. I had more energy and I know I can better myself. Who gives a s*** what those people think even if they are judging, but the reality is...we're judging ourselves first. You'll get to a point where you know you're in it to be better, and that's all that matters. Good luck!
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    There are a lot of people in there in your state, and a lot of fit people in there that used to be overweight. When I see very overweight people in the gym I think "AWESOME FOR THEM", they are taking the first steps. When I see overweight people waddle out of Dennys I think...."DISGUSTING....they don't have to be like this". Be more embarrassed about not being in the gym :smile: The hard work will pay off, if you honestly put your all in.....I promise it will pay off.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    When I first started back 3 1/2 years ago, I felt embarrassed. But I sucked it up and kept going. When I've been on the injured list, and not doing anywhere near my normal, I've felt embarrassed. But these days, I walk into the gym, smell the chalk and iron and sweat and it's instant stress release. There is nowhere else I'd rather be.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Yep Derek totally agree that that.... As a large lady, I do not put myself in situations where people can look at me and think..."What the heck is she doing...doing this or that". I am uncomfortable at any buffet type places, except the ones where its like a soup and salad place. I remember once when I was doing a slow jog and I heard a jogger behind me. I picked up the pace and they followed me for a while...then passed me saying, "You keep at it girl"...that was inspirational :-)
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited March 2015
    I had a self-conscious moment today when I was doing some rehab exercises in my bright yellow shirt and clompety, totally unfashionable stability shoes in the same room as a guy training for an MMA fight. (It would have been fine if I'd worn navy or something, I don't know.) But whatever. I paid my fees just like he did.
  • pink_tink2007
    pink_tink2007 Posts: 4 Member
    I use to till I remembered everyone started somewhere. That girl running on the treadmill or the guy bench pressing 300 pounds they all started at the beginning. And if they are judging me they aren't into their workout enough.
  • stephdeeday
    stephdeeday Posts: 43 Member
    DerekVTX wrote: »
    There are a lot of people in there in your state, and a lot of fit people in there that used to be overweight. When I see very overweight people in the gym I think "AWESOME FOR THEM", they are taking the first steps. When I see overweight people waddle out of Dennys I think...."DISGUSTING....they don't have to be like this". Be more embarrassed about not being in the gym :smile: The hard work will pay off, if you honestly put your all in.....I promise it will pay off.

    What a horrible thing to say. Be ashamed of yourself, truly.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I think it's normal for a lot of people to feel out of place and embarrassed when it's new to them. Seeing all the people there that look more fit and like the belong. But really it's all in your head. You belong there as much as anyone else and no one there is going to be paying much attention to you. People are too busy worrying about themselves