St Patrick's 100lb in 365 day challenge.



  • Raechel120
    Raechel120 Posts: 659 Member
    I'm in! Looking forward to the year ahead :)
  • ForeverCharlie
    ForeverCharlie Posts: 183 Member
    I'm in, too :) Let's do this!
  • kralston1
    kralston1 Posts: 2 Member
    add me to the list too!
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    I'm in but I don't have 100lbs to shed... but I do have about 40lbs to shed...
  • gingerpest12
    gingerpest12 Posts: 16 Member
    I have 56lbs to lose.....I just want to wake up in the morning and get dressed without it being a drama to find an outfit that hides my weight gain! None of them do of course! I feel like I'm on it this time and have exercised 2 days in a row now....A big thing for me! Looking forward to sharing the journey and being back to how I felt before
  • ado148
    ado148 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in on the challenge. I need all the help and support I can get. My ultimate goal is 150 pounds but 100 in one year would be amazing! Best of luck to everyone!
  • gingerpest12
    gingerpest12 Posts: 16 Member
  • silverteacup
    silverteacup Posts: 46 Member
    I'm in.... I need to lose another 80 lbs and I am hopelessly stalled and in need of a serious jumpstart. :)
  • ddee357
    ddee357 Posts: 4
    Hey this my first time reaching out to offer support & give support...I am all in.....I need all the support I can get....& making a couple of weight loss buddies is great!!!
  • ElleDee5
    ElleDee5 Posts: 1 Member
    This seems like a great goal for myself as well. I'm new to my fitness pal. Is there a way to add you guys to my personal account so we can all exchange messages and what not?
  • mhook760
    mhook760 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm in! I have 95lbs to go to my first target but I will probably then be starting a new mission to lose the last 20lb. Too scary to think of it all in one go.
  • TheCriz76
    TheCriz76 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm in! I've got at least 140 to lose
  • who4fan
    who4fan Posts: 388 Member
    Please add me in! I have been really good about tracking and this will be an incentive to keep going! I have to lose at least another 100. My personal reasons are:
    1) I don't want to embarass my child when she starts school in September.
    2) I had her really late in life and want to live long enough to set her up to have a great life so she doesn't feel cheated.
    3) I want to enjoy retirement with a body capable of really enjoying a warm weather climate, swimming, gardening,etc.
  • Gdogg92
    Gdogg92 Posts: 16 Member
    My Three reasons are :
    1. Me and partner want to start a family and I dont want to be a fat mum.
    2. I want to look my best for my Fiance at our wedding.
    3. I want to be able to run and be active without feeling like my heart is going to explode.
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    Day 365 is in the bag folks. I logged all my cookie Addiction glory And much to my surprise i was only 500 calories over for the day. I hope everyone found success in our day one challenge. Day 2 challenge. ..log everything and get in 64oz of water throughout the day.
  • I In need the support too
  • JustWatchMee
    JustWatchMee Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in .... I could really stand to lose 100 lbs currently at 253, I think, I don't even want to know what the scale says after my spring break visiting family
    My reasons are:
    1. Like what I see when I look in the mirror
    2. Be a good role model for my 2 year old daughter
    3. Get in shape and be healthier to prepare for my next pregnancy
    4. Look good naked
  • SaraD72
    SaraD72 Posts: 20 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm in too! I weigh 283 lbs, to get under 200 would be awesome! I have to admit that the thought of someone seeing my food diary is a little daunting. That's what accountability is all about, though. :)
  • Angecus
    Angecus Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 2 days late, but I'm in too!!
  • 245112
    245112 Posts: 13
    Hi I`m member, 245112. I am shy, but I will follow for the next year, Good for you starting this. I have to loose 150 pounds. Thou not in a wheelchair, I had a fall over a Bannister(2nd Story)COMPRESSED MY SPINE, SO EXERCISING is hard each day, but I try 10-15 minutes each day walking. Before and After is medication to mask the pain. Again GOOD LUCK TO ALL............... Cath...