Sixers Holiday Challenge-Week 3



  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I added a side-by-side before and during photo to my profile pictures. I honestly don't even recognize myself before... Again, an older photo but there aren't many recent ones..

    Kristin, yay for good weekends!

    How is everyone else doing?

    I am still working on getting back into the good habits. I can't give in to the season and just think "I'll fix it later" so I've really got to see what I can do this week! It SHOULD be back to normal as far as my schedule goes so I hope to reverse the damage I've done in the next couple of weeks and end on a positive note!!

    Midnight... another late one. Had to upload pics after our night out! Here are a couple of picture links!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    can't beleive that there is no chatter lately.....hope people aren't falling away :frown:

    i have had a good weekend....went and did some Christmas shopping...some grocery shopping....and some clothes shopping for me.....
    found this really cute shirt at tjmax and told DH i really need it in a larger size, he's like just try it on would you. (he is the type who likes to pick out my clothes and must see them on while i try on. he knows if i don't like it i won't get it, cause i won't wear it.) so i try it on and it fit and looked good. on sale for $5. i also found me a shirt at cato and it fit, while i was taking it off i noticed there was a zipper on the side. i put it on without using the was only $2.99. my DH says i have an affair with clearnce. which is fine with me. these prices are cheaper than goodwill. he found a really cute top, but, put it back i asked why and he said you won't pay over $5 for it. he's right. i don't like paying full price for anything, unless i need to.
    at the commissary he found me some mrs smith 100 calorie desserts. chocolate cake, cheese cake, apple crisp. than i got some little ice cream cups, so for 200 calories i can have cake and ice cream.
    had ruby tuesdays for lunch, had salad bar. had hardees for dinner, had low carb chicken, and small fry....and had cake and ice cream and still had cals left. didn't do any exercising either. it can be done, it's all about choices.

    well, that was my saturday. time to move onto sunday, i am doing laundry, cleaning for the coming week, planning meals for the week, and catching up with emails to family. not going anywhere today. i hope.....

    back later....cathy
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy, sounds like a great day! I love finding good deals on clothing, especially when it's transitional!

    I don't think people are falling away... it's such a busy time of year. I'm still here :bigsmile: I've just been a little depressed after such an awful week but by now I sure know what the cure to THAT is. Just gotta keep on plugging away!!

    I hope everyone has a great Sunday! :heart:
  • pdxmomof2
    I am here, I am here!

    Good morning!

    Yesterday was so much fun. Went to get our Chritmas tree and it was snowing up on the mountain. Kids had a blast. We found the "perfect tree!". Here is a link to some pics of the day.

    It is currently snowing where I live which doesnt happen often so I am heading off to the gym before it gets crazy out there! Supposed to be snowing all day so its a sewing day for me. Making flannel PJ bottoms for both of my boys for Christmas.

    Have a wonderful day all!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    well day just turned sour....not going to let this problem make me eat.....i have control....would rather not discuss it.
  • rlh0614
    rlh0614 Posts: 73 Member
    Cathy - I am sorry your day went sour.. but finding clothes cheap is a great feeling, but thinking you won't fit into them and then do.. .well that is a fantastic feeling! Congratulations!!!!!!!! :wink:

    This weekend has been rough, a funeral, another work xmas party, going away party (with lots of booze which is just a calorie hog!), and then a day out for football.. NO good eating habits this weekend, but I have been countering it with exercise... so I hope I at least stay even this weigh in!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend.... and Kristen how are you living with Dial up!?!?!??! I couldn't do it.
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Just a quick hello,

    I'm still alive!! haha, just busy as I have a final tomorrow (if we don't have a snow day) and with classes being over have gone out the last two nights so hopefully cals haven't been to bad because of that.

    Hang in there everyone, I will be back in full force for weigh in on Tuesday!!!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I have been really quiet this week. My internet was off for a day and then just been busy lately. I will get back to it now. I kind of went off of my eating this past week. Not really candy and chocolate but fast food. Today is a new start for me now. I was doing so well so I dont want to go back to the way I was. I hope everyone had a great weekend.

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Ladies! Let's all just remember the big picture. We're in a challenge where we've set out to lose a particular amount, yes. We want to see progress every Tuesday, yes. But remember that we are doing this to change the rest of our LIVES. I've been wrestling with myself for an entire week over my choices and situation (with the combination of many choices I would rather not have made, and a flu that has really shaken my body up) and we all just have to remember that temporary failure, even a week or a MONTH of slips, can be reversed by having just ONE good day and following that with another until our minds and our bodies remember the natural high that comes with this fabulous lifestyle. You know what?? There's a reason the holidays are the pinnacle of "survival guides" and diet and health club high-points. At every single turn we are inundated with foods that confuse our bodies and entice our taste buds, traditions that ask us to cook and eat and serve and bake and "relax!" and "enjoy!". We are all in the thick of learning and transitioning to a new way of living, cooking, eating, thinking, feeling and doing. So keep trying. Keep starting over when you slip up. Every day we learn something about this journey: We learn how amazing it feels to go to bed knowing you've had a "perfect" day. We learn that aunt Jean's gingerbread are indeed the toughest obstacle and then the next day we learn that in fact the toughest obstacle is Mom's holiday stand-by. We learn that it doesn't kill us to pass up the big piece of pie. There are lessons in our successes and lessons in our lapses and by being honest with ourselves we will make it that much easier next year. What we're here for is worth this effort. It's worth the personal accountability, the feeling of disappointment when that number on the scale temporarily creeps back up after a few bad days or weeks, because in the long run we're still here and we're still trying and we're still seeing goals met over time.
    We can do this ladies. And we'll take turns being the "strong one" because we all have times of great success and we all have times of great challenge. Pat yourself on the back girl. Look at what you've already done!! :flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    So! Here's my plan for tomorrow!


    1) sweet quinoa porridge
    2) scrambled egg whites w/ salsa on sodium-free Ezekiel toast w/ ketchup. Sounds weird, I know, but it's so good!
    3) gala apple, 1 cup raw broccoli w/ 2 tbsp organicville sundried tomato & garlic vinaigrette
    4) lightly steamed carrots & zucchini (about 1 3/4 cups total) w/ olive oil, balsamic vinegar & roasted sesame seeds
    5) chocolate whey protein shake made w/ 1 cup skim milk
    6) weight watchers tortilla "pizza" made w/ bison meat, grated carrot, spinach, skim milk cheese, tomato, salsa, bell peppers & onion
    7) 1 pomegranate

    With that menu I'm over by 13 calories but I do hope to go try a new class at my gym. I'm looking after my friend's daughter tomorrow so if she is back in time I'll go to the gym for the Rep Reebok class which is sort of like BodyPump in that it's a pre-choreographed weight training class. But I adore the BTS classes (BodyPump, BodyStep etc) and they don't have them in this city - everything I try is judged against it though!! I want to get more weights in. I am supposed to have dance on Mondays but I've missed so many classes since my FIL was sick that I don't know the performance piece they'll be rehearsing so I'll do something I can participate in. There's a show this week. But yes, if I don't get to the gym I'm only over by 13 and can easily make that up with Turbo Jam or the NYC Ballet DVD or something.

    Cass, I've been thinking a lot about you these days and I hope you're still lurking and doing well!! :heart: If you haven't been keeping up with your plan we still want to hear from you and if you have, well geez let us know that too! I just hope you and your girl are having a nice holiday season!

    Kristin, did your weekend end as well as you'd hoped??

    Cathy, sorry to hear you've had a rough day but keep on plugging away! You can do this :flowerforyou:

    Becky, sorry you've had a rough weekend too but good for you trying to balance things with exercise!

    Connie, you recognize what your temptation has been and that's a good step in getting back in charge :wink: Let's jump back on that wagon together, lady!!

    Katy, I LOVE your new picture. You look great! How has the house-hunting been??

    Deb, still in the thick of your busy time? How are you holding up?

    Lauryn, is your funk fading? Any fun holiday traditions you and your adorable family have been up to?

    Robin, has the cake goblin left your house? That's a tough one. Any more insight into what's been causing your frustration with yourself? *hug*

    Hi to everyone I missed! I'm not doing so well getting to bed at a decent hour. Just so much to do these days. But it's all fun stuff :bigsmile:
    I'll be busy tomorrow but have a great one if I don't get to check in until later!

  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Thanks Rhiannon! You wrote your message perfectly. I felt every word of it and I appreciate you taking the time to refocus us all!!! :love: YAY!!! You should write motivational speeches! Thanks a million.
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Now that I have read all the weekend post!

    Connie- Good luck! Remember each time we eat, we can choose to make a step towards a healthy future!

    Amylou- Good luck w/ the last final! You can do it!

    Amy- Loved the pictures of you and the family. Looks like you had tons of snow!

    Becky- I'm glad you made it through the busy weekend. Next week is a fresh start.

    Cathy- I am a bargain shopper too! I have to go to the dollar tree to settle my shopping impulse sometimes. LOL

    Kristin: Dial up does suck! I love the Nutcracker hope you enjoyed it!

    Tan- How are you girlie? Let us know if you need some motivation!

    Well tomorrow I have another interview and then I will be deciding which program is better for me. Then 2 days of apartment searching and then driving 14 hrs back to Memphis. This time I will drive thru Ga. so I can visit some friends and break up my drive.

    Take care :flowerforyou:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morin" all....
    i just had such a good breakfast. i made my own egg mcmuffin, so good. today seemed like it was better than past days.
    did my gym workout already. still doing the 5 am wake up to take son, had a few glitches with the car yesterday. for me anymore gets me to the gym 3 days a week.
    i know my scale should show a loss tomorrow morning. excited about it. have been so in the groove this week. hope to stay in the mode for awhile.
    Christmas shouldn't be bad for me. we do a brunch intstead of a full meal. and since nothing has been said to me about plans, we just plan on being here, except to run gifts to shanells.
    need to record my exercise and get my food in.
    dinner tonight is chili mixed with rice put in toritta wraps, a quick and easy one. that should cost me some calories, i have them today.
    check in later
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals! Wow...I must say Rhiannon, your post was VERY uplifting and already gave me a great attitude for the day! Thank you!:flowerforyou: My weekend did not end as planned. Saturday when my mom and I went out for dinner, I had a big piece of lasagna...BAD choice...but it happens. Plus I ate an abundance of chocolate over the weekend and did not drink much water, but I got all my workouts in. And although I may have staying within calories (I honestly am not sure because I don't know exact nutritional info on what I ate) I know that my body is retaining water...I couldn't even get my rings off this morning!:noway: But I'm hoping that with a good day back on track today, I can still see an okay number on the scale tomorrow...I hope!

    Today is going to be kind of weird because I have a doctors appointment after work and so hoping it gets done in time to make it to BodyPump...but we will see. If not, I will go and do circuit weight training on my own and run on the treadmill...I CAN'T skip! So...dinner will probably just be a Luna Bar because I'm guessing it will be late by the time I get home from the gym. Then maybe some air-popped popcorn as a snack. Here's the rest of the meal plan:

    Old Orchard - Healthy Balance Pomegranate Cranberry, 8 FL OZ 29
    Bananas - Raw, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long) 105
    One A Day - Womens Multi Vitamin, 1 tablet 0
    Cream of Wheat Instant - Cinnamon Swirl, 1 packet 130
    Total breakfast 264

    AM snacks
    Coffee - ground, 2 cup 0
    Nestle Coffee Mate - Coffee Creamer (Sugar Free Vanilla Caramel), 2 tbsp 30
    Kashi Tlc - Soft Baked Cereal Bar-Blackberry Graham, 1 bar (35g) 110
    Total AM snacks 140

    Spaghetti - Whole-wheat, cooked, 1 cup 174
    Hunts - Spaghetti Sauce, 1/2 cup 60
    Diet Coke - Soft Drink, 6 fl. oz. 0
    Ae Yo-Lite Yogurt - Yogurt, 6 oz 80
    Home made basic salad with spritzer dressing, 1 meal 83
    Total lunch 397

    Afternoon snacks
    Kashi Tlc - Chewy Granola Bars - Honey Almond Flax, 1 bar (35g) 140
    Apples - Raw, with skin, 1 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb) 72
    Total afternoon snacks 212


    PM snacks

    Total: 1,013
    Your Daily Goal: 1,200
    Remaining: 187

    Have a FABULOUS morning ladies!!!!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Good Morning everyone. Well I made it to the gym this morning and did my step class. That is good since I am giving my cub scouts a pizza party tonight. I will have to watch what I eat then. But they deserve it. I told them if we made our goal of selling $10,000 worth of popcorn I would give them one.

  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248

    This is the longest I've been away from mfp since August. I am still pretty busy trying to finish up finals and Christmas shopping and spending quality time with my family. I have not stayed with my few little rules I made for myself for this busy season and my weight is slowly creeping up. I'm trying to get back to those rules today. This is the time I really need to learn from; when I get too busy to eat right, exercise, etc. It never fails these are the times I usually throw in the towel for a long time. It is so hard to juggle everything and try to remember how important it is to take care of myself for more energy to give to all those other things that need tending to.

    Tredmill as soon as I get off this computer.
    1: oatmeal, brown sugar splenda, & dried cherries, 1 rolo
    2: skim milk & pumpkin bread
    3: Sweet potato, light butter & brown sugar splenda, turkey
    4: banana & natural peanut butter
    5: turkey, ff gravy, sweet potato, green beans, stuffing
    6: weight watchers frozen dessert

    Have a great day!:bigsmile:
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    If anyone has any tips for staying on track while feeling overwhelmed by too much too do and not enough time please post.

    Reminder to myself: These are the minimum things I should do during busy times like holidays.

    My rules if I don't have time to plan:

    Drink my water daily
    Exercise at least 3-4 times per week (even if only a few minutes; after a few I should feel like I may as well do more since I've come this far)
    Eat at least 1 fruit & veggie per day
    Have soup and salad for lunch &/or dinner whenever possible
    Weigh in twice a week


    Now I am really going to get on that tredmill
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Deb...You will be fine. Just think of the big picture and envision where you want to be. You CAN get through this!

    I just wanted to let you all know I started tomorrows new thread...Sixers Holiday Challenge Week 4! See you there in the morning!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    deb....try not to over think what you need to do. just do it without thinking twice about it. you need to take care of you to be able to take care of everything else going can do this. once it becomes habit, it becomes easier and just second nature. keep up the great work. the holiday will be over soon.