"French women don't get fat" following the book.



  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    Dragn77 wrote: »
    I find that the richer and tastier a dish is, the less of it I need to be satisfied. I remember the first time i went to a fine dining restaurant, and I ordered ravioli... It came with 3..yes THREE ravioli on my plate. I looked at it like OMG are you SERIOUS?!

    But by the time I made it to the last one, I was stuffed...it was SO good that I was slowly eating it and savouring every bite of it. Very different from when Id get a big plate of pasta and I just shovel it down... and for sure, a lot less calories too.

    I think that is a big part of it though, smaller portions, but packed with fresh, full on flavour, that you actually taste and enjoy the process of eating. At home, that is what I strive for...which is I dont use low fat, no fat, low this, diet that... I just have the real deal in sensible portions. When we go out, what comes on my plate literally can be 2 or even 3 meals...

    Add to it making a lifestyle of being active (trying my best to get my 10k steps in! But trying to walk more, drive less..) and yes..BASICALLY its eat less / move more. But the method of actually eating enjoyable foods, and being active as a lifestyle, doing things you enjoy rather than forcing yourself to eat bland food or forcing yourself to the gym if that is not somethign you enjoy, that I think is the difference that can really help.

    So much this.

    The more calories a food has, the more important it is to really experience eating that food.

    I don't multi-task while eating calorie dense foods. When I eat a half cup of gelato, I sit down, use a small spoon, and taste every bite. If I eat a pastry, I focus on the pastry. I never eat calorie dense foods while in motion (as I walk, or as I drive).

    But don't limit really savoring the taste of food to high calorie foods. Appreciate how good those berries taste, or the crunch of celery, or whatever works for you.

    Healthy weight is not self flagellation with food. If you don't like a food, it doesn't matter how healthy it is, it's not a good choice for you.

    The rest of it is, yes, more activity. Just walking is *huge*; also weight lifting and higher intensity cardio for more calorie burn are great, but don't snub lots of walking. 12,000 steps a day gives me an extra 375 calories to play with!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I've mapped out the walking route to our local Wal-mart, and it's 2.5km. This summer that will be eminently do-able.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    "The Family" (2013), a topical movie. You'll love the grocery store scene. French and Italian dishes are on display.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I've been reading this book for a short time now and I'm feeling really good about the idea of eating for pleasure. I've tried eating clean and restrictive but I haven't made any weight changes because I just lost so many foods! Has anyone else read the book or followed the tips? Or in fact want to try it with me?

    I've never read it, but that sounds appealing to me. I found focusing on eating mindfully and making sure I really appreciated what I was eating and making everything as delicious as possible quite helpful. I would tend to agree with those who argue that the US has a screwed up food culture (not sure if you are American, but I am), in that there seems to be this weird focus on either eating as much as possible cheaply (all you can eat! giant servings) or being over the top with the deprivation (diet foods and the idea of pleasure in food as almost sinful).

    What is your take away from the book so far?
  • duplicitous
    duplicitous Posts: 82 Member
    Most Eurpoean cities are mobile by hoofing it rather than driving and this by far aids to their trim figures. I think that alone will bring results to anyone. If the book sounds like something that would work for you and is enjoyable, why not give it a try?
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member

    I think this is why a lot of people on here get upset when someone says they are giving up sugar, dairy, carbs or whatever. It is no fun to eliminate the foods we enjoy and is a recipe for failure. We need to satisfy cravings. I find when I eat less of the food I enjoy, I am not as hungry than if I were to eat huge portions of tasteless foods.
    That being said, some people are not able to control their "off switch" and it may be better for them to avoid their trigger foods until they are more in control. I feel lucky that I can have that one little piece of chocolate or 1 ounce of cheese and stop.
  • duplicitous
    duplicitous Posts: 82 Member
    I've read (not in this particular book, but other places) about eating higher quality, tastier food but just eating less of it. It only takes a little bit, for instance, of roquefort cheese to get that hit of taste whereas it takes quite a lot of crappy cheap cheese, with which you may never actually enjoy the taste. Also, because roquefort (or really good wine or premium dark chocolate or whatever) is a stronger taste, you actually *can't* eat as much of it. I'd rather have one square of really good chocolate over a lot of average chocolate any day!

    I would agree to this statement whole heartedly.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Just reading this, I have to agree with those who find the idea of chicken and steamed veggies for life depressing. I was reading a People magazine with those who "lost half their size" and in the "what they eat" part it was always boring, horrible stuff.
    I think I will try two days per week at 500 cals, or fasting before a meal out.
    I think it's easier to eat intuitively, for me, when I am not working out because it makes me so hungry, and I want to reward myself for the hard work...
  • Terryb99
    Terryb99 Posts: 23 Member
    I work for a French company. When I go back to the home office, I am amazed at the food.
    They tell me it is the smaller portions, eaten over a long period of time, that helps. When they take me out, 2 hours is the shortest dinner I have ever had, most are 3 even 4 hours.
    Combined with a lot of walking that most urban people do, they don't get as fat as one would think, lol
    But times are changing they warn. More fast food and eat on the run is happening.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Hello Holly,
    I have not read the book in fact I have not heard of it. But would agree that there is more to food than just deriving the energy from it.
    I come from an Italian family (well half of my family is) and we sat at the table for every dinner, we would talk about our day and just enjoy each other’s company. Every Sunday we would go to my Nona’s and have a big Sunday dinner with all of our family my uncle and Aunt and all my cousins would be there we would spend hours at the table, talking, joking, laughing, reminiscing.
    Food should be enjoyed and how we eat and what we eat should be enjoyed as well. So mangiare bene!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Most Eurpoean cities are mobile by hoofing it rather than driving and this by far aids to their trim figures.

    I think this is really important, although I managed to get fat in a walkable US city (I was not walking as much as I could and should have been, though). When I first committed to losing weight one of the first things I did was make myself walk everywhere possible, and I think that was related to the fact that I managed to lose significantly more than predicted at the calories I was eating.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I will say this. .. because of this thread, I've decided to challenge myself this week to walk, instead of drive to places within 2 miles of me. Pretty much everything, including my job, is within 2 miles, yet I get in my car to go everywhere. Like a typical American! Lol

    I've been struggling with hitting my 10k steps and this thread got me to thinking of everyday lifestyle changes... and so I walked to work today. Sort of dreading the walk back lol but whatever. So yeah, thank you for the inspiration :smiley:
  • radmack
    radmack Posts: 272 Member
    A common theme seems to be that they also smoke instead of eating . . .
  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    I am a professor in the French-speaking part of Canada. Many of our students are direct from France and some of them are heavy, so it is a myth that they are all thin. One young woman was, in fact, quite chubby when she came to our team and rapidly lost 30 lbs by taking up salsa dancing! (Not pounding for hours on the treadmill :)) She's still slim, a decade later.

    I agree with most of the posts regarding eating SMALL portions of good food. I think that I gained a lot of weight by eating far too much cheese at one sitting. Here, we often end our meals with salad and cheese rather than a sweet dessert. But, boy - you can sure consume a mortifying amount of calories in a few triangles of cheese if you are not careful!!!! A "real" serving of cheese would be an ounce without bread, which is tiny (compared to what I'd rather eat).

    Yes, lots of walking in France. Our French students are shocked when they come to Canada and see how spread out our cities are and realise that it is not practical to walk everywhere as in Paris, for example. On the other hand, many people in my neighbourhood (lots of trim Quebecers) take a nice walk after supper, regardless of the weather. We can all do that, and it feels wonderful to get fresh air, even if it is a just 10 min walk in the freezing cold.

    Regarding the OP's original post, I am sure that you can eat what you like and expend your calories in the most interesting way possible. Just make sure that the calories IN are fewer than the calories OUT. MFP is a great help to me.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    It all does seem to boil down to 'eat less, move more'. That's what I've been doing, and I'm not surviving on 'diet' foods either. Most of the changes I've made have been portion control. Checking how much I eat, how much I put on my plate, how much I order, etc. If you grow up in the US, you don't always realize just how MUCH food restaurants give you until you start logging. That's been the biggest change for me, and I can still have foods I like. As for exercise, just gotta find something you like doing and do it. It doesn't have to be 'structured' exercise too. Walk to nearby places and restaurants. Park at the end of the parking lot. Always take stairs vs. the elevator. Small things do add up, despite what some people say.
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    I really enjoyed the book, and a lot of the advice it gives is based on conclusions I have come to myself - only eat tasty calories, find ways of making exercise fun and get some on your lunch break etc.

    However, to burst the bubble of "French women don't get fat".... they do. 25% in fact. Which, while still being among the lowest obesity rates in Europe is still a sizeable portion.

    So, while I wholeheartedly agree with most of the advice, don't fool yourself into thinking you no longer need to calorie count.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    Alright guys, thanks for your great, motivational tips :\
    I was referring to eating more enjoyable foods rather than plain chicken and steamed vegetables and protein shakes. And getting my exercise done in more enjoyable, stimulating ways rather than pounding a treadmill for an hour.
    Besides, I wasn't asking for advice. I was asking for companions and experiences
    Eat less and move more. There is no magic involved.
    For over 30 years now, I've eaten what I've wanted and have stayed in reasonably good shape during that time. Life is about balance and part of that balance is ENJOYING foods that bring a smile to your face. I've met people who have the mantra of "eat to live" only and from my experience with them, they just don't seem that happy. Probably because they don't attend enough parties due to the fact that they end up bringing their own foods!! (Yes, it's happened to me a couple of times). Happiness counts and I know so many people disgruntled that they HAVE to stay on a restrictive diet (no medical or health reason involved) to lose weight.
    Ask most lean fit people what they eat and they'll usually say "whatever I want, but in moderation".

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Eat less and move more. There is no magic involved.

    Yes, yes, but there's always something interesting to investigate. I've heard of this book.

    I live in NYC and walk everywhere. The subways stop every 10 blocks. 10 blocks is not worth spending $2.75 to get somewhere, so unless it's freezing or pouring, I'm walking (or riding my bike). 10,000 steps is pretty easy to get as a baseline that way and my gym, interestingly enough, is about 11 blocks away.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Eat less and move more. There is no magic involved.

    Yes, yes, but there's always something interesting to investigate. I've heard of this book.

    I live in NYC and walk everywhere. The subways stop every 10 blocks. 10 blocks is not worth spending $2.75 to get somewhere, so unless it's freezing or pouring, I'm walking (or riding my bike). 10,000 steps is pretty easy to get as a baseline that way and my gym, interestingly enough, is about 11 blocks away.

    I live in England and walk everywhere, except work. If I don't take my kids out for walks/on their scooters they become like wild caged animals lol.

    I read a Bill Bryson book years ago and he talks about the differences between England and the US, and about how people drive to the shop 2 minutes down the road.

    England does have an obesity problem now, but I think that's more to do with food than exercise, although of course there will always be lazy people.

    French people just have smaller portions, and snack less.