Help Help HELLLPPPPP!!!!



  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    It's really hard on your body to eat right before you go to sleep.... go to bed slightly hungry and you will burn calories all night while you sleep. That's motivation for me... if you eat before bed you will spend the night having your body digesting food instead

    It's not "really hard" on everyone's body.

    Me, personally? I can't eat anything any later than 2 hours before bedtime (which is 10pm, so 8pm is food and drink cutoff) because I will be awakened in the middle of the night with a TERRIBLE stomach ache because my body slowed itself down for sleep and didn't finish digesting everything.

    The same isn't true for everyone.

    Plus, you're still burning calories while you sleep. It really doesn't matter if you eat right before bed or not.

    And digesting food requires energy (aka calories are being burned) so...? As long as you're within your calories, you're good.

  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    klund13 wrote: »
    zamphir66 wrote: »
    Like they said, plan to allow for a late snack or meal. Either way, brush your teeth straight afterwards.

    Purely curious, what does brushing your teeth have to do with late night meals besides for hygiene?

    I think it was brought up as a hygiene reminder.

    Ahh gotcha

    Nah, many people won't eat after brushing, and the toothpaste makes some foods taste funny. Not for me, but for some, just don't like eating afterwards.

    .....I can eat anytime, LOL
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    betuel75 wrote: »

    This is me too. Also try to snack on less calorie foods at night so you can eat more. Try baby carrots. I also eat a pint of Artic Zero ice cream(150 cal). Whatever you can think of that is low calories and high quantity.

    Make sure to go lightly with that stuff. A LOT of tests have determined that their calorie claims are a bit 'too good to be true'.

    I haven't tried it, but it's not readily available here in my area anyway

    You can google it to read more.

  • zamphir66
    zamphir66 Posts: 582 Member

    Nah, many people won't eat after brushing, and the toothpaste makes some foods taste funny. Not for me, but for some, just don't like eating afterwards.

    I had my 6-month cleaning yesterday and didn't want to eat all day. Everything = gross. I mean, I ate anyway, I'm a growing boy and all, but gosh it was yuck city with a capital yuck.

  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    edited March 2015
    Maybe make a massive salad that you can eat when you feel the urge to snack? That way you still get to binge on a large volume of food, just for very few calories. :)
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    betuel75 wrote: »

    This is me too. Also try to snack on less calorie foods at night so you can eat more. Try baby carrots. I also eat a pint of Artic Zero ice cream(150 cal). Whatever you can think of that is low calories and high quantity.

    Make sure to go lightly with that stuff. A LOT of tests have determined that their calorie claims are a bit 'too good to be true'.

    I haven't tried it, but it's not readily available here in my area anyway

    You can google it to read more.

    Holy crap! thank you for sharing. Not having this tonight...
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    betuel75 wrote: »
    I prefer to eat a lot at night, so I save most of my calories for the evening. I have a light breakfast and lunch. Would this work for you?

    This is me too. Also try to snack on less calorie foods at night so you can eat more. Try baby carrots. I also eat a pint of Artic Zero ice cream(150 cal). Whatever you can think of that is low calories and high quantity.

    Dude...Artic Zero? lol. That's one I cannot do.
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    betuel75 wrote: »
    I prefer to eat a lot at night, so I save most of my calories for the evening. I have a light breakfast and lunch. Would this work for you?

    This is me too. Also try to snack on less calorie foods at night so you can eat more. Try baby carrots. I also eat a pint of Artic Zero ice cream(150 cal). Whatever you can think of that is low calories and high quantity.

    Dude...Artic Zero? lol. That's one I cannot do.

    Dude, yeah, its about calories. choices choices.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    betuel75 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    betuel75 wrote: »
    I prefer to eat a lot at night, so I save most of my calories for the evening. I have a light breakfast and lunch. Would this work for you?

    This is me too. Also try to snack on less calorie foods at night so you can eat more. Try baby carrots. I also eat a pint of Artic Zero ice cream(150 cal). Whatever you can think of that is low calories and high quantity.

    Dude...Artic Zero? lol. That's one I cannot do.

    Dude, yeah, its about calories. choices choices.

    I like high volume too, but man. No.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Do what ever you want to do! It's that simple.

    Eat a night or eat during the day...

    1 choice = 1 decision
    1 decision = 1 desired result or 1 not desired result
    bad result or good result = I think you get it by now...
  • nadiha
    nadiha Posts: 27 Member
    Wow.. Thanks everyone.
    las07s wrote: »
    Sometimes, you just cannot fight it! I have pre-cut bags of fresh veggies in my fridge at all times. Set that oven to 400*F, line a pan with foil and toss the veggies in with some garlic powder on top. 20-30 minutes later I have crispy crunchy "popcorn". Many people will toss their veggies in oil, but I can't taste the difference, so why bother? My favorites include:

    Cabbage Disks & tsp Alfredo sauce (30-40min)
    Cauliflower & Sriracha (30 min)
    Brussel Sprouts (30min)
    Broccoli (30min)
    Green Beans (30min)

    Kale (14min)
    Spinach (14min)

    OOHHHHH>>!!! Thanks for this. I should try this and soon. I try to eat a cup of fruit and it's not enough but something crunchy might help curb my overeating.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    a cup of light hot chocolate (40 cals) eases the munchies and the sweet craving in the evenings for me.
  • TheVogonVegan
    TheVogonVegan Posts: 75 Member
    Eating crushed ice makes you feel like you're eating something, but it's just water. Likewise drinking a tall glass of water usually helps me curb my appetite no matter what time of day.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    nadiha wrote: »
    What are some "tried and true" tips (based on personal experience, of course) to help curb late night snacking, and sadly sometimes meals. I work in an office and a controlled setting where I cannot just leave to go eat. It works out well for me during the day. It's when I get home where all bets are off and it's not controlled. I need some hints that have helped others like me. Thanks

    Nothing wrong with late night snacking and meals, it works great for me personally. Work and reward system. Just plan what you're going to eat the day before and leave enough room for that late meal and snack. There's nothing at all wrong with eating late, in fact it's basically what we're designed to do. The day is for working, the night is for refueling for the day after.
  • nadiha
    nadiha Posts: 27 Member
    edited March 2015
    You've all given me a lot of info and thanks for that!!! I think that my biggest issue was associating my friday morning weigh-in being higher because i ate something... anything, when it could be something more than what i ate. My workouts are mostly in the evening, with the exception of Saturdays and Sundays- they end around 1 PM, and end around 8 PM. There's always cardio involved so i drink a lot of water and it could even be something as simple as water retention. I'm still going to use some of these ideas, and of course open for more. You're all awesome!!!
  • nicfitnesszone
    nicfitnesszone Posts: 115 Member
    Try stocking your pantry and fridge with high volume/high fiber low calorie food. No food in my pantry except quinoa, black rice, steel cut oatmeal, PB2 (peanut butter powder), 90-110 cal/1 cup cereal. Staples in my fridge--organic broccoli, spinach, kale, collard greens, red/green chard, lettuce, carrots, celery, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, Applegate turkey breast and chicken breast, liquid egg whites, unsweetened almond milk and froyo in my freezer.

    You can still satisfy yourself from eating/binging at night without the extra calories and guilt. Hope this helps! :-)
  • MermaidsWhimsy66
    MermaidsWhimsy66 Posts: 14 Member
    Drink a protein shake in the morning.

    Eat more fiber or protein so you feel fuller, like granola, oatmeal, cereal, corn, beans, lentils, artichoke, lettuce, whole wheat rice or bread (in moderation), avocado, berries, peas, cauliflower or substitute a meal with a protein bar.

    Make a salad to bring with you, pile it with cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, sunflower seeds, a small amount of bacon or turkey bacon, a small amount of cheese shreds or cheese pieces, and enough dressing to satisfy and mac out on it. It is fresh, delicious and has lots of good stuff but few calories.

    Keep a package of sugar free gum to chew when feeling like snacking.

    Buy pre-packaged 100 calorie snacks and keep them in your desk drawer.

    Buy pre-packaged oatmeal and put in desk drawer.

    Buy Granola Bars or other protein bar for desk drawer.

    Buy Quaker Rice cakes to keep in desk drawer.

    Quaker has flavored snacks, cheddar, caramel, etc.

    Buy a few low calories candy bars like Skinny Cow to keep in desk drawer

    Make prepackaged snacks in baggies to help you keep limits.

    Eat some ice.

    Schwan's makes a low calorie yogurt like pop very low in calories I think 90 calories.

    Don't starve yourself or you will binge.

    Reduce soda intake, use diet soda but limit intake.

    Exercise more.

    Best wishes...
  • edack72
    edack72 Posts: 173 Member
    You must have the will power to just not do it remind yourself what your goal is and where you are headed for me I just dont buy anything unhealthy so in the event that I do start snacking its not with food that is bad , water reach for a sparkling water with fruit or even a cup of strong tea or brush your teeth that usually kills any desire to eat. Have a meal plan I didn't start to see success until I had my coach give me a meal plan I stick to it and weight comes off and exercise is key too .....motivation for me is the races I have signed up for I suggest everyone do something like this PLAN PLAN PLAN .......I seriously woke up one day disgusted with how I looked and felt and have fixed it I am not there yet but I am well on my way
  • nadiha
    nadiha Posts: 27 Member
    yesterday, i sliced some radishes and tried to convince myself they were chips :p You are all awesome with your tips. I appreciate them all.
  • nadiha
    nadiha Posts: 27 Member
    hauteswan wrote: »
    Drink a protein shake in the morning.

    Eat more fiber or protein so you feel fuller, like granola, oatmeal, cereal, corn, beans, lentils, artichoke, lettuce, whole wheat rice or bread (in moderation), avocado, berries, peas, cauliflower or substitute a meal with a protein bar.

    Make a salad to bring with you, pile it with cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, sunflower seeds, a small amount of bacon or turkey bacon, a small amount of cheese shreds or cheese pieces, and enough dressing to satisfy and mac out on it. It is fresh, delicious and has lots of good stuff but few calories.

    Keep a package of sugar free gum to chew when feeling like snacking.

    Buy pre-packaged 100 calorie snacks and keep them in your desk drawer.

    Buy pre-packaged oatmeal and put in desk drawer.

    Buy Granola Bars or other protein bar for desk drawer.

    Buy Quaker Rice cakes to keep in desk drawer.

    Quaker has flavored snacks, cheddar, caramel, etc.

    Buy a few low calories candy bars like Skinny Cow to keep in desk drawer

    Make prepackaged snacks in baggies to help you keep limits.

    Eat some ice.

    Schwan's makes a low calorie yogurt like pop very low in calories I think 90 calories.

    Don't starve yourself or you will binge.

    Reduce soda intake, use diet soda but limit intake.

    Exercise more.

    Best wishes...

    Thanks for this. I do keep a lot of this stuff at my desk, it's when I get home that I feel like the beast has been unleashed. :smiley: