I'm giving up already



  • jkldsmom
    jkldsmom Posts: 15
    Don't give up! Even if you have a bad day, it isn't the end of the world. Just keep on going. You don't have to be perfect everyday to lose weight...just better than you were the day before. When you are learning anything new, it takes practice. Learning a new way to eat and move is the same way. You can not expect yourself to get into this and not have weaknesses and make "mistakes". Keep going and dont be so hard on yourself. (((hug))) Gina
  • michelle2566
    I have tried for years to lose weight and have lasted a few weeks,but this time I have said its not a diet its a lifestyle change,healthy eating and a bit more exercise and it has worked,I have lost 49 pounds feel so much better for it,its hard to start with but stick with it and once you feel your clothes getting a bit bigger it feels great.....
  • dibley_98
    dibley_98 Posts: 75 Member
    Please don't give up!!!! You CAN do....but it's only up to you! Just read throught some of the success stories on here....that's what helps me get through. I know it's hard, we all do but don't ever believe anyone that tells you you can't do it. They are not you...so when anyone does say that to you, just pretend what they're really saying is, " I couldn't do it" and then agree with them. :wink:

    My motto when I started my weight loss journey is

    "THIS IS IT"

    because it's about me!!!

    It can be for you too!! Just believe!
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    Buck up! YOU are in charge of this. Not all days are perfect, and it's not going to be easy. There will be people who will NOT support you and will tell you you can't do it. Don't join them- they don't have anything to lose if you quit- but YOU DO.

    Stick with it for 5 more days. You don't have to make any decisions right this second. Just come back and log your calories, and see how you feel tomorrow.

    There are a lot of people here who will support you if you give them a chance....but no once can do that if you leave.
  • sarahjane0506
    hey you already did 5 days ... mfp is not diet (that's the only reason i can do it) its more of realising what you putting into your body... knowledge is power as they say.....
  • imogenboo
    imogenboo Posts: 63 Member
    Don't give up! I'll friend you so I can give you support and advice, you can do this with help on your side :)
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    No - stop that. You can do anything - it IS within you to attain your goals. Take baby steps. You will get there.
  • Thompsonic7
    Thompsonic7 Posts: 32
    Thank you so much everyone. I *don't* want to give up but the comments were especially hurtful to me as they were from my own mother. I'm going to stick this out and prove her wrong.
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Hold on a minute! Don't give up on yourself so easy. The fact that you stuck to this for 5 days is an amazing feat for most people. There were so many times in my journey (that I am still on) that I thought the same thing. My fiance actually told my just about the same thing that you were told but I didn't let it get me down. I took that negative comment and used it as fuel to get up and fight for my health and happiness every day. There are still days where I feel like giving up, but I know that if I push myself I am capable of anything and SO ARE YOU!!! You owe this to yourself and your family to take care of you for a change. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do something because most of the time it is just a way of bringing you to their level because you are achieving something that they are not or are too afraid to even try.

    I have never posted on here before, but you really need to hear that you are important and you can do anything that you set your mind to. I know that sounds cliche, but if everyone just gave up when someone said something negative to them where would this world be. Please don't give up. We are all here to support you in your journey. You deserve this!! Take that comment and let it burn inside of you to push yourself and before you know it you will be posting your success story just like all the others!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    So I'm looking at your profile and I'm thinking you may want to seek some professional help. You have some pretty intense insecurities and you call yourself "gross" at 158 lbs. I'm fully supportive of people setting their own goals even if they seem kind of low or high to others, but you have a lot of self hatred that is fairly radiating off of you. MFP is a great place to be, its a great tool to use to help you learn and build healthy eating habits, but you need to be able to approach it from a mentally healthy perspective.

    158 at your height is not gross. In fact, it's well within a healthy weight range.
    Screw what other people tell you. If you do want to lose weight, in a healthy and positive way, there's no reason you can't.
    "Sticking to it" is a misleading concept. Everyone falls down. You won't get anywhere if you just give up now.

    My $.02 is that you find someone to talk to - start with your self image before you start messing with your body.

    Self hatred and guilt will do you no good- not on this journey and not on any meaningful journey in your life.

    Best of luck to you.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Dont give up - you CAN do it - I promise!

    I thought I couldnt do it when I started, and the first few weeks were hard, as I was hungry, and not seeing much in the way of results, but now - 2 months in, I am down 15lbs!

    Seriously, if I can do it, you can too! I am now no longer hungry on 1200 calories (plus my exercise calories) and am learning to eat the right things within those calorie allowances.

    Another thing that was getting me down was the fact that my target was 82lbs, which just seems SO long away! I have now set myself mini goals (as you can see in my signature below) and I am just going from one to the next.

    Best of luck, and please dont give up! It might be an idea to add as many friends as you can on here - the motivation from people here is just AMAZING! Feel free to friend me :smile:
  • theladebug
    theladebug Posts: 54 Member
    I don't think MFP is a diet at all... its just a tool to help you learn to make healthy choices for yourself. It helps you track the calories you are eating and makes you more aware of the things you are putting into your body. Like people always say, its about progress and not perfection.

    One of the most inspiring people I've met lost nearly 300lbs and her motto was "You can have anything you want, you just can't have it all in one sitting"

    Just remember that we all have hard days, and you will never be "perfect", so cut yourself some slack, expect to slip up occasionally and enjoy the ride!
  • Eyoung8
    Eyoung8 Posts: 107 Member
    One day at a time. Just take it one...day...at...a...time...

    NOTHING worth having comes with ease!

    Time flies and before you know it, it'll be 6 months from now and you'll be closer than you were today!
  • Buddie616
    Buddie616 Posts: 167 Member
    Don't think of this as a "diet" these are lifestyle changes.Conscience decision you are making to improve your health and hey an excuse to shop for NEW clothes and shoes

    You are so right!!! Preach it!
  • Shawnna1965
    Shawnna1965 Posts: 16
    Sounds to me like she's a bit jealous of your progress and success.. that's something to be proud of. Misery loves company but Happiness is so much more fun. :)
  • MarthasMum
    MarthasMum Posts: 26
    Well, giving up is an option but it just might prove to "them" that they were right and they're NOT. Go for it and show them you're the one in control now. x
  • simplyshannal
    simplyshannal Posts: 188 Member
    Don't think of this as a "diet" because pretty much none of us do. We all have bad days and we all have days where it would just be easy to give up but we just push through and think about the real outcome. As I can see, you are 5'11" and you weigh in the 150's, why on earth are you trying to diet? You are a very healthy weight for your height and if anything, all you need to do is tone up. I am 5'11 1/2"..almost 6' and when I weighed 175 lbs I wore a size 4 and a bikini and all I had to do was simply keep tone. You are beautiful and you need to embrace that by just eating healthy. Don't go stuff your face and such, just tell yourself that you can make a lifestyle change and heck, you have done 5 days and it only 21 to make something a habit, so stick with it and don't ever listen to other people who put you down because usually they are only doing it because they can't do what you are doing. Keep your chin up and just push through because you are worth it!!!
  • Eyoung8
    Eyoung8 Posts: 107 Member
    Who told you that? :(

    Want me to kick their a** for ya?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Eyoung8
    Eyoung8 Posts: 107 Member
    Don't give up! I'll friend you so I can give you support and advice, you can do this with help on your side :)

    Yeah, me too!
    Uh, I just saw your profile pic and you are GORGEOUS!!!
    Don't let ANYONE make you crazy...
  • Titch0808
    Titch0808 Posts: 13 Member
    You know what.. I have the same issue... and lived with it for a long time.....my mother tells me on a daily basis that I will never lose weight and always be fat.. and she has proved to be right for the last 10 years....

    I am now 30.. and it has taken me this long to realise that she is not right.... I am right... Just being on MFP should show you and prove to you that we can do it... like so many people on this website..

    You can take it 2 ways... comfort eat because it hurts when people say these things and prove HER right... or carry on, try and win and prove all the people on MFP and all the positive influences in your life right....

    I am on day 6... and its hard... but i know it will be worth it...