College Kids?



    COLTMUSCLE97 Posts: 224 Member
    I'm going to college :D
  • tammyy93
    tammyy93 Posts: 1 Member
    21 and grad school :smile: I live at home so I don't have to worry about weird cafeteria food- I just bring lunch and snacks from home so I can easily count the calories.
    I hardly have any sodium at all... I hate salty foods. I have a problem with sugar though. Even if I'm under my calorie goal (1250), I'm usually consuming way too much sugar :/
  • cdogthegreat0702
    cdogthegreat0702 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm going into college next year and I am SO worried about eating healthily with only a microwave and a few DH meals per week! And I hate working out in gyms, so that's also going to be a problem. Obviously, I'm just gonna have to grow a pair and get over my fear of people- *gasp*- watching me exercise!
  • Yes! I just turned 21 and I'm on my 2nd year of College. I am getting my degree in Business and then planning on going to Culinary School.
  • bleighb21 wrote: »
    18 Sophomore Psychology major. Even living off campus it's hard to eat right, and it can be such a challenge to find time to work out. Running is really good for breaking up homework though! Feel free to add.

    Cool! A couple of my friends are psych majors. And yes, I agree, running is good for breaking up homework!

  • Yes! I just turned 21 and I'm on my 2nd year of College. I am getting my degree in Business and then planning on going to Culinary School.

    Awesome! Culinary School sounds fun! You'll definitely learn how to make your own healthy meals if that's the direction you're leaning towards.
  • I'm going into college next year and I am SO worried about eating healthily with only a microwave and a few DH meals per week! And I hate working out in gyms, so that's also going to be a problem. Obviously, I'm just gonna have to grow a pair and get over my fear of people- *gasp*- watching me exercise!

    It's okay, I was worried too! My freshman year I actually avoided the DH for breakfast all the time because I thought that oatmeal I made myself with milk was better than the DH oatmeal made with water . . . I got over that haha.

    College really is an adjustment and it can be hard to make that transition at first, but you can do it! To keep up with your work, I recommend using a planner and writing down all the due dates for your assignments/tests in each of your classes! Because in college they give you a syllabus at the beginning of the semester that usually has all the due dates for the whole semester in it. The planner really helped me not stress out over work!

    And don't worry about people watching you exercise! Most of them will probably see you and think about how they should be doing what you're doing! And if you go to a large college you may not even see the people for a long time, so who cares what they think, you know?

    Good luck! You'll love college once you adjust! So much better than high school.

  • I'm going to college :D

    Awesome! Good luck!!! College is an adjustment but you'll love it once you get over the transition period! A planner has really helped me keep up with work these past two years, but if planners aren't your thing, you can always use an app on your phone. There are a lot of homework apps available that will actually send you reminders when something is about to be due.

  • cdogthegreat0702
    cdogthegreat0702 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm going into college next year and I am SO worried about eating healthily with only a microwave and a few DH meals per week! And I hate working out in gyms, so that's also going to be a problem. Obviously, I'm just gonna have to grow a pair and get over my fear of people- *gasp*- watching me exercise!

    It's okay, I was worried too! My freshman year I actually avoided the DH for breakfast all the time because I thought that oatmeal I made myself with milk was better than the DH oatmeal made with water . . . I got over that haha.

    College really is an adjustment and it can be hard to make that transition at first, but you can do it! To keep up with your work, I recommend using a planner and writing down all the due dates for your assignments/tests in each of your classes! Because in college they give you a syllabus at the beginning of the semester that usually has all the due dates for the whole semester in it. The planner really helped me not stress out over work!

    And don't worry about people watching you exercise! Most of them will probably see you and think about how they should be doing what you're doing! And if you go to a large college you may not even see the people for a long time, so who cares what they think, you know?

    Good luck! You'll love college once you adjust! So much better than high school.

    Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely be using a planner; I get overwhelmed when my assignments aren't organized, so laying everything out in an orderly fashion will help. I'm looking forward to putting the petty clique-ishness of high school behind! Everyone says that there's a greater sense of community in college, even on big campuses; I will gladly give up my solo workout sessions and healthy banana split pancakes to leave behind the competitive assholery of high school :disagree:
  • mandychowx
    mandychowx Posts: 179 Member
    Anyone can add me :) I went from 63kg to 50kg in 15 weeks. I eat clean, train twice a day while managing to be a full time nursing student. I can motivate and help you! <3