40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Friday kids....

    It's the first day of spring and guess what we woke up to? You know it...SNOW!!!!!!!

    At any rate, I took the interval burn class and my PT was waiting for me at the door when it was over and she did not slow down with me. My HRM needs a new battery, as it died 15 minutes before my workout was over. To the store I go to get a new battery.

    Hope all of you have a great weekend.

  • nicolekstrand
    nicolekstrand Posts: 4 Member
    Happy spring! Happy Friday! Happy day! God is good and it's a new day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    Today is such a weird day. Won't bore you with details.

    Tomorrow means cardio. ZOOM!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Evening Cool Kids.

    Hope everyone enjoyed their first day of Spring. Back in my Pagan {Creek Indian} days I would have danced naked and burned money to celebrate the holiday. Not so much anymore. I very rarely dance, even with clothes on. And I never burn money.

    Speaking of burning, I tried to burn my longleaf pines today. It was very foggy early {I had to get to work in the afternoon} and we didn't get a good burn at all. It was too wet and there wasn't enough fuel or wind to overcome it.

    Here are the numbers for the week: 20.8% Body Fat, 23.8 BMI & 170.5 Pounds. That is a loss of 1.0 pounds. Too much work and too little calories. I will try to do better next week.


  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Mommy- That's beautiful. Your daughter is very talented.

    Kelly Sue- So glad your hubby is improving. I need to paint here too < I've been putting it off too long. Not sure what I'll do to keep Josie busy and out of the paint. LOL

    Hello Newbies and Welcome !

    Sorry I've been M.I.A. lately. I've been job hunting, paying bills, paying off debt, running errands, cleaning, and the " List goes on " < I think that's a song or maybe just thinking of " the band plays on " :)
    Josie seems to have recovered after having 4 staples put in the back of her head last Tuesday. My niece was trying to tickle her and they both fell against my sister's french doors. bfpjmm5h6ol5.jpg
    It looked worse than it was head wounds bleed like crazy.
    See..back to normal.
    Anyway. I haven't logged in roughly a week. Still maintaining 5 lbs. under my goal ( even after eating " a big serving of homemade chocolate covered peanut butter easter egg ". I brought 3 so hopefully I can stay in control while the remaining 2 are in the house. Muhawhaw ! Brought one of those Ecig seems to be helping. So hopefully I'll be able to kick the habit this year.

    I'll check back later. :)

  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    With spring here so also comes my craving for ice cream. Ya I know I'm not fooling anyone that is always there. Was just thinking about it out on my second walk with the dog this morning. Might be time to go buy a big bag of frozen berries and pull out the Yo-nana machine and put a batch in the freezer ready to go.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Double workout of Kettlebell and Kickboxing today! I've done one or the other every day this week and walked to work. Weigh in tomorrow so hoping there has been some downward movement! How is it so easy to gan 8/9lbs in a month or so, but so hard to lose it? ?
  • landfish
    landfish Posts: 255 Member
    I don't eat clean. I hate buzz words and that is one of my least favorite (I'll keep the rest to myself lest they all appear in rapid succession on this forum).

    I have 1800 calories to get me through a 24 hour period, including workouts. Mostly, it's a 50% carb/30% fat/20% protein mix, although that varies from day to day. I try to make sure those calories count. But, every once in a while, I decide to throw some of those calories at something decidedly unclean but thoroughly satisfying. Good beer. Scotch or Bourbon. Good chocolate.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    landfish wrote: »
    I don't eat clean.

    I didn't wash my grapes before I ate them just now. But I have always lived on the edge.
  • webbeyes
    webbeyes Posts: 105 Member
    larrodarro wrote: »
    landfish wrote: »
    I don't eat clean.

    I didn't wash my grapes before I ate them just now. But I have always lived on the edge.

    Dude, you're hardcore.
  • trish56832
    trish56832 Posts: 43 Member
    larrodarro wrote: »
    landfish wrote: »
    I don't eat clean.

    I didn't wash my grapes before I ate them just now. But I have always lived on the edge.

    Ok that was sincerely funny ;)
  • trish56832
    trish56832 Posts: 43 Member
    I am loving this group and I am finding myself slowly coming around and starting to feel like my old self. What I mean by that is in 2012 I ran a 15k was on the road to fitness -I was 15 pounds from my goal weight but strong and energetic and healthy. Then I started grad school while working nights and had a few family and medical issues. I became sedentary... In December I graduated and found myself exhausted at my heaviest weight ever and far from being healthy! As I started to pick myself up I felt like every muscle in my body atrophied - I could not make it a round with my punching bag or run a half mile... Very depressing but also a real life testimonial of " use it or lose it". Since January 1st I have been walking just about every day and last night I ran my first mile without stopping :) as I read your posts I focus on running a 5k next month getting my bike out for spring and returning to kickboxing. I'll be 42 in August and my goal is to run a 15k on my birthday :)
  • LittleNell107
    LittleNell107 Posts: 71 Member
    larrodarro wrote: »
    landfish wrote: »
    I don't eat clean.

    I didn't wash my grapes before I ate them just now. But I have always lived on the edge.

    I just genuinely "Laughed Out Loud" at that... LOL - too funny!!!

    I'm happy-happy... with a 2 lb drop at today's weigh in - even with limited exercise due to injured knee! The physio says brisk walking should be OK, so I'll be up and moving again this next week.

    Oooo, @Kate7294 that injury looks nasty - glad she's back to normal now.

    Hope all the "UK-ers" enjoyed the eclipse yesterday. A work colleague took this weird photo where the eclipse appears to be reflected on the clouds. The big bright patch is the actual position of the sun, where it's about 90% covered by the moon, and the little white crescent shows a reflection of the sun. Weird - eh:


    This is a more traditional view of the eclipse, taken through some welding glass :)

  • LittleNell107
    LittleNell107 Posts: 71 Member
    trish56832 wrote: »
    (snip) I'll be 42 in August and my goal is to run a 15k on my birthday :)
    Good luck @trish56832! You sound like a determined person - I'm sure you can do it :D
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Well I have been fighting the flu since Thursday. Trying to get better enough for my friend's funeral today. I made it through but it was so hard. The emotional drain anyway but to be so physically weak. But I had to be there regardless.
  • matador36
    matador36 Posts: 160 Member
    Im in San Antonio as well.
  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Excellent goal Trish. You can do it!

    Landfish I don't eat clean all of the time either. I have some drinks now and again and treat myself with popcorn or a really good high quality chocolate. It most defiantly is a challenge to try to eat majority of my food as closest to its natural state as possible. My goal right now is to work at it being 90% and aim to get as close to 100% as possible. My body is demanding that at this point in time with having had 2 allergic reactions to something in 2 totally different meals within 4 days of each other. The third time I might not be so lucky. My bet is on that it was chemicals in the foods. Time will tell. Always enjoy everything you eat to the fullest otherwise what is the point of eating it?
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Thank goodness I got my kettlebell and kickboxing workouts in. I'll be feasting tonight! My step daughter and the baby are coming over!! Unfortunately dh is under the weather (may be kidney stones, took him to emerg last night and he's suppose to go for an ultrasound to confirm today but so far they have not called for me to bring him in) so hopefully he'll be awake enough to join us, not sure if he'll eat or not. Also means after 2 hours of grocery shopping (all by myself!) there was 2 hours of cleaning and tiding and tomorrow will be cooking for the week, getting ready for Monday and more laundry, but right now this beer tastes good!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    I love the eclipse photo!

    I hope to see some interesting night-sky life when we visit Iceland in July.