gyms crowding this time of year?



  • sammik307
    sammik307 Posts: 19
    edited March 2015
    Ive seen a few... Not at the toilet but im pretty sure i can guess who they are
  • haysavam
    haysavam Posts: 74 Member
    edited March 2015
    Best time of day to go to the gym is 11:00a-2:00p and 7:00p-9p pending on your gym hours. (Mine is 5a-9p)
    Source: I watch that *kitten* like a hawk.

    Worse comes worse I go cardio it up outdoors.
  • sammik307
    sammik307 Posts: 19
    haysavam wrote: »
    Best time of day to go to the gym is 11:00a-2:00p and 7:00p-9p pending on your gym hours. (Mine is 5a-9p)
    Source: I watch that *kitten* like a hawk.

    Worse comes worse I go cardio it up outdoors.

  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    sammik307 wrote: »
    Ive seen a few... Not at the toilet but im pretty sure i can guess who they are

    Lol! I think I can, too
    haysavam wrote: »
    Best time of day to go to the gym is 11:00a-2:00p and 7:00p-9p pending on your gym hours. (Mine is 5a-9p)
    Source: I watch that *kitten* like a hawk.

    Worse comes worse I go cardio it up outdoors.

    ^5, these are my new hours
  • bdlingafel
    bdlingafel Posts: 59 Member
    haysavam wrote: »
    Best time of day to go to the gym is 11:00a-2:00p and 7:00p-9p pending on your gym hours. (Mine is 5a-9p)
    Source: I watch that *kitten* like a hawk.

    Worse comes worse I go cardio it up outdoors.
    My gym is 24/7 and if you want to be there by yourself be there between midnight and 5am. I get there at 4am and occasionally someone will come in around 430 but normally I'm the only one there... It's awesome!
  • crystalnichols395
    crystalnichols395 Posts: 68 Member
    I work out in a 24/7 gym also and I try to get there around 3 pm there is maybe 2 or 3 people there at that time but by the time I leave 10-15 more people have done walked in. But Sunday mornings around 7 am it DEAD!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Yep, you just cowboy up for a few weeks and drive on. I'm looking forward to it getting close to the time of year where I can get most of my workout done in the parking lot.

    I think that about this time of year a lot of places run deals like they did at New Year's too.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    bdlingafel wrote: »
    haysavam wrote: »
    Best time of day to go to the gym is 11:00a-2:00p and 7:00p-9p pending on your gym hours. (Mine is 5a-9p)
    Source: I watch that *kitten* like a hawk.

    Worse comes worse I go cardio it up outdoors.
    My gym is 24/7 and if you want to be there by yourself be there between midnight and 5am. I get there at 4am and occasionally someone will come in around 430 but normally I'm the only one there... It's awesome!

    I appreciate what you're saying and also prefer nights but I feel like having to do that's a step too far!
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    I work out in a 24/7 gym also and I try to get there around 3 pm there is maybe 2 or 3 people there at that time but by the time I leave 10-15 more people have done walked in. But Sunday mornings around 7 am it DEAD!

    Never in my life will I be at a gym on a Sunday morning at 7 am, lol! Thanks, though :)
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »

    Sounds like a good solution! I need to vary cardio options and can't do bodyweight impact so I'm stuck in a gym. Although I was thinking about maybe picking up some kind of sport.

    My biggest calorie burner is when I play volleyball on Sundays. Especially the spring/summer/fall sand leagues. Looking into a sport could be a good idea. It's a lot more fun than the gym, that's for sure.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »

    Sounds like a good solution! I need to vary cardio options and can't do bodyweight impact so I'm stuck in a gym. Although I was thinking about maybe picking up some kind of sport.

    My biggest calorie burner is when I play volleyball on Sundays. Especially the spring/summer/fall sand leagues. Looking into a sport could be a good idea. It's a lot more fun than the gym, that's for sure.

    I love volleyball! Can't do that right now (wrist issue among other things), but I'll try to think creatively about what I can do.

    I thought about biking outside, but man, drivers where I live are super aggressive, and my spatial awareness could be better (have been doored). I don't really want to try to improve it at the risk of being hit by a truck :/
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    sammik307 wrote: »
    This is seriously the worst ever.. Im glad people want to better themselves but my Gym consists of people NEVER putting weights away so your spending 10 minutes looking for what you want, people sitting on machines talking on their phones and so much more... Abs arent made in a month people.. Agh rant for the day.. Sorry about that

    Yup, this. i spent 5 minutes yesterday looking for a FULL SIZED Olympic bar for the squat rack. Why walk off with that?! Especially since there were about 8 bars on the rack 10 feet from the squat cage (not Olympic though, but perfectly fine for nearly everything). I found it behind the row of treadmills, where there is just a walking path...not enough room to use it. i want to know what they were doing with it!

    I dont mind the crowd, as long as people don't take the equipment to a random corner and leave it there.
  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
  • cheflaurawalke
    cheflaurawalke Posts: 42 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    I might have to find a new place. Everyone s thinking about summer abs now :(

    Things have been getting really busy this week (huge lineups for things busy)

    Too bad summer bodies are made in the winter. I'm finally appreciating the fact that I get to the gym at 4am and it is almost always empty.
  • nstock
    nstock Posts: 135 Member
    Just try to figure out what days are busiest for each muscle group. At my gym I know, Monday is chest day, and Tuesday is legs for sure. I know not to do those muscle groups on those days. I also find that the gym is less crowded Thursday-Sunday. Try making those days your main workout days (if that's possible). I find gyms are busy until Easter and then it lightens up (no more spring break vacations to prepare for)
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    I'm glad my employer has a gym, because it is basically never full. Maybe once a month, I'll go in and find someone is using a machine I want. Fine, I just go to my second choice and it is no big deal. People who do use the gym tend to put weights back where they belong.

    Every once in a great while, I'll come in and there will be a bunch of people in the gym. 90% of them, I'll never see again in there after that one session. I don't know what's up with that, but whatever.
  • sammik307
    sammik307 Posts: 19
    nstock wrote: »
    Just try to figure out what days are busiest for each muscle group. At my gym I know, Monday is chest day, and Tuesday is legs for sure. I know not to do those muscle groups on those days. I also find that the gym is less crowded Thursday-Sunday. Try making those days your main workout days (if that's possible). I find gyms are busy until Easter and then it lightens up (no more spring break vacations to prepare for)

    Yep i got that down too!! I do opposite of whatever everyone else does lol.. Yet you still get that one person whos dying to use the machine your on... Then stalks you for the next two hours
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    edited March 2015
    I belong to an excellent YMCA and nobody pees on the toilets (so far). Once in a while a toilet seat is wet, but so is the floor, so I know it's a swimmer who dripped water on the seat and didn't pee in the swimming pool :smile: It's restaurants here where the toilet seat gets peed on - I love it! If someone else is in the bathroom. I will wash my hands or pretend to fix my makeup or whatever until they are done and then go into the same stall. Usually there is pee on the seat. I very politely and not a bit sarcastically ask, "Ma'am, would you mind cleaning the toilet seat you just peed all over?" I could write a book about the different responses I get! (So far, nobody has strangled me, as I am here still to be able to write this.)
  • sammik307
    sammik307 Posts: 19
  • Bellodesiderare
    Bellodesiderare Posts: 278 Member
    The waiting added an hour to my workout, I'm going to have to find another time to go. I wonder if they did some kind of promotion. [/quote]

    You can hardly navigate around equipment at my gym during peak times. I switched to working out at 5:30 AM. I see the same people there every morning and never have to wait for equipment because the gym isn't crowded. I hate mornings. HATE them. It took me some time to adjust, but the switch was worth it.