Hello from Scotland. :)

Hi there, my name is Greig. I live in North Lanarkshire in Scotland and I recently joined MyFitnessPal when my trainer at the gym mentioned it to me. I have actually been on a weight loss journey since June last year (2014), so for around 9 months. In that time I have lost 150 pounds of weight (Conversion fun time: 10 1/2 stone or 68kg). I was just over 400 when I started, my most recent weighing has placed me at 255 pounds. I am 6'4 though. I have a comparison of my face in my profile picture, though even the newer picture is a bit out of date as I have lost some weight since then.

I lost the weight by counting calories in my head, and I kind of wish I knew about MyFitnessPal when I started, not because I couldn't do it on my own, I would just love to have a record of my journey. I have been logging my meals and exercise since I joined a few days ago.

Some things to note about my eating habits: I don't eat a lot of meals. I have one meal a day and that's dinner, but it's big. This is what works for me, it is how I control my appetite and my urges. I also have a sweet tooth and I indulge that, after a meal I usually have some kind of dessert. This all falls under my calorie allowance of course.

Anyway, it's nice to meet you all. I love the website, its a very helpful tool. :)


  • keyshas84
    keyshas84 Posts: 113
    I enjoyed reading your story very encouraging!!!!! Add me if you'd like
  • afur73
    afur73 Posts: 63 Member
    excellent progress so far, keep it up.

    i am from east end of glasgow.
  • afacetocallhome
    afacetocallhome Posts: 91 Member
    Wow, you're doing really well! I'm sure MFP will be great for you - if you can achieve that kind of success without it, imagine how well you'll do with it. :smiley: Feel free to add me if you like! Best of luck to you.
  • Hazellae
    Hazellae Posts: 5 Member
    Woah, way to go dude :) I'm in South Lanarkshire so it's nice to see some locals!
  • Starmongoose
    Starmongoose Posts: 5 Member
    Hey guys! Thanks for such kind words. I've sent friend requests to you all. ^-^ And it's nice to see some other Scottish people too!
  • BaddaBingBadaBoom
    BaddaBingBadaBoom Posts: 141 Member
    Great journey!well done :D
  • caz30uk
    caz30uk Posts: 25 Member
    Well done!!! Glasgow here aswell