Starting on 3/1/15. Who is with me?



  • RBillard
    RBillard Posts: 49 Member
    I do 30 mins of steady state cardio (cycling/jogging) fasted upon waking in the morning, six days a week, and 30 mins of weight training 4 days a week (alternating push/pull workouts).
    BCUONZO Posts: 27 Member
    I am with you! I have 7lbs to lose until I hit my goal weight!
  • csimrill
    csimrill Posts: 26 Member
    RBillard wrote: »
    I do 30 mins of steady state cardio (cycling/jogging) fasted upon waking in the morning, six days a week, and 30 mins of weight training 4 days a week (alternating push/pull workouts).

    You may need to increase your time on cardio - even 10 more minutes per workout will make a difference (or increase your speed or level of difficulty). Interval cardio will also help. 1200-1400 calories seems low for a man.
  • amywillloseit2015
    amywillloseit2015 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi I started on march 1 also. I have about 40-50 lbs to lose in hopefully 15 months. I have lost 4 so far. I have started to go to the gym and I like to use the treadmill.Anyone can add me if they would like. We can motivate each other.
  • kinga_m
    kinga_m Posts: 24 Member
    edited March 2015
    It's Friday the 13th.
    Is it a bad day or a good day to get closer to your goals? :)
  • csimrill
    csimrill Posts: 26 Member
    I lost 3 pounds this week. I am so happy about that. I have been in a cast for a broken foot, so I have been extra careful about my calories. I was not able to do cardio due to the cast. So I was surprised by the results.
  • RBillard
    RBillard Posts: 49 Member
    Friday the 13th was anything but unlucky for me, had my weekly weigh in and was down 3.2 lbs from last week. Adding some extra cardio was a great suggestion, i think my results were a combination of that, and more strict food logging.
  • csimrill
    csimrill Posts: 26 Member
    RBillard wrote: »
    Friday the 13th was anything but unlucky for me, had my weekly weigh in and was down 3.2 lbs from last week. Adding some extra cardio was a great suggestion, i think my results were a combination of that, and more strict food logging.

  • csimrill
    csimrill Posts: 26 Member
    Trying to figure out how to send friend requests. If you get multiple ones from me (not sure if this can happen), just ignore them. I'm not stalking you - I promise!
  • pokeytwisty
    pokeytwisty Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in!
  • tellicampi
    tellicampi Posts: 13 Member
    I had a non productive week. I missed some workouts. I didn't log my food properly and I missed a few days completely. The results show I gained about 2 lbs.

    I hope whatever that was is out of my system. I'm back on the horse this week!
  • kinga_m
    kinga_m Posts: 24 Member
    I had a non productive week. I missed some workouts. I didn't log my food properly and I missed a few days completely. The results show I gained about 2 lbs.

    I hope whatever that was is out of my system. I'm back on the horse this week!

    Having a bad week can happen any time - but the strength to get back on the horse is what counts! After all it was just one week and we are working for the long term.
  • Milotic2015
    Milotic2015 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm in with ya, I got a total of 80 lbs to lose, My goal is Dec. 22 which is my son's birthday. Everyone can add me if they want. I started a week ago. Lost 7 lbs so far. ( with only cutting out 5 can's of Soda a day. Still only drinking one can a day. but will cut that out in the next week.) Really need the support and some friends here.
  • lapriya
    lapriya Posts: 32 Member
    I have 20 lbs to lose. I changed my diet from march 1st. Lost 3 lbs so far.
    If scale moves this slow I probably won't even notice :neutral_face:
  • csimrill
    csimrill Posts: 26 Member
    I had a non productive week. I missed some workouts. I didn't log my food properly and I missed a few days completely. The results show I gained about 2 lbs.

    I hope whatever that was is out of my system. I'm back on the horse this week!

    I am glad you are back this week. Stay strong. I lapse every weekend - on purpose. You have to have some fun in life!!
  • 1determinesista
    1determinesista Posts: 5 Member
    Started yesterday working hard on my protein anyone can add me. Had a baby last year now time to get rid of these last 25lbs.
  • kinga_m
    kinga_m Posts: 24 Member
    Last day of the month! How are you all doing?
  • emma_brynt
    Today I begin my journey. I am looking for some friends on MFP so we can keep each other accountable. If anyone is interested - join up. What do you have to lose?

  • emma_brynt
    Hello, I just started myself today- and I'm in the same boat. I'm looking to meet some new friends and learn recipes and get more knowledge of exercise and eating healthy - xxxx
  • LoeshaElizabeth
    LoeshaElizabeth Posts: 96 Member
    group ive made for people to track their april goals and motivate and encourage each other.
    My goal is 7lb but there's more to it than just weight, check out the announcement 'beginning goals' on there and lets do this together,
    humans are creatures of habit, do it for a month consistently and your far more likely to continue, whos with me??