St Patrick's 100lb in 365 day challenge.



  • 245112
    245112 Posts: 13
    edited March 2015
    :) I Will Follow along.....Any suggestions for exercising for me, getting tired of walking or Aquacise.........Cath............
  • gingerpest12
    gingerpest12 Posts: 16 Member
    It's great to see so many people on board...I'm feeling motivated already :) I've made my food and exercise public....If that doesn't keep me on track I don't know what will haha...If anybody wants to connect on here feel free, it's great to share this journey with others!
  • Mmachi99
    Mmachi99 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm totaly in, stated mfp today and need all the motivation I can get, need to loose 100lbs. pls do add me.
  • I'm in!
  • rachwill2002
    rachwill2002 Posts: 16 Member
    1. I have been journaling faithfully since 1/15/2015 and have lost a little over 20 pounds though my weight loss ticker doesn't show it. I joined MFP back in 2011 at 227 and started back this time at 272. I have been slowly working my way down through the weights that I have logged randomly over the years and not truly committed and that has been my motivation. So my first major goal is to get down to where I started the first time at 227.
    2. I want to have children, but due to the medications I am on the doctor has advised against it.
    3. I don't want to look like a whale next to my husband, he is my height and around 135
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    1. I have been journaling faithfully since 1/15/2015 and have lost a little over 20 pounds though my weight loss ticker doesn't show it. I joined MFP back in 2011 at 227 and started back this time at 272. I have been slowly working my way down through the weights that I have logged randomly over the years and not truly committed and that has been my motivation. So my first major goal is to get down to where I started the first time at 227.
    2. I want to have children, but due to the medications I am on the doctor has advised against it.
    3. I don't want to look like a whale next to my husband, he is my height and around 135

    I have the same fight with my ticker but it's motivating. I was down to 207 two years ago today. But pregnancy and a marriage shot me back up to 262. I'm excited to finally see a loss in my ticker even if I know I'm really down more than 4lbs
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    Happy day 264 guys. I'm only 6oz of water in so far but my food has been logged and I opted for a morning fulfillment of my cookie addiction so my calories aren't so compounded at the end of the day.

    Open those diaries folks, sharing is amazing for inspiration and support
  • sandlerlover
    sandlerlover Posts: 96 Member
    I know I'm a few days late but I also want to join the "fun"!
    1.) I don't want to feel exhausted trying to play with my son!
    2.) I don't want my bike tires to look flat when I'm riding on it! :\
    3.) I want to be able to run the bases while playing softball and not feel winded/on my death bed!
    I'm currently at 237, according to the BMI chart I should be around 125-130. I would like to get to 165 and see what happens. But more importantly, I want to be healthy, fit and feel great about myself! :)
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    I know I'm a few days late but I also want to join the "fun"!
    1.) I don't want to feel exhausted trying to play with my son!
    2.) I don't want my bike tires to look flat when I'm riding on it! :\
    3.) I want to be able to run the bases while playing softball and not feel winded/on my death bed!
    I'm currently at 237, according to the BMI chart I should be around 125-130. I would like to get to 165 and see what happens. But more importantly, I want to be healthy, fit and feel great about myself! :)

    Your number 2 is awesome. I won't even get on a bike right now because of that.
  • englishmermaid
    englishmermaid Posts: 114 Member
    Sounds good, I have 100lbs to lose also
  • MoreFabbLessFlab
    MoreFabbLessFlab Posts: 60 Member
    Add me. My reasons are
    1. Lose the pain in my knees so I can walk more.
    2. My daughter, I want to spend more time with her and walk on the beach like we used to.
    3. Overall health and attitude.

    I am currently at 328 and I don't like being the biggest here. I am 47 and finding it much, much harder to lose the weight, I often want to give up. I joined Feb 11 and have lost 7 lbs so far.
  • gingerpest12
    gingerpest12 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey everyone :) so I'm on day 3 and have done my exercise dvd 3 days in a row....which I'm really getting into and am feeling like I have so much energy! I'm out tonight though so am a bit worried I may info all my good work so far....was thinking of eating a healthy meal before I go out (even though it's for a meal!) So I eat less when I'm there...any better tips would be appreciated!
    Anita x
  • gingerpest12
    gingerpest12 Posts: 16 Member
    *undo not info!
  • laurajune72
    laurajune72 Posts: 27 Member
    Too late to join the fun? Not sure how much I want to loose but between 80-100. My reasons? 1) be able to shop for clothes in the "regular" size woman's area. What the hell? Designers think that just because you are fat your taste goes to hell? I don't want to dress like a sofa. And cute shoes. My daughter keeps telling me I am too fat for some shoes. Like boots. I want boots
    2) better health of course , I want to breathe.
    3) I just want to feel beautiful again. I am 43 (today) and if I don't do this now it will just keep getting harder.
  • SaraD72
    SaraD72 Posts: 20 Member
    Too late to join the fun? Not sure how much I want to loose but between 80-100. My reasons? 1) be able to shop for clothes in the "regular" size woman's area. What the hell? Designers think that just because you are fat your taste goes to hell? I don't want to dress like a sofa. And cute shoes. My daughter keeps telling me I am too fat for some shoes. Like boots. I want boots
    2) better health of course , I want to breathe.
    3) I just want to feel beautiful again. I am 43 (today) and if I don't do this now it will just keep getting harder.

    Happy Birthday! I will be 43 in May and can totally relate to all you have said. I want boots, too!
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    Add me. My reasons are
    1. Lose the pain in my knees so I can walk more.
    2. My daughter, I want to spend more time with her and walk on the beach like we used to.
    3. Overall health and attitude.

    I am currently at 328 and I don't like being the biggest here. I am 47 and finding it much, much harder to lose the weight, I often want to give up. I joined Feb 11 and have lost 7 lbs so far.

    7lbs is amazing. Welcome!
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    Too late to join the fun? Not sure how much I want to loose but between 80-100. My reasons? 1) be able to shop for clothes in the "regular" size woman's area. What the hell? Designers think that just because you are fat your taste goes to hell? I don't want to dress like a sofa. And cute shoes. My daughter keeps telling me I am too fat for some shoes. Like boots. I want boots
    2) better health of course , I want to breathe.
    3) I just want to feel beautiful again. I am 43 (today) and if I don't do this now it will just keep getting harder.

    Happy birthday!!! I want boots too. In adding that to my top ten list.
  • laurajune72
    laurajune72 Posts: 27 Member
    Didn't realize shoes were such a motivator. You people are amazing!! I am home!!!
  • Hi I just started on Thurday 3/18 - I would love to do this with you - I have no support system in place - I have managed to isolate myself completely a lot I think due to my weight - I want to lose 120lbs . Read my profile and you too will see that my body hurts and for this reason alone I need to lose weight - My name is Fran and I look forward to doing this now that I know there are other people out there with the same struggle

  • My goals would be to want to shop for clothes again, as I hate it now - no how hard the designers try, big girl clothes are not flattering in style
    I would also like to start dating again - I have been divorced 12 years and although I have dated over the years, I think my weight now is an issue and I feel so unattractive that I won't even consider putting myself out there anymore
    I want to increase my energy level - I was always a go getter and on the move - have become so sedentary the last few years